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A follow up on Christian thoughts about creation and disease...?

This is a follow-up to this question:

Let's assume:

1. God created all life, and ONLY God can create life.

2. Bacteria are alive (they grow, eat, and multiply).

If you don't agree with these assumptions, please say why not.

For those who believe that disease only began after the Fall:

At what point did God create the bacteria that cause things like the bubonic plague, staph infections, malaria, tuberculosis, and so on? Before the fall when he created all other life, or after the fall during a second creation?

If you don't think God created disease-causing bacteria, what did?

And if something else (spontaneous generation, the devil, or something else) created life as disease-causing bacteria, then why does the presence of life in other forms require God as an explanation for its origin?


TOB: I'm not asking you to prove anything, I'm asking you to describe what YOU believe about this issue.

Update 2:

Gerry: After the fall, what did bacteria form *from*, in your view?

Nothing? The dust? Something else?

Update 3:

Yuhateme: Just because a disease was "discovered" at a certain date doesn't mean it didn't exist before that. It most likely means that it was around but not recognized as its own kind of disease, and misdiagnosed as something else. The reason so many diseases have been "discovered" lately is that we have advanced enough medically to isolate and name them.

Update 4:

Yuhateme: Otherwise, what do you think is happening? Is God every so often just deciding to create yet another disease from scratch because he's angry with people? Man, that really makes me want to worship such a lovable deity.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    God created *original* life. If, like a lot of Christians, you believe in micro-evolution (evolution within a species), then it's possible for disease-causing bacteria to have evolved from earlier, less harmful bacteria.

  • 1 decade ago

    History of STDs

    Pre 1960’s: Syphilis and Gonorrhea were the only major STDs

    1976: Chlamydia first recognized

    1981: AIDS identified

    1982: Herpes became very prevalent

    1992: PID or Pelvic Inflammatory Disease recognized

    1996: HPV or Human Papilloma Virus recognized as the cause

    of 90% of all cervical cancer and is the reason for yearly PAP


    1980-present: 8 NEW diseases identified including HIV

    *It is important to note that this is not just a case of medical

    science diagnosing what has existed all along. These are

    NEW diseases, caused by sexual activity with multiple

    partners. Viruses continue to mutate and multiply all the

    while becoming more resistant to treatment.

    Because Yahweh’s Laws have been forgotten and

    pushed aside for the past fifty years, there are now

    over 125 sexually transmitted diseases, not to

    mention the other diseases mankind is suffering

    from and the defilement of the cattle, earth, sea,

    fish and fowl, that keeping these simple Laws would

    have prevented. Science is now changing its story.

    They cannot find a cure because the viruses are

    mutating and multiplying too rapidly. By the time a

    vaccine is found for one strain of viruses, a number

    of others have been bred, due to the same Law


    Through the breaking of all the other Laws of

    Yahweh, viruses are being bred and mutated in the

    bodies much faster than science can ever hope to

    find a cure.

    It is interesting to note that Yahshua was inspired

    to actually foretell these facts about this generation,

    saying that these diseases would be incurable. That

    is exactly what the science world is now saying. And

    now it is too late!

    Let's look at a few headlines........

    A lethal link—herpes and HIV

    Syphilis Increases Nationally

    Chlamydia widespread, easily overlooked

    A Common STD Increases HIV Risk

    Herpes Encephalitis

    (herpes in the brain)

    CDC Says Gonorrhea Is Drug-Resistant

    Americans Fail To Protect Against STDs,

    Study Says

    Multiple Sex Partners

    Indicates Trouble For Teens

    Study: Divorced Women Have More Illness

    Mattithyah 24:7,

    For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom

    against kingdom, and there will be famines, and

    PESTILENCES; (disease epidemics), and earthquakes in place after place......

    Yes Yahweh created bacteria for the benefit of mankind and He gave us a set of instructions (613 Laws) that if kept would have prevented the disease epidemics that you see now.

    Mankind is learning a valuable lesson from rejecting the great wisdom of Yahweh, one that they will never forget, and after they are resurrected they will never go that way again.

  • 1 decade ago

    bacteria was on this planet long before man. on cell organism joined to make the muticelluar life form after millions of years. The 3 RNAs and DNA tell the story of some of evolution but maybe studying cherts one might really have an idea of what the earliest live forms on this planet were. Bacteria can't leave fossil records but can form layers called cherts that are found through out the world and date back before any other living things. Bacteria may be this God that created life and it could have started by spontaneous generation in the early low oxygen atmosphere of the early earth.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Personally I think EVOLUTION is an undeniable fact.

    Although I believe evolution is responsible for organisms and life forms changing and adapting over time it still doesn't explain the origin of the universe because before you can have evolution you must first have creationism.

    This idea of having something coming from nothing doesn't make much sense to me. To my way of thinking first something must exist before it can begin to evolve.

    For those folk who may wish to shirk the theory of evolution just think about the evidence that Darwin provided. This idea of EVOLUTION shouldn't really frighten people away because without it things and species couldn't improve and adapt to their environment and surroundings.

    EVOLUTION just means CHANGE and after all the proof that things are always changing shouldn't really be too hard to spot if one just bothers to take the time and look around to see what's really happening in the world today.

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  • Gerry
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    After Adam and Eve were banned from the garden of eden, the human body was no longer perfect and neither was the world, Bacteria began to form and diseases ran rapid!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Tolkien pointed this out in his books.... Evil cannot create, it can only turn to evil what has already been created. So your answer is that God did create the disease causing bacteria, but he didn't create them to cause disease.

  • Through Him all things were made. John 1:3

  • 1 decade ago

    Bacteria was there before the Fall, but they were not a threat to humans yet.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There ain't nothing I can say to make you believe something if you don't want to

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