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Lv 4
Cosmos asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

What do you think of the dog owners who don't clean up after their dogs?

Our city has "Scoop Law", and dog owners must clean after their dogs. I am tired of looking down on the sidewalk when I go for a walk, because I don't want to step on it!

21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Very frustrating. I had to throw out a pair of sneakers last month because I stepped in some poo on the sidewalk at night while I was walking my dog.

    Boo! I always carry a bag with me. If I knew who was doing this, I would pick the poop up and kindly place it on their doorstep so they can experience the wonder of stepping in poo!

    Source(s): I'm honored...I seem to have a Thumbs Down fairy today. Hello little fairy!
  • 1 decade ago

    I think that they are inconsiderate. If they know anything about dogs, they should know that most dog diseases are spread through feces. The apartment complex we just moved out of had a rule about picking up after your dogs, but most people thought it didn't apply to them. We could not walk behind our building because of the piles from 2 specific dogs. Then when we got our puppy we kept him right in front of our porch so that he wasn't around the other waste until the vet felt that his immunity was built up enough (his mother passed away a week after birth, so there was concern about immunity due to lack of mother's milk and illness that killed two siblings and had a 3rd on the border). We cleaned up his poo, but you can't always get it all when there is snow and ice (it was easier to take him inside and then go back for it then trying to clean it and hold on to him). Someone's dog decided that he needed to mark his territory by both peeing and pooing on our porch and they didn't bother cleaning it up. That is a nice surprize to discover on the bottom of your shoe when you take the puppy out at 3am!

  • 1 decade ago

    The people that dont scoop give other responsible dog owners a bad name.

    We had our favourite walk ruined, now all dogs must be on a lead or you get a penalty

    Lazy sods,it doesnt take much a couple of poly bags...for god sake you dont have to touch the poop with your bare hands!!!!!aaarrrrrhhhhh

  • no qf
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    At least it's on the sidewalk. My front lawn has become someone's favorite spot and I'm tired of picking up someone else's dog poop daily. I think these people are rude and inconsiderate, not to mention lazy. I keep hoping maybe this particular person is just unaware of the law, but I really doubt it.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I think they are selfish and irresponsible. Don't get me wrong-I'm sure anyone can simply miss their dog squat once in awhile or something-I'm referring to people that do it repeatedly/clearly don't watch their dogs. It ruins it for everyone as it can lead to dogs being banned from certain areas-such as beaches or parks. It also leads to bad relations-for example I work at an animal clinic and neighbours often blame animal waste on their lawns on us. It is unfortunate that this animosity exists, esp towards someone who is providing a needed service (animal healthcare) to the community. Furthermore, it is very bad for the environment-no it is not fertilizer! Wrong food group :p

    I don't think people that won't clean up after their pets should be allowed to own one-3 strikes you're out policy or something:p

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    because they (we) are lazy.

    i have left dog poo outside before, i will take my dog out expecting her just to pee, say she pooed about an hour ago, and ust didnt bother to bring a bag, or forgot completly; then my wonderful dog decides to go. i reallllyyyy dont feel like walking back to my house then back again to find the poo (especially when it's dark) and it ends up (after deliberating for a while) that i will leave it there.

    but most times i feel so guilty i go and get it the day after :P

    so it really is just laziness and i really shouldnt do it. on the other hand, finding that little thing of poo in the pitch black is kind of hard. so yes, it's disrespectful and yes we shoudlnt do it, and yes you are right, but i doubt that will stop them (us). sorry.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think it is absolutely disgusting, if an owner does not pick up after a dog. I mean there are little children who can come in contact with their dogs poop and hold all kinds of dangers for children.

    You get it on your shoes etc etc etc.

    They ought to have an on the spot fine, the same as drivers for not cleaning up after their dogs, because someone has to, and we paying our taxes for someone to pick up someone elses dog poop.

    Source(s): Fostered and owned GSD's, Rotties, Mastiffs and other large/Giant breeds. I now own a GSD x Rottie ands a Rottie x Bullmastiff and 3 cats
  • 1 decade ago

    I think that if I know who the owner is he is gonna be pretty upset he has poop to clean off his front porch, if its someone I dont know I'll usually say something, maybe offer a poop bag, since even I sometimes can forget them on walks. (which sucks when you have to go all the way back home and back to the scene of the crime)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    they are lazy and shouldn't have a dog. other dogs can catch things of dog poos if the dog hasn't been wormed. no one pays attetion the laws around my area and people leave it all over. i used to take my rabbit out as well as my dog and i can't now because were we have moved to has always got dog poo on the paths. i alwsys pick up after my dog because other wise it is not fair to other people.

  • doxie
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    They frustraed me more then you know. Pet companies have made it very easy to clean up after the dog, with the little bag mits that hang on your leash, yet I find dog mess in my front yard daily. I do clean up after mine.

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