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Hitler Theory - Is this crazy or just insane?

Ok so I like to watch the history channel. I was watching late one night about how Hitler was trying to save the world. Huh? Thats what grabbed my attention.

According to the show Armeggedon is a town, not a time, where all the jews will come home (to Armeggedon) and that will be one of the first steps in the return of Christ. Therefore if all the Jews were dead, Jesus couldnt return and the end of the world would no longer happen. Is this insane or what?

Does anyone know what show I was watching? And what are your thoughts?

Best answer will be chosen within 2 days.

24 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, Hitler's idea on how to save the world is undoubtedly crazy. The question is: did he believe it? From analysis on Hitlers life, it is quite obvious that Hitler was not physiologically balanced. Many range from schizophrenia, obsessive compulsive disorder, and bi-poler disorder. I have talked to a bi-poler friend during his mania stage. These conversations, even how brilliant they sounded, were not derived from a person who was grounded to reality. I think the same goes for Hitler and his crazy ideas.

    As for the Germans, the history channel also mentions there were many anti-Jew semitics during that time period. There are many reasons why this came about. People will over look crazy reasoning for "justice" - even when "justice" is unjust.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Why do people have to catch a disease in order to go crazy? Can they simply not be Crazy? If one actually READS a BOOK now and then and delves into Adolf's childhood one detects evidence of emotional imbalance. But hey - - - ya want TITilation? Here goes, from the files of Julius Streicher, Race Baiter an actual professional Jew-Hater, Julius actually giot paid to write filthy near porn newspaper stories and books about Jews and Peversion and Lust and other 'disgusting' stuff that was snatched off racks in stores across Germany much like the Tattler and Enquirer etc. Streicher loved collecting ;dirt' on his fellow Nazis and he had a doozy of a story in his file. Hitler was the Prostitute. A statistic that will disturb ya is that teen age and into their twenties guys sometimes snag bucks for doing 'queer' stuff. Not that they are 'queer' just the activity. Hitler was homeless broke living on the rough mean streets of Vienna near the turn of the Century and people 'whispered' that Hitler had a few paid rendevous with 'rich fat Jewish' Men and one of them gave Hitler Syphilis. Streicher love to cite Hitler's Dental problems as proof. Peace---------------------- (but Hitler was way crazy way before he landed on the streets of V )

  • 1 decade ago

    Armageddon derives from the Hebrew "Har Megiddo" - the mountain of Megiddo, Megiddo is a very ancient site with many layers of occupation. It is situated in the north of Israel, in the Jezreel valley in the Galilee. In ancient times it was highly strategic, as the city commanded major trade and invasion route that connected Egypt and Assyria and was the site of several major battles. The most recent was in 1918, in World War I; Allied forces under British General Edmund Allenby defeated an Ottoman army.

  • 1 decade ago

    he has changed the history.

    Speaking at Nuremberg on September 6, 1938 Germany?s leader explained: "National Socialism is a cool-headed doctrine of realities; it mirrors clearly scientific knowledge and its expression in thought. Since we have won the hearts of our people for this doctrine we do not wish to fill their minds with a mysticism which lies outside of that doctrine's goal and purpose. ...We will not allow mystically-minded occult folk with a passion for exploring the secrets of the world beyond to steal into our Movement. Such folk are not National Socialists but something else - in any case something which has nothing to do with us".

    It is true the German Propaganda ministry had employed the services of Karl Ernest Kraft, but only to interpret the prophecies of Nostradamus to suit their own propaganda purposes.

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  • Jess H
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I'll have to try to look up to see what show it was that you were watching, but that definitely sounds like a really far-fetched theory.

    If you see the propaganda that was put out by the Nazi's, it shows that they just simply hated Jews. They literally thought of Jewish people as evil. They wanted to eliminate them and "purify" their race with pure German blood.

    If I can find a link to the show, I'll post it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Firstly: yep, it's insane.

    Secondly, to SCHNEB - what on earth are you talking about? We didn't 'perfect' penicillin because of ANYTHING Hitler and the Nazis did. Perhaps you'd care to go and actually read up about the grotesque 'experiments' that the Nazis, and especially Mengele did, on Jewish children.

    For example: injecting dye into their eyes to see if the pupil would change colour.

    The Nazi 'experiments' did not 'help' us in any way, shape or form. Shame on you.

  • 1 decade ago

    The human mind can rationalize anything... unfortunately.

    No one (well, practically no one) goes around thinking they are evil people out to do evil things; everyone is the "hero" of their own story. The more grandiose the delusion, the more likely one is able to justify horrendous deeds.

    Any time one puts ideology ahead of consequences, horrific things happen. No ideology, no belief system is immune to this axiom.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm not sure what the show is but all it proves is that Hitler was crazy. This is something we have all known.

    That is an interesting story but I'm wondering about the validity of it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Armageddon is a mistranslation of Megiddo in Jordan(?) where the first recorded battle in history was fought.

  • Read Mein Kampf and you will quickly learn that Hitler believed that he was chosen by GOD to lead the Aryan race to dominance.

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