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Would you really want forced healthcare?

Everyone touts Hillary Clintons healthcare plan as better. I for one do not like the idea of mandatory healthcare. I am healthy and if I choose not to get healthcare I do not want to be penalized. Obamas plan while not mandatory will give everyone the opportunity for affordable healthcare. Why does everyone think that Hillarys is better?


I have never trusted doctors, I am my own doctor because I know my body well. I follow the homeopathic reasoning in the medical field. If I get seriously injured and am rushed to the emergency room by an accident I will be expected to pay the bill. Having to deal with fees because I don't have insurance is stupid.

24 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I like things just the way they are.

    If someone cannot afford healthcare they can always go to the County Hospital for free medical treatment and if they can afford healthcare then they can do that but if they don't want healthcare coverage then they don't have to have it either.

    First they'll say we have to have healthcare then they'll say we have to be micro-chipped then they'll say for National Security purposes we have to have armed border patrol placed along all the states lines and we'll have to have permission to travel from state to state and all of this will seem like it's for our own good just like mandatory healthcare does.

    When I was pregnant with my son the doctors told me that he had Downsyndrome and a rare heart defect and was not expected to live long after being born and they advised me to terminate my pregnancy

    I refused to do it for two reasons, first I don't think doctors know what they're talking about and second even if he had Downsyndrome and would die shortly after being born he still had a right to be born and a right to fight for his life if he wanted to.

    As it turned out he was born healthy and strong and weighed almost 9 pounds and today is a bright and happy little boy.

    But if my healthcare was regulated by the Government and the doctors decided it would be too expensive for the Government to continue to pay for my pregnancy after the baby was diagnosed with a deadly birth defect whose to say they couldn't force me to abort my baby against my will?

    What makes me think that Government funded healthcare will be for our own good while giving us the freedom to make our own decisions concerning our health?

    I don't think it will, I think they will force us to do things we don't want to do while denying us the quality care that we do need.

  • 1 decade ago

    I thought Hillary said that it was not mandatory for everyone. She said it last night in the debate. I really don't think that they have it all totally lined out yet. But one thing for sure if the people of Mass. have problems and Romney is President, look out.

    The drug companies need to stop chargeing such high prices for drugs . That is what's killing us. Insurance Companies are rich so there should be a cap on what they can charge on premiums and drugs..I heard that this man who is an alcholic was taking a shot that would keep him from drinking that cost $700 per shot. So his insurance quit paying and he went back to drinking and ended up in a mental hospital for drinking. That's bad and inconceivable that a shot would cost that much.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because for openers... and I don't really think Hillary's is better but I'll bite anyway...

    Obamas plan targets those that earn less than 30k... and Tax's those above 75k... now I have a family of 4, plus when My dad died My Mother moved in with us so we are really 5...

    30k would have us parked under an underpass in a box....

    if I make more than 75 k My tax's go up and I would have to pay for Health Insurance anyway... plus I have never once heard him talk about insurance cost reductions.. he is placing the weight back on the alredy trounced Middle class...

    further his campaign manager is an ex Pfizer Lobbyist... that is not just spin.. google it.

    Now how in the hell is Obama going to deliver us from the ruthless greed of the AMA ,Pharmaceutical companies and the Insurance companies when they are providing him with the very funds he is using to run with... wake up people we're not in Kansas anymore.

    PS....The Repukes are worse.

  • 1 decade ago

    it is one more freedom of choice we are giving up if we go the government mandated health care.Nothing is free. Hillary keeps touting the free notion,nothing is free. It Will be another govt tax like the IRS and there will never be enough money in the health care. Its just like social security and medi care and aid, It cost an unbelievable amount just to administer it.

    The big point I took exception with is your medical records will be on the Hosp computer and it can be accessed by about anyone.

    Obama has more clearly thought out his plan. Hers plan failed under her Husband as President and she is so much smarter now? I don't think so.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    because some people believe socialism is the best way to get things done. Thus they want universal health care. They do not want anyone to have to be responsible for their own well being, they just want to coddle and hold you, they want us all to live forvere in ooerfect harmony where no one is ever hurt, or killed, or homeless, or suffering through harsh times. They want a utopian society, where everyone is happy all the time, where no one is poor, everyone prospers, and we can all afford fast cars and huge TV's.

    Its called the theory of communism, which sounds great. Unfortunately, it has been tried many times, and failed every single one of them. Communism is the opposite of our american capitalism. Thus communism in anti american. If you want to be a communist, move to cuba or china, see how nicely people live in those places.

    Our market needs to remain free, our healthcare needs to remain in the private sector, people need to be allowed to achieve their full potential, and capitalism is the only way to do that.

    All that needs to happen is medicare needs to pay what the private insurance companies have to pay, in turn this will bring all prices down because then medicare is not leaching off the system. This is how we fix health care and make it more affordable, not by doing what barak or clinton wants to do. Romney has the right idea.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I agree. I don't like the idea of requiring people to have health insurance. That's the system that Romney instituted in Massachusetts also. Obama's plan of making affordable health care available, but not mandatory, is better.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Forcing human beings that artwork to pay for the best purchase of america healthcare (the lazy, illegals, their own, politicans, government workers, etc, etc, etc) by capacity of way of the government with politicians figuring out how plenty medical doctors/hospitals/scientific companies etc might earn...might effect interior the main actually scary cave in of the U.S. healthcare sector which you are able to imagine. in case you theory human beings we are death in the previous Obama, wait till Obamacare destroys the healthcare industry... going to injury the healthcare industry merely like Fannie/Freddie did to housing. then you might have socialized healthcare, like we've a socialized housing sector. merely end thinking its going to effect in extra helpful (if any) healthcare. i'm no longer completely specific why you think of our real economic gadget is going to final till its carried out and could reason the area of the economic gadget to interrupt down.

  • 1 decade ago

    I live in Massachusetts where healthcare is forced and a lot people here dont like the idea, there are penalties and fees for those without it I like Clinton and Obama, but I don't like this idea

  • 1 decade ago

    Because Hillary is a better liar!!!

    I already have to pay enough for health care insurance - over $1000.00 a month (reality), I don't need another big wet bite taken out of my wallet to pay for the bureaucrats in Washington to regulate another huge department in a already bloated government and make me pay for that also.

    What part of "WE DON'T WANT IT" does Hillary not understand. Oh I forgot Hilary wants our country to be under Socialism.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don`t think Hillary`s plan is progressive enough. I don`t like your health care plan of just don`t get sick Or I am healthy now so the rest of you jump in the lake.

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