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E-85 detection for non E-85 cars and trucks, Specific Gravity?

Lately I have been seeing cars and trucks on the repair shop floor with overly rich running black spark plugs low power. And find out after major repair the car runs the same. Driveability diagnosis with only a P-0300 code can be difficult. I am looking for a test device for checking if the owner put the wrong fuel in there car. Most of the time the "owner says" My Wife drives that SUV? I don't know what she filled up with last...


I know what it is called I just want to be able to detect it and at what percentage. Non Flex Fuel cars run really poorly on anything greater than 20% Ethanol.

Update 2:

It appears that you can add a cap full of water to E-85 and it gets asorbed and the fluid turns clouldy. A simple test of Ethanol Alcohol fuels. Now just how much did that customer add to there tank?

Update 3:

I could not find any OTC tool for fuel checking?

5 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Sorry I have no answer for you at this point. Have you tried talking with the different vendors you use such as Snap On etc. JC whitney, or different diagnostic equipment companies. if you work for a dealer I know some of them have ways to ask the "know it all or expert tech guys" questions by phone or computer. Also how about the fuel companies they must have some way to test their own products.

    I am interested to know what you find.

  • 4 years ago

    in accordance to a pair human beings, it value too lots to offer ethanol. additionally, ethanol is in basic terms a pair of pennies decrease than gasoline. Then there is that this project approximately stay inventory feeds, on the grounds that lots of corn at the instant are being switched over to ethanol. So what's extremely useful? I very own a flex gasoline van from evade. Theres an ethanol station 2 miles from the place I stay. yet i'm construction this loopy concept that I had 30 years in the past. Its Hydrogen from water. I waited this long because of the fact i grow to be terrified of what the oil companies could do. in case you seek the internet, there are some people who has caught up with this concept. in case you opt to try this, be very careful because of the fact theres lots of scammers available. just to grant you a concept, hydrogen is 6 cases greater efficient than gasoline. accordingly, you're able to have greater milleage on the comparable quantity of gasoline used. Hydrogen is safer than gasoline. Hydrogen is flamable and so is Oxygen ( on the main suitable suited temperature and rigidity ) in case you opt for an electric powered vehicle, there is that this very cool one that is made by an Israelite who use to artwork interior the silicon valley. examine it out...this is the Tesla vehicle. you're able to get on the waiting record to purchase one in each and every of this infant.

  • izzie
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    E-85 is just alcohol from corn, used to be called "Gasohol" perhaps the proportion in gasoline is greater now, but I don't think it would foul up plugs and would clear up when standard gasoline is used.

    The ECU adjust fuel mixtures anyway. Check with the make of vehicle for any TSBs relating to your issues.

  • 1 decade ago

    GM shops all have a piece of equipment made by OTC.You use it with a DVOM. Look in your local trade magazine You will most likely see one similar advertised there.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I don't know how to diagnose,but i was using shell high octane gas and my new car started to detonate,so I took it to a dealer and they found nothing,so I switched it to amoco gas and it's ok now.Gas is different.And it feels if you fill up cheap....

    good luck!

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