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what would be a perfect life to you?

what would truely make you happy. Is it attainable?


To me a perfect life would be knowing that I raised two girls who can respect themselves, others and the world around them. KNowing that the job of teaching them and seeing the end product was a sucess.

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    All I need is to know I helped others to be happy and to know I made a difference towards the positive. I feel it is attainable because I am working for it. A human caring for others and the Earth we are on - that is my aim. This is kind of a spin on another quote, "Love and let Love".

  • 1 decade ago

    A perfect life is one that experiences joy and enough sorrows to appreciate that joy.

    It's a balanced life, where you appreciate the things you've got, because you know how bad it could get if you took it for granted.

    What would truly make me happy would be to be able to hang out with friends, doing things that brought us all fortune, without compromising any morals, and helping lots of others at the same time.

    That nirvana isn't possible.

    As a substitute, I'd love to be wealthy, doing things for at least the entertainment of others, while maintaining my morals.. and making sure that my friends could be around during my free time. Something that involved work, but work that I enjoyed. Like working for Bungie (makers of Halo).

    That's more obtainable, though a lot of work to get there. If I had started when I was younger, and realized how much my education level influenced my ability to get a dream job somewhere, it'd be MORE possible.

    Now... I don't know. the time/cost of the training/education I'd need for something like that isn't possible while I pay rent now and catch-up with the bills from my ex-wife.. unless I spread it out over a long period. As a result, I'd probably be WAY too old to actually enjoy it.

    I'm stuck for the foreseeable future, doing what I don't want to do, as a result for not doing what I was supposed to when I was younger.

    Guess life kinda' works like that.. You have to do what you don't want to do at some point in your life to enable you to do the things you WANT to do at other points (when it's important to you).

    The perfect life is the perfect balance of this, so you don't go thru years and years of doing stuff you hate. Just spread it out more.. like I'd suffer a week to get a happy week after that.

    I've been doing my job (at various places) for roughly 20 years now and I'm 36 years old with no end in sight. I was with a woman for the past 5 years that soaked up my money, and put me in debt. Now I get to play catch-up instead of living anything like I'd imagined we would when we first met and got married.

  • Joe H
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    The one I have now. I am very thankful for it. I try to let that thankfulness shine through to make other people's day a little more perfect. With this gratitude, I can be a lot more patient, and smile a lot more and not let the little things get to me. :)

    Easy, well-paying Job, Perfect, non-nagging Wife, Trouble Free, graduating Daughter, Reliable, Nice-Looking Car, household appliances and electronics working and not breaking down, etc. The list goes on and on.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    You are far more altruistic that I. A perfect life for me would

    be having houses in every country that I love: France,

    Italy, Greece, Ireland, England, Scotland, Holland, USA...

    Manhattan, Aspen, Big Sur...Canada...Vancouver and

    Quebec. It would make me estatic and is most probably

    not attainable although I've lived in all these places and

    plan to return. The icing on the cake would be to have

    every kind of animal I love in all these places: Dogs,

    cats, donkies, meercats, lemurs, giraffs, otters, goats,

    foxes, racoons, hedgehogs, tortoises, miniature horses,

    ferrets, peacocks and Thestrals. My heart would be


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  • 1 decade ago

    It is quite hard to satisfatorily answer your question. First, we should define what "happiness" should be. Second, we should consider the many ways of life, which we think contribute to happiness. Third, we should add to all this the genetic factor, since being talented has much to do with being lucky in life, even if in a relative sense. Fourth, everyone of us needs different stuff for feeling happy and then "feeling happy" may be understood as a short-term or a long-term endeavor.

  • 1 decade ago

    The perfect life for me is life without any worry, trouble or fear.

    Perfect health, joy, freedom, creativity and strength.

    Peaceful home and clear nature. And perfect relationships. But it is not attainable in this life as you see.

  • 1 decade ago

    the depth of your happiness is in direct correlation to the depth of your despair.... the sadder you've been the greater your potential for happiness.

    I'd say happy for me would be gaining peace of mind...just being able to exist and be truly aware and understanding of all that is happening around me. Life is so weird sometimes.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The one I'm living now.. the flaws are so minimal, its like a perfect life.

    Family, love, comfort, security, contentment that is what makes my life perfect.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you are able to trash out your desires and greeds and emotions... then you are the most happiest person in this universe......

    Else With the above two you will and never be happy.... as your desire for more and more is un-ending and your greed is unlimited.... You can ask any one who is a SHARE MARKET INVESTOR... his greeds and desire is unlimited.

  • 1 decade ago

    One filled with love, where I can be comfortable and happy. Genuinely. That's all I want out of life.

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