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Pastors that drive out members of their congregation on purpose?

This question is for Christians only please...are there any out there besides me who have experienced attending a church that had gone through a change in "pastors", not priests and the new pastor that comes in purposely drives out members of the existing congregation in order to get in a mostly new congregation that will "agree" with everything he is doing regardless of the reality that he's tearing apart the existing congregation. This happened in our old church and over 3/4 of the original congregation was scattered due to this man.


This is for Linda...this pastor does believe he is following God's will in forcing out "particular" members of the congregation which turned out to be 3/4 of them like I'd already mentioned. The other part of your answer...these ARE the people who confronted him on what he was doing. :(

Update 2:

I am that I am....there will be no forcing him out now being that there's been about a 95% turn over at this church with all new members and most of them newbies to the Christian faith and to the church.

Update 3:

Robert S. you've got a good handle on what I'm actually saying regarding this church however along with all the elders, deacons, teachers & worship team, he's managed to pin point members who weren't ministering within the church and the last thing he did was to fire under the banner of a personal resignation the youth pastor with whom he himself brought on and was close friends with once the youth pastor began to disagree with what he was doing too.

Update 4:

Hghostin.....I don't know how to pick a favorite answer but YOURS is it for me. Thanks! You hit it right on the head.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    they are called Hirelings in the Word of God

    I left the "church" Buildings because NO ONE would preach Gods Word as it is.........

    I have gone to many many different ones......there are good people in most of them and upto a point some preach some of the Word...but when it comes to themselves and or their families then they COMPROMISE the TRUTH....

    And because I wanted to do the Truth and I spoke up i was an outcast........this dont offend dont speak , dont stand for Righteousness Wrong and NOT of GOD ! They allow anything Contrary IN , but when TRUTH comes in They get offended then want it out .....there are even Buildings that the so called Pastor stands and says they wont preach certain scripture cause it causes controversy ??

    And this Lifting up a man making Him more than God...thats what is happening in Most ALL churches today...they are called of God to preach..then they get PUFFED UP and think themselves more than they are......and the people build them up in it......and there is but one thing left after something gets lifted up in ones self and thats a FALL................

    The Bible says WOE to ALL the Pastors who have Scattered my sheep.........

    and it is ALL the ones............scattered his the Only Pastor(shepard) WE can RELY on is JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF..HE is the Good Shepard(pastor) and the ONLY ONE WE can count on......Follow Him and His Word...and get out from among those who do contrary to His Word

    And the BIBLE SAYS SEPERATE YOURSELF FROM AMONG THEM that do such things.....IT DOES NOT SAY ""FELLOWSHIP"" with them !!!!!!!

    And the Assembling yourself together is WITH TRUE BELIEVERS OF CHRIST ""YOU KNOW"" WHO are serving GOD...and that means even if its just ONe or Two....For he said ''IF One or Two are gathered in MY NAME I AM IN THE MIDST"" doesnt have to have a building full to fellowship with

    When i say ""JESUS"" .......There HE is the TWO of Us in Fellowship and agreement that NAME the GENERAL ASSEMBLY Joins in...with HIM and it is written in Hebrews 12:22-29 the Whole Host is it is written.....

    they can keep their buildings.....AS for me and My house WE shall serve the LORD......

  • 1 decade ago

    Chrissy I am so sorry you have experienced this in your life.

    I attend a church that had a new pastor come in about 8 years ago. Over the course of 2 years 3/4 of the people who attended there had moved on to other churches. Some left because they did not agree with the direction the new pastor was heading but most left because they had received healing for wounds they had received at another church and they returned to that church. Some of those who left because they did not agree with the pastor's goals for the church have returned.

    It all depends upon the pastors motives. In my case his was to grow the church. We have grown from 150 when he came to 850 and we are a healthy church.

    I am open to more talk if you want to email me.

  • Ericka
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I don't think he should force out members of the church. It's written in the bible about members of the church who continue to sin intentionally, and the pastor is supposed to confront these sins to the people in love and tell them that God doesn't allow this in his church. If these members don't confess and keep doing these sins I believe that God will take them out of the church. But, for no reason-the pastor shouldn't do this. He will probably find that he will soon be preaching to himself.

  • 1 decade ago

    Oh my gosh! That horrible!

    No, I've never experienced what you've described, but I do believe it could happen.

    But rest assured, God will not allow that pastor any peace.

    God is patient; and He gives us all chance after chance to repent and return to His will, but if that pastor, or anyone for that matter won't return to God, then God will come down on them and the more a person is supposed to know of God, (and a pastor should know quite a bit,) the more severe the chastisement can be.

    If you are still in touch with this pastor, you might want to let him know what he's doing is wrong.

    EDIT--- Then as I mentioned, God, Himself will judge this man for his actions.

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  • 1 decade ago

    This happened to the group I fellowship with now. They believed in mutual edification where there is no pastor. The men share the duties of prayer, lesson, and communion. Their previous group decided they wanted a pastor so the group that I am with now branched off and started their own fellowship. We meet in a school and have no paid postions no pastor to force anyone to do anything. This is how the first Christian's practiced.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It's a common practice in business, for a new broom to sweep clean; & replace established control structures.

    This might include the organist, caretaker, secretary, etc.

    Sometimes it doesn't sit well with those considered insiders.

    Consequently, many of them may also leave in sympathy.

    It isn't fair to blame the Pastor, people make their choices.

    It isn't healthy to have these little power cliques running things.

    Often this is the very reason why a new Pastor is hired.

    Source(s): This happens in Catholic churches also.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What is wrong with the congregation they have the power to throw his sorry *** right out the door, and it's dam time they do this to these phony pastors who have nothing but self indulgent motives, so tell the people get some jam and tell him to get lost permanently.

  • 1 decade ago

    it's rather commonplace. often though it's the other way around-- the congregation that axes the pastor because he doesn't do what they want.

  • 1 decade ago

    Find a church that teaches, preaches the truth to please God and also keep God's purity among the congreration.

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