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Why did God kill King David's baby son as a punishment?

In 2 Samuel 11 and 12 we read about King David and the sins that he has done. He took another man's wife to be his own, sent that man out to be killed in battle and after that took the man's wife to be his own. She then bore a son. But King David's actions displeased the lord... So God then punishes King David by giving his wives to other men and then KILLING the son bore to him.

I don't know about you guys, but I would think with all the great power and knowledge that God is supposed to have, he could have come up with a better way to punish David.

For starters, the wives shouldn't be sent around to other men to punish him, and more importantly... KILLING A BABY because you do not approve of the father? WTF?

So why does God see it fit to kill a baby to punish the sins of the father?


L'Chaim - that's nice and all, but how does that pertain to the fact that God killed King David's baby as punishment for what David did?

How is this fair, just and loving, to kill a baby that did no wrong?

Update 2:

Red Rooster - WOW! That's about all I can say to that hogwash. Angel of Death eh? Who created the Angel of Death? Who gives the orders to the Angel of Death? Surely this death angel doesn't go around killing on it's own... there must be some plan and reasoning behind it, and I am assuming that is still God!

Update 3:

Mosaic law eh? Man, there sure was a lot of baby killing, rape, murder, war, kidnapping, sex slaves and so on under this Mosaic law.

As an atheist, I can honestly say thank god we no longer live under those laws :)

10 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    This story REALLY bothered me. And it's not like God caused the child to be stillborn. He gave it an agonizing disease which took a week to do the 'job'. The whole time David is PLEADING with God to kill him instead of his innocent child.

    I just don't see how people can see this as compatible with a loving and just God. Sick and disgusting is what it is.

  • 5 years ago

    I think you're all missing the point. First off to the atheist who's grateful to not be under the mosaic law, are you Jewish? Because if not you wouldn't be under that law anyways. Also, there is not rape and murder and whatever else under the law. You are misinformed.

    Next concerning the judges horror story of the concubine.... That was bit sanctioned by god in any way. The point of judges was that when every one does "what is right in their own eyes" it is disastrous. It's about the depravity of man.

  • 6 years ago

    the problem is people assume that "god's word" is a written word. They assume that Jewish people who have created their own testimonies of the kind of god they believed in were accurate. You have Jewish people who claim "this is how their god acted" yet it doesn't match up with logic. You have a "son of god" coming to show the true nature of god and it's in direct conflict with the god of the OT that the Jews worshiped. One is right and the other is wrong. Stop assuming that the bible is the word of God and remember that it's testimonies of men and what men believed.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    By that reasoning, why isnt almost every American citizen stricken with cancer right now? Almost everyone has been cheated on at some point. Why is God striking older men and woman with cancer? Why isn't he striking the younger unfaithful husbands and wives? Not only is it poor logic, but it is very sick and twisted

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  • 1 decade ago

    The Bible tells us what life was like 3000 years ago. We can study those stories and determine the RIGHT thing to do in our own lives. Don't you agree that life today is remarkably similar to the stories we read in the Hebrew Bible?

    When Nobel Prize winner Isaac Rabi was asked to what he attributed his success, he said he always remembered that every day when he came home from school his mother would ask him, "Did you ask any good questions today?" What he imbibed was that we ultimately gain more from questions than answers. Answers bring a subject to a close; questions open us up to ever more profound and deeper understanding. That perhaps more than anything else may explain Jewish genius. From youth we explore the Torah, Talmud and commentaries with inquisitive minds encouraged to ask even when no clear response is in sight. To do otherwise would be to imply that our faith cannot withstand scrutiny, that our commitment to God is so tenuous that it is afraid of critical analysis.

    In Judaism, we are taught to think, to ask questions, and to be skeptical; we are encouraged not to accept things on faith, but to look for proof. This constitutes one of the biggest differences between Judaism and Christianity. While faith plays a vital role, Judaism places great emphasis on learning and education!


  • 8 years ago

    Boy if this story bothers you, I'd hate to see how you react to the story of the Levite man and his concubine in the Benjaminite town... brutal stuff. I believe it's in Judges.

    Source(s): Standard Bible as Lit class at my University
  • Yikes, I had forgotten about that story.

    The problem for Christians is that their version of God is very different from the God of the OT. They continually come up with ways around it, but in the end, sound a little crazy, ie...angel of death does the killing, God only allows it and watches, and that makes it ok.

    In reality, the nature of God as described in the scriptures is horrific. Plain and simple, and humans either have to accept that, and worship him anyway. Or realize that people with moral standards that included animal sacrifice, may not have been correct in their notions of what created the universe, and in what constitutes a moral life.

    In reality humanity has evolved, physically, socially and morally since the OT was written and the law was established, and it is time to reject it as old fashioned, flawed human thought, and not try to justify our way around it with more old fashioned, flawed human thought.

    Source(s): I agree with LeChaim, although would argue that this doesn't hold true for all Judaism, only liberal Judaism. Orthodox Jews tend to be an unreasonable bunch at times based on their interpretation of holy scripture. She is exactly right, about the OT as being human, and useful for studying humanity, it isn't useful for determining the will of God though.
  • 1 decade ago

    the mosaic law which david was under clearly stated an eye for an eye,it also says what ever a man is sowing this he will also reap. david knew exactly what he was doing he allowed a wrong desire to manifest into commiting his sin . god is righteous and not the way we see things is how he sees them . when nathan the prophet told david the story of the man with one sheep and how the greedy man who had lots of sheep took his only one davids response was that man was deserving of death not realising that nathan was talking about him . just remember one there is that is judge , its normal to ask why but don't fall into the trap of thinking u know better than HIM

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Lord gives, and receives lives, he does not kill. The death of the child got the message across to David, and his return to obedience cleansed his heart and soul. King David fully realized God's disappointment in his hidden sinful doings.

    Source(s): The angel of death does the killing.
  • 8 years ago
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