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Will you vote Republican in the general election if your Democratic candidate isn't nominated?

If you are a Republican, please don't answer this question. Especially if your a Ron Paul supporter. If you have to inject his name into a discussion that has nothing to do with him, it is simply an indication that he doesn't deserve to be elected.

If you're a Obama supporter, and Clinton is the nominee, will you vote Republican instead? Or if you're a Clinton supporter and Obama is the nominee? If so, please explain why a Republican is a better choice than YOUR choice for a Democratic Nominee.

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Sorry, but I will inject his name just for spite. Ron Paul, Ron Paul, Ron Paul, Ron Paul, Ron Paul, Ron Paul.

    For the record, I won't vote Republican in if McCain is the nominee, and I've been a republican all my life.

  • Andy C
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Nope, I would vote for either one and would be happy to do it. My choice to back Obama isn't because I dislike Hillary, it's because I think he has more to offer as president and brings along less baggage. I don't want to see Hillary get elected then watch everything grind to a halt over the same crap that we've been hearing since 92. I think Obama would be able to get more done simply because people are less entrenched against him.

    On a side note, I don't have too much against McCain either. Although I think he should have stood up for his views more the past few years and rolled over on a few things to his party, I like the man. I just liked him more the first time he was running.

    Basically, I feel like any one of these three candidates will do a good job as president

  • Arthur
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Assuming that either Clinton or Obama are the Democratic nominee, and that McCain or Huckabee win for the Republicans, then I will vote Democratic or Republican. I prefer Obama to Clinton, but I'll be happy if the party chooses either one.

    If something utterly unforeseen happens -- Lyndon Larouche suddenly sweeps to a Democratic victory; the Republicans clone Teddy Roosevelt and re-nominate him -- I might change my mind. But under all currently realistic scenarios, I'll be voting Democratic.

  • 1 decade ago

    I wouldn't vote for the Republican if you put a gun in my mouth and ordered me to pull the lever.

    I respect John McCain - certainly far more the George W - but after seven years of government by mismanagement and wishful thinking we need a 180 degree turn of direction by the federal government.

    And unfortunately McCain is a big supporter of Bush's biggest blunder of all, the war in Iraq.

    "The surge is working." Well, maybe, if by working you mean the violence has receded from the incredibly vicious level of 2006 to the slightly more manageable level of 2005.

    "The surge is working." Well, maybe, if you are willing to spend $2 billion a week for the next 100 years to maintain the present uneasy status quo.

    There was not a Democrat in the field, maybe not one in the country, that I wouldn't vote for in preference to the current crop of GOP.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Hopefully, people will wait until the debates to decide whom to vote for. I want to see what the candidates stand for, without all the political, racial, and complete bullcrap I've seen with some of the postings online and in the media.

    I voted for Gore in 2000, and Kerry in 2004, but I lived with the results of the elections after that. Too many people don't do that.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am an Obama supporter but will suppote Clinton if she is she nominee.

    Either of these candidates are closer to my views than McCain could ever be.

  • 1 decade ago

    Obama supporters might. Hillary supports threaten to but they are all talk. Here's why:

    They are the bluest of the "true blue" democrats. That is Hillary's base. Obama has moderates... the people who would actually go to the other side.

    Obama supporters have been saying for months that it's Obama or no one for the democrats. Only in the last few weeks when things started getting rough for Hillary did Hillary supporters start saying that. But I am calling their bluff here and now.

    Deny all you want! We know the truth.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I will still vote for my candidate. Its not wasting a vote it is called loyalty and making a point for when the new president screws up i can clearly say i did not waste my vote on them

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    Whoever the Democratic nominee is, that's who I'm voting for.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ill vote McCain if Hillary is the nominee. I

    m supporting Obama now, butI reserve the right to vote McCain though if Obama wins the nomination. I havent made up my mind between the two of them.

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