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do you agree with the recent study that shows why Roe v Wade should be overturned?

Studies show that in recent years, that the students involved in school killings ( Columbine for example ) came from families that are either pro choice, or from families that are very active in the pro choice movement, basically showing there children at an early age that it is OK to Kill Defenseless Children ( born or unborn), That study should by itself be proof enough that Roe v Wade is wrong and that it sholud be overturned.

the numbers are amazing 99.4 % of those involved fall into that catagory. this is why we need a Republican president that will assign Justices to the supreme court that will over turn Roe v Wade.

20 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Roe vs Wade was a bad choice from the beggining.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Where is this study? Where are peer critiques and scholarly reviews? Was it a based on random sampling or did it target certain families (i.e. upper class, etc.)? What do psychologists say about it?

    If we give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that there is a correlation, understand that correlation does not necessarily equal causation. In plain English, just because the two have a common factor doesn't mean that one causes the other (i.e. pro-choice parents causing school killings).

    That being said, I think that the philosophical logic might have merit. If you are taught that not all life is equal then I can easily see the slippery slope, but the kids involved in these killings had a LOT of issues, and not just psychological ones. In the end there is really no way to conclusively tell what motivates someone to commit mass murder since we aren't in that person's mind.

    And even if the study is correct in its logic, overturning Roe v. Wade will not stop the shootings or the murders. Someone who wants to kill badly enough will find the justification to do so.

    By the way, I'm pro-life but I'm just trying to point out the potential pitfalls of such an argument as this. The best science to use is that which has been reviewed my many, well-established scientists in professionally neutral settings following scientific norms. Right wing "research groups" usually don't do that, but then again many left-wing ones are flawed as well...

  • 1 decade ago

    How you can connect the actions of some warped teenagers, to an important Supreme Court decision escapes me??

    Who did this alleged study ?

    If it's your own,..then study this:; What percentage of the U.S. Prison population comes from overly large families, or were unwanted children, born to irresponsible parents ?

    What number of third-generation welfare recipients should have been aborted ? Wouldn't our society be better off without all these illegitimate / unwanted people ?

    Now, The really tough question ! "Name me one adoption site that caters to pro-life couples?" There ain't any, people are so willing to stop a woman from making her own choices, yet where are you when the resulting babies need parents ??

    That's what I thought !

  • 1 decade ago

    Roe v Wade should be overturned because nowhere in the Constitution does it give the fed gvt this kind of blanket control over this issue of privacy that doesnt even exist in the Constitution.

    Many people are very ignorant of Roe v Wade. Overturning it wouldnt make abortion illegal. It would turn the issue back over to what it was before, a states issue. Some states would make it illegal. Some states would keep it legal. It wouldnt just make it illegal thruout the country.

    That being said, since I believe it is murder of an innocent person, that it should be illegal across the country because there shouldnt be laws that permit the murder of innocent people. Overturning Roe v Wade would be a nice start.

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  • 1 decade ago

    You are not even funny. Your "study" is just another piece of pseudo-scientific religious propaganda and nothing more.

    Roe vs. Wade is here because the Federal Government needed to make sure that states did not act on pseudo-scientific religious hogwash and try to legislate it. Abortion is a philosophical argument, and that's a right that everyone should be allowed to make, even if it is about the killing of a fetus. Far as I'm concerned, pro-lifers need to lock arms and block off crematoriums and cemetaries. No death on this planet allowed.

    You don't even get a biscuit for this, lapdog.

  • 1 decade ago

    Did Rush Limbaugh do this study? Ann Coulter?

    Seriously, does no abortions = no more school shootings? That sounds like a dubious study to me. I doubt any link can actually be established that shows school shootings happen BECAUSE of pro-choice activism. If there is a 99.4% correlation it's pure chance rest assured.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I do believe that Roe v Wade should be overturned for a lot of different reasons, but I would like to know, what studies are you referring to? I would be interested in studying them.

  • 1 decade ago

    Its funny that you aren't giving a source for this so-called study.

    Also, I am very suspicious that the family members of people who initiated such tragedies (like Colombia) would just voluntarily express their opinions on abortion to a study maker of this type of study. I mean come on... and I don't even support abortion laws but I wouldn't go out my way to make this kind of stuff up that you are claiming.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This will sure convince a lot of people to become pro-life! I don't know why someone didn't make up a fake "study" years ago! We could have ended this debate and sent those women back to the alleys with coathangers!

    This argument is almost as pathetic as the one about how we wouldn't need illegal immigrants if there was no abortion, as if those kids would grow up and get jobs gutting cattle and cleaning up horse crap for rich people...

  • 1 decade ago

    And pray tell, how many children raised in pro-life families did NOT shoot up a school? And how many of the shooters drink milk? How many of them are raised by gun nuts? How many of them buy their socks at Walmart? Using statistics, you can prove pretty much anything you want to, want being the operative word here.

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