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Did you know JW are fastest-growing religion, over LDS, Baptist......?

I found this article on Deseret News, and I was Shocked!!! I had no idea Jehovah's Witnesses had such a following. :-0

According to this story by the Religion News Service, Jehovah's Witnesses are the fastest-growing religious denomination in the United States. The LDS Church, meanwhile, continues to grow and is the fourth-largest religious denomination in the U.S.

To read the entire story from the BeliefNet Web site please click here.



Really? I don't know anything about Beliefnet. news. I just followed the link. Are they not credible?

26 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The JW report a membership of just one million people, see the article you linked to. Belief Net is not very credible as they do not explain who they arrived at that number.


    Did you ever hear this?

    People can lie with numbers and facts?

    Misdirection can happen with the facts. Translation.

    Yes they can show the highest percentage gain but that is far easier when you are so low to begin with. For example.

    If you have 1,000 people and 100 more join you, you had a 10% growth.


    If you have a million people and 10,000 join you, you experienced 1% growth. So the 10% sounds like it is growing much faster, but in reality, the 10,000 figure is still pulling much farther ahead then the other. So the JW can claim the largest percentage of growth but that is meaningless if you look at the larger picture. For another example, the Catholic church reported some gains too. They number in the multimillions in the US and in the world. I am sure they got a heck of a lot more then the few that the JW's have reported. And no, I am not Catholic, I am a recovering Catholic. LOL I am now a Born Again Christian.

  • According to the article, that was the growth rate in 2006. Our growth rate for 2007 was even higher.

    The article was not written by Jehovah's Witnesses. We are not praising ourselves. All praise goes to Jehovah God and to his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. We are merely "fellow workers" with God and Christ. (1 Corinthians 3:9)

    The truth still resonates in the hearts of honest people. They can see that other ways don't work, and are turning to God's way of doing things.

    Really, it's not about numbers. We are happy to see the increase, but what really brings us joy is helping others, however many or few, to know and love and serve God and Christ as we do.

    Source(s): The HOLY Bible
  • 1 decade ago

    LOL, yet as you see here, people will say anything to dispel facts concerning us. It's always due to something 'else'.

    The fact is we do see Christ as our Savior. The fact is, we are a world-wide organization of over 6 million. Many Americans who are NOT Jehovah's Witnesses don't vote too.

    Fact is, we are not a cult. (though the uneducated like to use this slur)

    Fact is: JW young men DO register for the draft.(It's the law) They just will not serve if activated. Meaning they will go to jail if necessary.

    Many people are seeing the false doctrine of christendom and fleeing her sins. This is a good thing.

    EDIT: Kklute ...I have 4 cats and none of them are in bags. That's animal cruelty. The false doctrine(s) of christendom I was speaking about are such things as the trinity, hellfire, immortality of the soul, you know the things the world-wide empire of false religion teach.

  • 1 decade ago

    Maybe because their the only religon thats true and cares about other people enough to preach to other ones! Its growing stronger with almost 7 million, This taking place all over the world, even with brothers in exicution they still stay faithful, truly a encouragement!

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  • grnlow
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I am not surprised by this. Though I am not much of a "bean counter", I can see by world conditions and the odds of the amount of honest hearted people there must be in the world as to just how this could be true. The congregation I am a part of did not exist until a few years ago. Now it is a strong thriving congregation. Yet I am not counted in that number because due to my bad health, I can not go out in the ministry. It is fine as I am still here. Jehovah knows and understands what is in our hearts and what we are able to do.

    Sure the detractors can't get enough of telling us "Only 144,000. You ran out of space." Pathetic kindergarten stuff like that just makes me need to wash my hands with strong soap.

    It is entirely reasonable to see a true God would never start something just to abandon it later. Whatever He set out to do He would see that it worked just as He intended. So when He put perfect humans in Eden, a paradise, He gave them the job to expand paradise over the entire planet and have children to fill the earth with the same goals. Just because some have tried to interfere with that plan does not mean it is over. Much of the Bible is spent telling of what He will do to correct the situation and how it will work out that the earth and humans on it will do just as He had planned. Earth is our home. The notion we are ALL to move in with our Parent in heaven is ridiculous as well as unnerving to all parents.

    That both Jehovah and Jesus still put up with us after all we put them through is nothing short of a miracle in itself. Like calling the Mendez brothers "troubled children".

    One thing I noticed someone got I believe confused with is the definition of Christian and Christendom. All religions that claim to be Christian together are called Christendom. That does not make them Christian any more than a skunk can call itself a cat but would not make it smell any better. Daily, Christendom shows itself to be filled with members only "CLAIMING" to be Christians. By their actions, prove they are not. True Christians live lives just as they teach.

    Everybody knows Jesus said to love one another, be peaceable with all men. How many in Christendom fight in the nations' wars? How many do they kill on the other side of the same religion? Christians would obey Jesus and not do this. Christendom not only participates , but their clergy is right up front urging it on.

    When the Jews tried to make him their king, he left town. When the clergy tried to trap him in political arguments, he turned them aside by showing proper respect for governments did not mean giving worship due only to God. remember "You are not part of the world just as I am no part of the world." No 1st century Christians would hold public office or participate in the government. If they were in such jobs, when they became Christians, they resigned.

    Turn on the news tonight. How many "backwards collars" and crosses do you see right on the stage up front attempting to lead the politics of the day? That is Christendom---not Christian.

  • Ender
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    It says that they're the fastest growing "in US and Canada". That doesn't mean that they're the fastest growing in the world.

    You can use statistics to prove just about anything that you want. I'm not sure what the fastest growing church in the world, based on new converts, is.

  • 7 years ago

    I know this was 6 years ago, but anyone else looking at this, as an update, our yearbook now says there are 7,965,954 Jehovah's witnesses worldwide. This doesn't mean that's how many "members" there are. These are active Jehovah's witnesses who go in the ministry and preach the good news of Gods kingdom which is a prophecy we are fulfilling worldwide. (Matthew 24:14) I'm sure since we are almost 6 months into 2014, our number has reached the 8 million mark. How exciting! Jehovah's Witnesses teach only from the Bible, not their personal viewpoints. Although all Jehovah's witnesses do use the NWT Bible, it is not "our Bible". It was translated from original manuscripts into a modern easy to understand language. If you want more info, go to I promise it won't "brainwash" you. Our goal is not to convert anyone, we just want to teach from the Bible. will answer many questions, and clear up any lies about us you were told, without forcing our beliefs on you.

    Source(s): I've been one of Jehovah's witnesses my whole life. I've seen too much wickedness in the world to ever leave what I have found to be the most loving environment I could possibly find. There's no hypocrisy or greed with money in this wonderful organization.
  • 1 decade ago

    At last count we have approx. 1,000 baptized each day worldwide. People are finding the Truth of Jehovah's word and seeing that his light is shining brighter as we get closer to his day. Praise Jehovah all you faithful ones and kiss the Son. Lover of Jehovah and Jesus and Suzette, you are so right. Agape Love.

  • 1 decade ago

    If it is from men you will be able to overthrow it....but if it is from God you will not be able to overthrow it.

    We represent the Most High God, Jehovah of Armies. He will send his angels led by Jesus to fight for us and put Satan where he cannot hurt anyone.

    Go now to get a study started with Jehovah's Witnesses, for they have teachings of everlasting life on earth.

    Source(s): JW
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It makes sense. We're the only religion to teach the truth about the world, the Bible and God. It's encouraging to see that more and more people are becoming revolutionary and thinking for themselves.

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