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What's your best Witness at the door story?

Okay, if you live within a hundred miles of a Kingdom Hall, you've had them come to your door.

So, what's your favorite tale? What happened?

I've invited them in for the studies. I've told them to please stop coming by. I've even had them tell me I'm a bad Christian for not debating or discussing with them.

How bout you?

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Next time one of them shows up at the door, just ask them this:

    If you believe only 144,000 of you are making it to heaven, why would you bother going door to door recruiting for your church? Wouldn't more members hurt your chances of making it to heaven, yourself?

  • Well, I have invited them in and debated with them.

    My favorite, though, was when I was living in Oklahoma, and some JWs came to my door. They saw the poster I had of a bunch of different kinds of marijuana, the centerfolds from High Times I had hanging up, my pentacles (including the one around my neck), and immediately walked away without a word. I suppose the cloud of smoke that came out when I answered the door didn't help either.

    That was a long time ago. I'm a Christian now. And I almost feel bad for the JWs that came to my house that day. Almost.

  • 1 decade ago

    I do live right down the street from a kingdom hall and they hardly ever show up here (of course I probably am not home if they do come)

    One time a couple of women came to the door and I said I would listen to them cuz I really dont know much about their religion. Then they found out I was mormon and tried to show me a bunch of scriptures proving how wrong I was. They kept saying we should take the scriptures literally. So I asked them if we should be acting literally like sheep, like the Bible says. I wasnt doing it rudely, I was just curious as to how they would respond, but they didnt. I asked them if they wanted a drink to take with them because it was warm outside. They said no, I said ok,. We both said thanks and they left.

    It was pleasant.

    I know how hard missionary work is, but debating a little is kind of hard to resist.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I thought I had a good story until I read your other answers......mine is toooo mild to post in comparison with some of these hilarious answers. All I can say is that the God who made the duckbilled platypus HAS a sense of humor.

    Reading some of these stories I remember the prophet Elijah when challenging the prophets of Baal, while they cut themselves and cried LOUDLY for their "god" to answer, Elijah jeered at them and asked if their god was going to the bathroom (I heard this from a preacher fluent in old testament Hebrew).

    I will pray for you to pick a "Best Answer" as I know I couldn't.


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  • 1 decade ago

    The best one I heard wasn't a personal experience, but one I read in a magazine, Reader's Digest, I think.

    One couple got a call from their neighbor that some JWs were headed to their house. Quickly, they poured ketchup all over the wife and on a large kitchen knife. When the JWs knocked at the door, the husband, holding the "bloody" knife, opened the door and yelled, "What do you want? Can't you see I'm busy?" and slammed the door.


  • 1 decade ago

    I had a couple Mormons come to the door in terrific rainstorm. I said I would keep an open mind if they would and they walked right back out into the rain.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well... when I was a JW, I really liked this little old (she was 80 if she was a day) Italian Catholic lady who would always invite me in for tea and cookies. She'd take the magazines from me and said she read them.

    One day I drew her attention to a particular article about some subject that I knew very well Catholics disagreed with. When she said she didn't know, I suggested she ask her priest about it. She said, "Why on EARTH would I do that!? I was born a Catholic. I was raised a Catholic. I'll die a Catholic!"

    Now I can just say, "Atta girl and thanks for the kindness you showed me."

    JWs are as nice as anyone else. If you're nice to them, it's good karma, just like being nice to anyone else. You pick.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Just debates and the usual tip-toeing around the house to see if they are gone yet.

    I did have one group never come back after we got into a discussion about their reading fun....

    But, on a bright note....JW's have Never been anything but nice and respectful to I don't mind them coming by occasionally.

  • 1 decade ago

    I was living on a delapidated olive farm in Tuscany (Italy) alone for a year. To cut a long story short, after 4 months of isolation and Italian TV I was thrilled to see a car driving up the dusty track toward the farmhouse. 3 JW's climbed out all hot and smiling with magazines in hand. Now I admit I hadn't seen anyone for a long while and I was starved for human contact, but I welcomed them and made lemonade without a second thought to my own needs. Thankfully 2 of them spoke English well enough and they started on about God and we conversed about the meaning of God from their side and mine, after 2 hours they were decidedly uncomfortable with my personal understanding of God, after 4 hours they were desperate to leave, as the sun sank over the mountains and I began to move in to my, 'Everything is conscious' speech they

    could not hide their utter panic that I would never shut up.

    So in good faith I decided that it was unfair to keep them there longer and so I asked them to call again the following month. They agreed with some relief and piled back in to the fiat uno faster than you can say Jehovah.

    They never returned.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have a friend who is a JW. I love talking about and debating religion with him. It makes me a stronger believer, dispite our different points of view. This question promotes a negative view on them. I'm not a big fan of anyone knocking on my door, but you have to give them some credit for working so hard at it.

  • 1 decade ago

    We are only doing what Jehovah wants us to do so it is not us as people you do not like rather it is Jehovah and the good news he gave us that we bring you reject.

    Jesus who sat on the Mount of Olives with his disciples told them what will take place before the end times.

    Matthew 24:14

    . . .And this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come."

    We are just fulfilling that prophesy. And whether it is to your agreement or not it will continue regardless. And yes, there are people who do want the good news of the kingdom, and it is them we are seeking out. We do this because of love for our neighbour regardless of the cost but more importantly we are vindicating God's name Jehovah and His Universal sovereignty throughout the earth.

    Ezekiel 38:23

    . . .And I shall certainly magnify myself and sanctify myself and make myself known before the eyes of many nations; and they will have to know that I am Jehovah.’

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