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Christians - if god made us out of dirt, why is there still dirt?

This is my little counter argument to the completely ridiculous assertion that if we evolved from "monkeys" then why are there still monkeys.


For starters, the people who ask the why are there still monkeys question are showing that they lack the ability and understanding to comprehend evolution.

So by using the ever so clever Christian logic, why do we still have dirt if God made man out of dirt?


For those of you who don't really get it yet... THIS IS CALLED SARCASM!!!

Update 2:

Apparently some people think I do not understand evolution. This whole thing is a joke to the stupid question about man from monkey and why are there still monkeys. I firmly believe we evolved from an ape like ancestor, and that ape like ancestor evolved from something similar and so on and so forth.

It's a stupid assumption to ask if we evolved from monkeys then why are there still monkeys... which points out the person asking does not understand evolution. This whole question is making fun of those people who think along these lines and do not believe in evolution but have no problem with creation.

44 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I often wondered why I can't grind up a bunch of dead bodies and plant a seed and grow an apple tree from just their remains..... Or, why when you wet dirt you can mold it but when you wet a person the shape remains the same..... Or, if we are from dirt why is it ok to eat something that was grown in the remains "dirt" of our ancestors.Since we are all made of dirt, you know......

    I'm a little dirt pot, made from mud..

    Here is my dried spots, down there is my crud...

    When I get all wet I start to run,

    Back down to the ground where I came from......

    Apparently we are mud or dirt.....

    "then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature." Gen. 2:7


  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    You should have said,"If man is created from the dust of the Earth, then why is there still dirt?" I still think its a logical question because according to evolution, the prehistoric creatures were replaced by more advanced ones. Then why didn't that happen with the monkeys? Are monkeys still the superior race?Do they win the race? Forgive my stupidity. I'm not evolved enough to understand. You're right. So, maybe the answer is that we didn't come from Monkeys! Wait! So where did the dirt come from?!! Oh No!!! Maybe instead of babies, we should have had monkeys!

  • 1 decade ago

    and you wonder why I avoid such question just silly but here we go just this once

    I never the Why are their still monkeys but I was a sci-fi nut at one time

    but I will ask why were the monkeys the only thing to evolve when they are not even the smartest pig and dolphins are more intelligent, why is there nothing that evolved from a bird having wing would be cool or be like a mermaid for real (and I know this creature stared as a Babylonian God)?

    where are all the creatures that would be in between?

    OK that was the silly now for the real

    why can no one break the law of after each kind, you will never see a rhino give birth to a lion

    Gregor Mendel discovers this to be true in his experiments

    Source(s): o:)NA
  • 1 decade ago

    First, we did not evolve ("come from")

    monkeys. We and the apes came from a common or single ancestor, called proconsul. The pongids are not our ancestors.

    Maybe it was because there is far more dirt than what was/is needed to create man. If God did create man from soil, then it had to have been the very first life form (from which all subsequent life forms evolved) that was created from soil. All subsequent life forms would have been created from the same material of which its ancestors (after "the very first life form") were composed. That "same material" was the stuff that had been changed, via some inscrutable alchemy, from soil to something (cells & DNA) which could accomodate the needs of living organisms.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Because the dirt didn't evolve, God just used a small bit to make one man.

    As I understand the theory behind the whole "why are there still monkey's" thing is that they are saying if all monkeys eventually evolved into humans, then blah blah blah. So accordingly, if God didn't "evolve" all dirt, then of course there'd still be dirt.

    Okay, I don't ascribe to any of this lol, just saying what the answer would be lol

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That dirt represents the deceased

    Update: 'If something evolves, does the original which it evolves from die out' The answer to this is no.

    The main thing here is that evolution does not mean the original dies out. The original only dies out if the conditions change enough for it to be unable to survive. Accompanying questions could be 'why are there no Neanderthal men still in existence but there are monkeys?' No Neanderthal men are in existence because the more evolved less - Neanderthal's killed all the more Neanderthal, less evolved's - hence their livable conditions expired. The rate of evolution dependant on conditions is also important to think about. Evolution is dependent on time as well. Vegetarian Monkeys and Apes didn't need to kill each other or anything else so they stayed placid and un evolved. The specific type of ape we evolved from was carnivorous and needed to evolve quickly to eat and keep up with the rest of its carnivorous friends or enemies!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Man is a spirit, the spirit God created is called "man"

    Man was not made from dirt, man was made by God the Father and the image of the Father, for our Father is spirit.

    Our Father then created a body for "man", male and female the Father created bodies for the spirit called "man" male and female the Father created him.

    The Father's son, LORD God, the Christ, made the spirit called "man", man and woman.

    Not to confuse you, but Adam was not born of God, only Eve, the woman clothed with the sun was created by the Father.

    Adam was born of the dragon, and his firstborn son (Cain) killed Abel, the Christ, the firstborn of Eve of the 3rd age.

    Evolution is a tradition of men, to explain what the Father created and the dragon destroyed in the 1st 4 ages of history. God the Father truth is revealed in the book of Revelation. Chapters 12 thought 22 are in chronological order. As are chapters 1 through 11.

  • viBes
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    The Elephant evolved from a don't see Mammoth's around...

    There's a missing link in the Human DNA...meaning at some point in our evolution something in our DNA was "altered" without a reference.

    By who? Who knows...but rest assured that we "Humans" just didn't get here by some combination of amino acid's and the elemental building blocks of life and magically turned into apes...

    Maybe we did come from apes...but something was done to our DNA which sped up evolution and gave birth to what we know as "Humans".

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    When it is said dirt, if you knew the elements in man, they are all found in dirt, with a high percentage of the body being water.

    Easy question and easy answer, He used dirt, but he left some to get behind you ears.

  • 1 decade ago

    God made man out of a "dirt" forming him (as said in Genesis), and made woman out of the rib of Adam. Just because he made man out of dirt doesn't mean there wasn't any dirt left on the earth. Dirt was not created specifically for the purpose of making man. It was just for Adam. Adam and Eve concieved Cain, Abel, and Seth by sex, not dirt. This was a one time event...

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