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Lv 7
randy asked in SportsOutdoor RecreationHunting · 1 decade ago

ever notice how people react to answers on firearms?

I recently answered a question for a guy named Andy Greenwod about a lever action shotgun used in terminator. I explained that the metallurgy of chinese weapons was not up to US standards and that they could be cryogenically treated to make them stronger, to save space I never went into detail about what the process involved, and he tried to sound all knowing (gave an incorrect come back) and insulted my answer.I also pointed out that the shotgun used in terminator was cut down, and only held 3 rounds. I never said a word about what a standard full sized would hold. Again, insults from mr Greenwood. If people can't accept answers, or listen to another persons opinions without getting so rude and bent out of shape, maybe they shouldn't be asking questions, and if they go off that easy, maybe they shouldn't be around firearms at all. What's your take on the subject?

23 Answers

  • JD
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Randy.You are 100% correct.Seems to me if they know everything already, makes you wonder why they waste everybody's time asking questions they already know the answers to...There are more than just a few here on answers PLUS TD's for good solid info and senseless attitudes....

    Wouldn't trust any of them with a "Cap Gun" let alone a REAL firearm.....

    *Check out the recent question "Coyote Rifle"... I rest my

    Source(s): Gunsmith/Gun Shop Owner-Broker-Dealer Avid Lifetime Hunter 36 Years Firearms Experience
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I always try to point out that the 2nd amendment to the US Constitution is there to provide the population with a realistic method of overthrowing a government that has become tyrannical. This is a fact that both sides tend to ignore to a large extent. With that said, a look at the website for the Brady Campaign will also show some significant lack of reality used by the gun control crowd. First of all, they try to use the numbers of firearms in possession of citizens as a major CAUSE of death and injury. They completely discount the human factor. A person bent on murder will find a way! In one of the "fact sheets" they say that: "In 2002 suicide by all means took the lives of 31,655 people in the United States: Of this number, 54% (17,108) were completed using a firearm." In essence, they are arguing that these suicidal people would not have committed suicide if a gun had not been available. NOT TRUE! A suicidal person, truly suicidal, will find a way to do it. In another "fact sheet" the Brady Campaign takes great pain to point out that the violence among African Americans features a large amount of firearm use. They are correct, there are a lot of guns being used when some members of the African American community commit violence against others. Of course they completely ignore the fact that the instances of street gang activity, drug use and dealing, prostitution, robbery, and just plain murder is statistically higher in that community and that most of the guns in use were obtained illegally! Again, if a person of any color or ethnic background is bent on committing a crime, they will find a way! So, you see that their main method of putting their arguments forward is by a twisting of the truth. They simply take the statistics that show methodology then argue that by removing the method, you will remove the possibility of the crime.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with you, but the door swings both ways.

    Like you, I've seen people asking questions who refuse to accept the answer you give. It is a shame. I am an experienced shooter and hunter, but I have learned a ton since checking out Yahoo Answers.

    On the other hand, I have seen answerers who are arrogant and really make me scratch my head. Some are self-proclaimed experts that seem to have to always be right and kind of take on the same roles at the askers you are talking about.

    I agree with you. If you ask a question, you should be open to people's opinions. If not, save everyone some time and agrivation and go visit another section (go harass the politics board).

    I just take getting b*tched at with a grain of salt. I have learned so much from the hunting board that I could really care less if some kid doesn't like what I have to say.

  • 1 decade ago

    I often though that this place should be called "Comments" , or "Opinions" not "Answers". In my opinion there aren't a lot of answers here, apart from a few of you that have real knowledge and experience.


    I love shotgun hunting, I sold almost all my rifles apart from a few that come in handy once and a while. My 12 gauge is my #1 hunting tool (this is my preference) and when I comment on it I get thumbs down and emails stating I have no idea.

    Well if I'm wrong or have no idea about my choose of hunting tool I guess I should tell the moose, deer, 2 geese and the variety of small game to get out of my freezer

  • 1 decade ago

    I'd have to agree with that. If you're not going to accept everyone's answer in a public setting, don't bother asking it! There is no need to come back and insult or argue with someone.

    I think the same can be extended to some answerers. No need to insult the asker or other answerers, and give thumbs-down to good answers. Of course there are always the thrashers in the chicken coop that will go 1 against 20 and say how they're way of doing something is better than "you experts" and the firearm/ammo/reloading industry for that matter.

  • 1 decade ago

    I wholeheartedly agree with you.. and the problem transcends just the firearms (hunting) sections... when I answer religion/spirituality questions, or even sports ( Im a Patriots and Sox fan.... so I get a LOT of rudeness and insults because my teams happen to be winning)

    It's only a small select group of people who spew insults or usurp your answers etc... so dont let it bug you too much, after all this is only online, not real life.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Right On Randy! People who ask the questions should be willing to hear the responses. Not all responses are created equal, but the asker should formulate their own opinion without arguing no matter the post. Thanks for asking this question as many of us have been thinking about these cretins that ask and then tell the "experts". Yahoo does need a seperate section for UK and AUS as they are not "free" countries when it comes to firearms as is most of the USA.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yeah, I'm with you on this. I think that most of the ones with the smart a** comebacks are kids. Take for instance the supposed 14 year old who went off on JD. They are so sure that they know everything and they are full of p i s s and vinegar that if you tell them something they don't want to hear, they don't have sense enough to just ignore it and let it go, they have to mouth off. Oh, sure there are also some adults(?) who feel safe in mouthing off in their anonymity. I guess we just have to lump them in with all of the ones who ask the really dumb questions with the unbelievably poor grammar and horrible spelling such as whether you can kill a t-Rex with a grenade launcher or would it hurt if you shot someone in the face with a 12 ga.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's not just firearms. All of Answers is like this. Rants from the uninformed rabble carry as much weight as the well reasoned insights of true experts. As someone already pointed out, this shouldn't be called "Answers". Retorts, taunts, misconceptions, or even BS, but without any way of vetting the quality of the replies, "answers" just isn't accurate.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree.

    I have learned much from answers despite my age and experience. The only thing that ticks me off here is anti-hunters and rude people. Well all have bad days and we all make mistakes but there’s no reason to just be an opinionated jerk.

    And then some people that just have a short fuse like my buddy Jim A LOL!

    Answers is a cross section of humanity so we have to deal with every cretin that pops up out of now where.

    Another aggravation is; why in hell has Yahoo answers got Australia and Great Britton on the same hunting forum here as the USA? DUH Yahoo do you have Homer Simpson handling that?

    I agree Mr P

    No pun intended :)

    For Boker my new toy;

    you mean like that? yeh they do that lol

  • 1 decade ago

    I find a lot of people get mad, because people answer there questions with a question. A lot of people in here attempt to sound a lot smarter than they really are, so maybe if people answered the questions as asked they wouldn't get shot back at. that's my take anyway. A simple answer like not enough information might be suffice.

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