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Restaurant Etiquette poll???

My husband and I went to dinner in a public restaurant...

I watched a young girl run up and down the isle while we were eating about a half dozen times before I stopped her and told her to stop running and stop yelling...

She had been running past our table and nearly hitting me several times on my arm and yelling so loud it hurt my ear...

Was I right or wrong to scold her???


Just so you ALL know, I NEVER touched the child...

I stopped her by saying "hey" to her as she went past my table again, thus she stopped and I said "please quit running and yelling in here"...

That's all I did...

We were nearly finished with our meal so we couldn't leave yet...

And I happen to be disabled so if anyone wanted to kick my butt, you would have to go through my 250 pound husband first...LOL

Update 2:

I see lots of good answers, so this will be a tough decision...

Naturally, those of you that agree with what I did, I appreciate your thoughts...

Those that don't agree with me, you didn't see what I saw and you didn't put up with it as long as I did, nearly an hour...

My husband and I hadn't gone out to eat in about 3 months and I had been sick before and this was to be a treat for me...

The question was simple, I thought, and should have never gotten to this point where I had to add all these details...

I never touched the kid and never saw what table she was supposed to be with...

It was a big busy restaurant...

I never saw her parents...

I didn't think I should get up and go find them interupting my eating with my husband...

It wasn't till the kid screamed in my ear as she ran past that it actually hurt me in any way...

She was probably less than 4 inches from my ear and arm...

Kids age? Maybe 8...

I got tired of it cause now my night was ruined...

26 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't think you did anything wrong. While it is the parents' job to be disciplining or controlling their children, they obviously were not doing so in this situation. I think you were wise to say something to the child, because she has no right to be ruining other people's meals. Maybe she'll think before she decides to run around again at a restaurant.

  • 1 decade ago

    You were definitely correct in trying to teach this young girl some manners. I see kids doing the same thing in the stores also when I am trying to shop.I think alot of parents are glad for the time alone, so they don't scold their kids when they are running in the aisles.But, I'll bet if the child got abducted while out of their site, they would act like a good parent.

  • Hafiz
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I think you did just-right. But I doubt it very much if this is approved by the present culture prevailing in USA.

    Back in early 1960s and 70s we were brought up in a society where elders, irrespective of relationship' would come forward and 'correct' or at least try to mend the wrong done by the youngsters in public places. But the culture changed dramatically here in Asia too. Now-a-days, elders would look the other way if minors are not following social norms and etiquettes in public places. I would say that this is abdication of our responsibilities to rare our kids in decent manner for fear of earning some bad comments or getting involved with some nasty litigation.

    Therefore, if the consensus in USA is that 'as long as it is not your own child or relation, you can not speak etiquettes or discipline others' then better leave the matter in the hands of the management of that public place or indicate the odd manner to the parent(s) if you find it safe and welcome suggestion by the receiver.

    Have a nice day!

  • 1 decade ago

    Good for you! And I'm sure that the other diners were happy to have a little peace and quiet also. You did what needed to be done, so don't second-quess yourself.

    With more and more young families eating out, this is a big problem all over these days. While I don't begrudge them and am happy they're in a position to do so, the kids belong at the table....plain and simple.

    You were in the right.

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  • Anya
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I have seen this happen so many running around in restaurants, with clueless parents, or parents who just don't give a hoot. That behavior, is totally unacceptable. I would have walked right up to the parents and demanded they sit their precious child down because she's annoying the customers and you want to enjoy your dinner. Maybe you did the right thing by scolding her...because obviously the parents weren't about to.

  • Mirage
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    You did the right thing. A quick scolding was appropriate and it sounds like it worked, right?

    Why bother getting a manager and others involved? It wouldn't serve any real purpose and would only serve to embarrass the child.

    I've done similar things when out in public and confronted with an "out of control" child.

  • 1 decade ago

    I happen to think you were right since the parents of the child were nowhere to keep her in line.

    And if some kid ran past me a few times I would get tired of that real quick.

    I hate it when parents or restaurant staff let kids run free on the rest of the public like that.

    You have as much right to enjoy your meal as anyone.

  • 1 decade ago

    You were right in doing what you did. I think it was very commendable. These days parents & a lot of people have no respect for others. Parents who have children are supposed to watch over them & not let them run wild in public places. The problem being , they just don't care or it's kids having kids & have no idea how to teach their children to behave.

    By the way, I'm glad your hubby didn't have to get up! LOL

    Source(s): My opinion
  • 1 decade ago

    Way to go!!

    As a server, I have to do the same thing, frequently.

    I cannot believe the number of self-involved parents out there who pay NO attention to the behavior of their own kids, let alone have any respect for other customers in a restaurant.

    Kudos to you !!

    Source(s): me, your friendly server.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Nothing wrong at all. If her parents don't have enough brains to teach their kids to behave in a restaurant, then you have every right to put a stop to the annoying behavior if it is bothering you..

    I've done it myself.....and will again.

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