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Why would the Dems want to reauthorize the Draft?

Bill HR393 in the Senate requires everyone between the ages of 18-42 to serve in some capacity in the armed forces. It was introduced by a Democrat that serves Harlem New York. What would the Dems want with the draft?

This is the Bill:

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If we would mind our own business and not get involved so much around the world we would not have so many enemies. Thanks Bush and all his bootlickers. Way to think it through. It seems they are emulating some European policy, as in mandatory Government service for 4 years at the age of eighteen. I don't quite know. But I do know that if we would not have got ourselves into this nightmare we would never have to even think of a draft. And I will bet my bottom dollar that most people drafted will come from middle and lower class and any silver spoons that join willingly will be safely tucked away from harm, maybe in the air national guard during a conflict. How convenient. I have two teenage boys and I assure you they will NEVER take my two sons to fight their unconstitutional invasion, let the elitist pigs send their children to fight their corrupt invasion! IT IS TIME TO RISE!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because it's the right thing to do and it should have been done years ago.

    Don't get me wrong , I personally hated the draft and I can guarantee yoou that there was never any love lost between me and my draft board but as an American I also recognize the correctness of it all

    .First of all love it or hate it the draft is a democratic institution -Sure some rich kids will have their daddies help them to either beat it or get them into the Texas ANG to avoid going into combat but by and large the draft brings a greater cross section of America into the military.

    Second of all the military has historically always set a very specific number of days that an individual soldier could serve in a combat theater.

    Once that number was reached that soldier would not have to return to combat.

    Multiple mandated tours of combat duty are something new in our history.

    Thirdly the reserves and national guard were never intended to serve as regulars and spend years away from their lives-there's something wrong with that whole picture

    Lastly there is the big issue of national security .

    If another corner of the globe blows up and we need 100, 000 troops like yesterday to keep it under control ,where oh where do those troops come from ?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The largest military recruitment station in the nation is on 125th St. in Harlem and they target low income minorities. The idea is that the military stop targeting a few groups. Personally, as a Democrat I believe all people should serve the nation in some capacity be it military, Peace Corps, Americorps, etc.

    He has also introduced that bill year after year. It goes nowhere.

  • 1 decade ago

    This exactly why government needs to stay out of our lives. The government has exactly no right forcing people into the service! I am guessing, just guessing, that the motivation is so they can cut all the benefits associated with serving in the military, the scholarships, and so forth.

    Shame on any government official for trying to force us into that.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I just read that and I am shocked. I am going to research it more and find out, however the answer is not to issue a draft, its to end the war, all this drama about fight them their or on our own soil is a bunch of lies, they can't fly here, and if they really wanted to get us there are so many of them all ready here. There will be civil war over there with or with out us, and the only way to establish a working government for Iraq is to work with the united nations, to form a government that is best for Iraq. This war is going no where its time to bring our troops home to their family's. To Mr. 1 Free America if your so in favor of this war, then join the millitary.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Text of the Bill:

    To require all persons in the United States between the ages of 18 and 42 to perform national service, either as a member of the uniformed services or in civilian service in furtherance of the national defense and homeland security, to authorize the induction of persons in the uniformed services during wartime to meet end-strength requirements of the uniformed services, to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to make permanent the favorable treatment afforded combat pay under the earned income tax credit, and for other purposes.

    My comments:

    To develop pride in your Country. To prevent the misuse of the National Guard. To prevent the bleeding dry of the Army during war time.

    Why are you opposed to having pride in your Country?


  • 1 decade ago

    To level the playing field. If the sons and daughters of rich people have their fates tied a little more closely to the fates of burger flippers in inner cities, then rich people may have to start caring just a little more about inner cities.

  • 1 decade ago

    Do you think it is fair for the same battle weary troops to have to serve session after session on the front lines? We have a shortage of troops. People aren't volunteering anymore. Who do you think should protect you?

  • 1 decade ago

    Because Democrats don't believe that citizens can be trusted to do anything though choice, except to abort recently conceived human beings.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Wrangel is one deomocrat who has been yapping about tis for years its not a party platform

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