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Praying out loud in front of people?

do you have a hard time praying in front of other people? I sure do! I don't know if it is just anxiety or if it is pride. I feel like I don't sound as eloquent as others who pray. I feel like my prayers sound stupid. Does anyone else struggle with this.

Please, no mean comments or remarks. This is serious.

26 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    With family or friends not so much but to lead a prayer would be awkward to a certain degree and this is understandable fer sure especially if you are the type of person who doesn't like to be the focus of attention and certainly doesn't want to "sound" insincere or "out of practise". However, lemme tell ya what...when you are there in the presence of God. That is truely what the term worship "come into the presence of.." at least in the Bible where it pertains to the one true God anyway. So, also you have heard it said by Christ that where ever two or more are gathered in His Name He is there also...I believe that, and He understands that we sometimes struggle with the right things to say so how did I manage to overcome it? By confessing it in front of the people I was praying with..."Dear Father, I'm here now before you with these people and you know, Father how I struggle to find the right words so let me just say to you from my heart..." and so forth...speak to Him about the people you are all concerned with, each other, thank Him for blessings, etc. Mostly to Him as if you were addressing a good friend...a respected, admired, adored friend...maybe like how you would a mentor or someone that you greatly esteem being of course on your best behavior but at the same time be sincere and really know that this is God you are talking to and all He ever wanted was to be with us...and this is your time to give Him. Don't let the Devil concern you with distractions such how you sound to others, with nervousness and silliness or whatever. Just bow your head, take a deep breath, maybe pause for a moment in silence and then begin talking to Him. It takes some maturity to lead others in guide someones thoughts to the things we humbly are in need of...but remember...God already knows..He just wants to hear from you, hear your voice. Just think, there will be a time when you can walk and talk with Him everyday. Love in Christ, ~J~

  • 5 years ago

    Praying Out Loud

  • 1 decade ago

    This is worrying too much about what other people think and not enough about what God thinks.

    Think about it - praying while worrying about what the listeners think is like talking AT one person in a group, while actually trying to impress someone else who is standing nearby.

    When I have to pray in front of a group of people, I first say a silent prayer that God will help me to know what the people I am praying with/for need. Then I say the prayer, talking TO GOD.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am one of the prayer ministry leaders at my church, and I can tell you that this is a very common concern for a lot of people, and this keeps people from coming to prayer meetings- one thing that I tell people who have this fear is that- you do not have to pray out loud- you can pray silently in a group and agree with the others as they pray. However, I also tell them not to be concerned with what others think of your prayers- the "eloquence" of what you say is not what pleases God- it is the heart of the person who prays. Don't worry about how you may sound to people- that helps others that I have shared this with- and again, do not feel obligated to pray out loud either.

  • 1 decade ago

    Praying aloud is not for everyone. Just remember that God hears your prayers whether they are spoken or not. And there is no wrong way to pray - flowery words do not impress the Lord. It is the state of our hearts that matter.

    It took me a long time to get comfortable praying aloud in front of others. It's best to just say what's on your heart and keep it short and sweet when you first pray aloud. You'll get more comfortable with it as you go along.

    Or, if you don't want to, just don't pray aloud in front of others. It's not a requirement for salvation.

    Take care & God bless!

    Source(s): Christian Youth Pastor <><
  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    This Site Might Help You.


    Praying out loud in front of people?

    do you have a hard time praying in front of other people? I sure do! I don&#39;t know if it is just anxiety or if it is pride. I feel like I don&#39;t sound as eloquent as others who pray. I feel like my prayers sound stupid. Does anyone else struggle with this.

    Please, no mean comments or...

    Source(s): praying loud front people:
  • 1 decade ago

    I often have a hard time in front of people, praying, teaching, giving talks on a religious matter and all for the same reasons too.

    Yes it is anxiety and pride. Some of the prophets, have been afraid of what to say. Like Isaiah, and yet now after the Lord helped him he is quite an eloquent writer - if you can understand his eloquence or the lack of the eloquence of those who translated his writings.

  • Shash3
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I have never felt the need to pray in front of people. It is kind of like having people eaves drop on a private conversation. Maybe that is why it makes you uncomfortable. Your prayers are real conversation and not a presentation for an audience?

  • 1 decade ago

    Dear friend:

    I know the feeling. I used to feel this way as a Jr. Usher when I took up the offering. Just understand that you are not praying for peoples entertainment, you are praying for their blessings. If you need to just visualize yourself as speaking to a best friend or a dearly love relative, for in fact this is what you are doing. Forget all those around you, they should be either praying silently with you.

  • 1 decade ago

    I love it! I love to intercede for others.

    It takes some time, but I just ask the Holy Spirit to lead my prayer and He answers that prayer. I honestly don't think about the others present anymore. The key is to pray from the heart and let the Holy Spirit lead you.

    Praying that prayer keeps my focus on Him..........

    Pray about praying with's a powerful way to pray because the Bible says that "where 1 can put a thousand to flight, two can put ten thousand." Corporate prayer is very powerful.

    I'll ask God to help you!

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