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I want to know how modern Islam or Saudi Arabia can support this nonsense:?

The case of Fawza Falih:

She has been condemned to death. By beheading.

She has been beaten to the point of hospitalization during her incarceration.

The authorities have a signed confession, which she has not had read to her.

She didn't read what she signed, either, because she's illiterate.

She and her representatives were not allowed to attend much of the trial.

And the crime for which she is to be executed? Witchcraft. She is accused of casting a spell that caused a man to become impotent, and threatening to cause people to be possessed by dogs.

This is in Saudi Arabia. Our ally.

19 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Islam probably doesn't..

    Saudi government apparently does..

    the discrepancy? human ignorance and error..

    Edit: you'd be surprised, but there ARE god-fearing muslims who speak out against such things.. plenty (and many of them online).. at risk to their safety..

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    For your info the system of governance in Saudi Arabia is not democratic but it is an absolute Monarchy; As such there is no question of anybody either supporting or going against the law of that country. If you live in Saudi Arabia you have to just abide by the law prevalent there.

  • 1 decade ago


    An ally to propaganda against Islam or anything that is not British.

    Not a good source, and again probably not all the facts.

    There are two sides to this story, you are reading one that is edited. Contact Saudi Arabia and ask them this question for yourself.

    Use your own mind!

    Also look at Guantamano Bay, a place where 300 POW's have been held for 7 years without trial or allowed to see their lawyers. Torture is frequent, including illegal methods. Now we have six that were allegedly behind the 9/11 attack.

    These six, were starved for 80 days, deprived of sleep, beaten, tortured. One has two fingers cut off and one half an ear.

    Not very civlised from a country that has bombed more than any other country.

    This is in the U.S.A, a British ally.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Man Saudi Arabia sounds perfect for me.

    Source(s): I am so moving there!
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  • 1 decade ago

    Saudi Arabia is a Kingdom and not an Islamic State.

    The Quran condemns kings in more than one verse.

    Your ally is your oil supplier and your are lucky because the prophet Muhammad met the Arabs burying their girl children alive and when he left them they returned to their old traditions and this includes treating women as you treat dogs.

    Was Joan of Arc treated any different?

    Most Muslims today follow Hadith or tradition and reject Quran except for singing the Arabic because Quran commands justice for all and makes devoted husbands and fathers of real Muslim men and this keeps the tradition away from the Quran.

    Women who wish to wear hijab should use it to reveal the truth of the Quran and not to hide the mischief of their supposedly Muslim men from the public.

    Source(s): Quran
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sounds like the Catholic Inquisition..yes?

    These people still live in the Middle Ages.

    Where are all the true Muslim women? We need to march on Mecca and demand the release of our dear sister.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    there is a difference in Arabic culture and Islamic religion. Before the introduction of Islam, the Arabic society was a brutal society and they regarded women as low-class citizens.

    Learn history. But beautiful Islam (brought by Prophet Muhammad) shed the Light....

    Source(s): Thank God I am Muslim (even though I am from Singapore - very faraway from Arab - the original place of Prophet Muhammad)
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Islam is younger than Christianity. Christians killed many they accused of being witches. Burned them at the stake not all that long ago right here in America.

    Islam, too, will mature a bit.

    In the meantime, the pots calling the kettles black is laughable.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't have an answer...I'm just sitting here totally stunned. Despite all our faults, I thank God that I am an American. I just read t_rex_us answer. He's right! God forgive us all for our inhumanity to our fellow man (and women).

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I've got nothing good to say about Saudi, the country behind 9/11 and most other terrorist acts.

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