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Christians - when you are sick...?

Christians, when you are sick do you blame or fault god for your bad health?

If a lot of you thank god for your good health, would you not in turn blame him for you getting sick, or when a loved one dies of cancer?

A little while ago, someone asked who atheists thank for their good health, so I started to wonder who Christians blame for their bad health if they always thank god for their good health.

Please don't give me the whole spill about Satan makes you sick and God makes you better... that's completely ridiculous!


It just seems odd to me that someone would thank god for them getting over a cold, but not blame him for getting the cold in the first place... or for that matter their being such thing as colds and cancers and other illnesses.

Update 2:

It reminds me of sports teams who thank god for them winning, while the other team never blames god for them losing. So if god is responsible for the win, he is also just as responsible for the others losing.

Update 3:

I see a few answers with people basically equating it down to karma. Did I sin before getting sick... if so is god punishing me for sinning by making me sick.

One would think if that was the case, then murderers and rapists in prison would be sick all the time as they are the ones who typically sin the most or the worst, so by your own logic, they should have the worst cases of illness.

No offense, but that's just a tad bit too crazy and old testament like.

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I generally blame the other kids in my child's preschool class.

    but, I'm not Christian.

  • 1 decade ago

    I thank God for my health, but I don't blame anyone for my illness unless I brought it on. Most christians understand that this life is not as existential as most atheists would make it out to be. I don't worry too much about God's role in illness and death. I know that nothing bad can come from God. Does that mean he can't stop it if he needs to, no. He can do anything he wants, but he will always do what is best for us. Sometimes going through hard times is necessary for our spiritual growth. If you look at life as beginning when we are born and ending when we die, this would be impossible to comprehend. When you see this life as just a part of our eternal existence, the concept is not difficult at all to grasp.

    About Satan making you sick, that is rediculous. If Satan could make anyone sick he would do it to everyone all the time. The trouble is that often times people turn to God when they are sick so that would be the last thing Satan would actually want.

  • 1 decade ago

    I wish god will one day answer all questions asked in YA instead the believers answering it. After that we will only ask sensible questions and the experts will deliver the answers. Let us find out what are the root causes of all evils? Is it the religions or the faults of the humane beings themselves? There is no point posting questions and the answers come from the followers of the religions unless the questions are directed on the followers. So far I did not come across answers come from the religious authority. None of their office bearers notice?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sometimes, I worry that I did something wrong, and that sickness is my punishment. Othertimes, I see it as an answer to a prayer (in a way I didn't necessarily want)-- for example, like I pray for rest and relaxation then I get sick and I have no choice. I think some things, might be Satan, but God still has to allow it. So there's always a reason. And God is always in control. I thank Him even in the bad times.

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    First, a lot of sickness comes about because of poor health habits, and God shouldn't be blamed for them. For other illnesses, this is a fallen world and bad things are going to happen. Whether God heals me or not, God is there with me to comfort and help me. When I get well, I thank God for helping me and for good doctors and nurses.

  • Dana C
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I actually have a bad cold right now. I got it from spending time with a friend who already had a cold. A cold is a virus that can be spread from person to person....germs are everywhere on this planet. A person can take responsibility for their own health by practising precautions AND lots of hand washing. We know logically that because the earth is full of sin and imperfections that germs, disease, and viruses are man made, and will continue to affect everyone.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    When i get sick(cold,or a minor thing)first place i look at is myself,and question,where have i sinned? If i was to get a terminal disease(such as cancer)agaian,i would question myself and say,what or where have i sinned,and repent and ask God for forgiveness and healing.If God didnt heal me,then i must acccept His Righteous Judgment on my life and say,my life is your's Lord,take it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Christians do not blame God when they are ill, or when somebody that they love dies. It is part of this life. You mentioned Cancer, are you aware that mankind has to accept a lot of Blame for many cancers etc, remember, it is humankind that is causing Global Warming, and has produced Nuclear Bombs etc.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't blame God or satan. It's part of life's journey. I don't question why, where, or who it came from. I try to learn from every experience that's given to me. It is a blessing to be healthy, than many take for granted. Life is definitely not fair, it's how your deal w/what your given, whether it be much or very little. That will will reveal the substance of who you are.

  • S C
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    You can say that God is responsible for your bad health because God wills all things. Nevertheless, God does everything for a reason and that reason for your sickness might be to make you suffer and to look toward him. "Blame" is too harsh a word.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    God never promised us we would never be sick or experience hardship in this life. There is no reason to "blame" anyone for it. It's just something that happens in life. It is just another example that this ain't Heaven.

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