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What are the ethical adoption related issues on embryos created from 3 people?

Basically, there has been embryos created from 3 people to genetically alter certain diseases out.

Relevant quote from the article I wanted to discuss:

Only trace amounts of a person's genes come from the mitochondria, and experts said it would be incorrect to say that the embryos have three parents.

"Most of the genes that make you who you are are inside the nucleus," Chinnery said. "We're not going anywhere near that."

Your thoughts?

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    When DNA typing is preformed on these poor kids it has been proven that that trace amounts from the donor can be found in the child.....DNA from THREE people?

    Disturbing.......I predict this is going to cause poullting in the gene pool that we may not realize for decades.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think what he's saying is that the genes that make you who you are inside the nucleus, therefore they aren't going to even go there. That would really be messing with the mix.

    The mitochondria is the "power plant" of the cell. It lies outside the nucleus. When they say "trace", they are referring to an amount so small it's almost not detectable.

    The nucleus is where you find the DNA coding. This is what makes a person who they are.

    I liken it to, a blood transplant. You're getting something from someone else to help you, but it will not alter you radically, except for the fact that it will save your life. That person doesn't become genetically linked to you. Neither does that person become genetically linked to you when having a heart, liver, kidney or bone marrow transplant. It will alter the outcome of someone's life, but that's it.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't believe adoption would have much of anything to do with this particular phenomena. Most parents willing to go through the trouble of this procedure have planned to keep the child, and would be foolish to invest in a "perfectly healthy" kid, only to adopt the child away once it was born. Even still the Donor of the exterior Mitochondria would have the same or less rights to the child as a sperm donor would. I believe it has been established that a sperm donor has given up the rights to his genetic offspring, although I could be wrong on the issue. I know It has been contested in U.S. courts and I believe the ruling was not favorable to the Sperm donor.

    I personally do not believe that genetic make-up is the number on binding factor between a parent and a child. I have become comfortable with the idea of adoption, simply because I do not need to put my own genetic material forth into the world in order to raise a child. This is where the whole nature vs. nurture argument becomes extremely prevalent. Is it the genetics of a person which makes the relationship between father and child, or is it the act of raising, living with, and loving that child. To say it is more of the genetic relationships than anything else seems cold to me.

  • 1 decade ago

    I read this article too. I think it is not right to say that the child only has 2 parents. I would explain it as, the parents wanted a child; but had a decease. I would want the child to know all parties involved. The child should live with the primary parents. This would be set up like an open adoption. I am still not sure if this is ethical. I would prefer the natural way. Adoption or naturally. But I hate to see anyone unhappy. Hope this helps.

    Source(s): My own opionin after reading the artical.
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  • 1 decade ago

    I can't say that i have HUGE issues with this IF it is used in the way they speak of....

    A single mom and dad..wanting their own child and say, trying to remove a genetic defect.. that i can deal with....heck, i would rather see egg donation used for just the few 'fixed' genes and the outside wrapping, rather than for all of it's DNA.. Truthfully, science that allows infertile folks to produce thier own offspring is a plus to me..

    But you know they won't just stop there.. that's the thing...

    Next they will use this kind of stuff to improve on surrogacy...and that's where it will get icky...of course surrogacy already is icky.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think this is very weird, it shows where science is going people will one day no doubt. be able to pre choose the child’s height, hair color , eye color, gender etc.

    This reminds me of the movie Twins that stared Danny Devito and Arnold Schwarzenegger, their characters were fraternal twins and they had 6 fathers.

  • 1 decade ago

    Scientists are going to continue to play God because there are those who can't have children that want them.

    Personally, based on their description, I would say that this is still an embryo of 2 people.

  • 1 decade ago

    thats freaky.

    im sorry, but there are certain things that we should not do, even if we are capable of doing so.

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