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Why do so many people keep insisting Obama is a Muslim?

Obama was born in Hawaii. His middle name is Hussein but that does not make him a muslim or a terrorist, anymore than the fact that George Washington and King George had the same first name made Washington a British spy or sympathizer in the American Revoution.

Elections are supposed to be about an EDUCATED electorate making INFORMED and RATIONAL decisions on who they vote for.

So why are so many out there making ignorent, uninformed and clearly irrational statements that are clearly false and misleading, when a little basic research could provide the truth?


Just as I expected: ,a lot of hysterical remarks and rants, but few intelligent and reasoned responses based on reality or fact.

Thanks to those few who have said it is immaterial and irrelevant to the issues. Espcially any of you who do not necessrily support Obama but undertand his heritage and s- called "religion" is immaterial.

Tothe rest of you: So what if he went to a Muslim school as a child? I know many Jewish parents who sent their children to Catholic schools. What does that make them, Jewics or Catholish?

Update 2:

rmouser: When you say his daddy revered:"Hussein" so much that he named his son after him, Which Hussein are you referring to? Saddam Hussein?

For your information, Hussein is a common Muslim name, and muslim chidren are often called Hussein for the same reason Hispanics often call their male childern "Jesus". Ḥusayn (or Hussein) ibn Alī ‎ (born in 626 AD), was the second grandson of the Islamic prophet Muhammad, is revered as the third Imam by most Shi’a Muslims and as the second Imam by the majority of Ismaili Shi'a Muslims. Does every boy named John or Paul mean he's a Catholic, just because there were a bunch of Popes with that name?

Let's try thinking a little harder, people. This isn't rocket science, just "common sense" !

41 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    "Barack Obama was directly confronted on prime time television last night over allegations swirling around the internet that he is a secret Muslim who worships the Koran, during a Democratic presidential debate in Las Vegas.

    Mr Obama, who was raised as a Christian by his white mother despite his Kenyan father being Muslim, has been dogged by smears and innuendo for months that he is in fact an Islamist trying to enter the Oval office by stealth.

    "Let's make clear what the facts are: I am a Christian. I have been sworn in with a Bible. I pledge allegiance [to the American flag] and lead the pledge of allegiance sometimes in the United States Senate when I'm presiding."

    Mr Obama is a member of Chicago's Trinity United Church of Christ and is an actively practicing Christian. But opponents, particularly on the Republican side, delight in reminding people that his middle name is Hussein, taken from his father, a Harvard educated economist who left the family when Mr Obama was two. "

    It's really sad that a lot of people are only voting for someone based on if they're "christian" or not. Seriously why do we even bother having elections everyone is so predictable, they don't even study up on candidates anymore they vote strictly their party even if the person running is a complete ****, and obviously now people won't believe someones christian even if they believe in God and go to church just because their name sounds a little bit off.

  • 1 decade ago

    Republican smear campaign? I don't think so. Try Democrat smear campaign. Your just mad Republicans actually talk about issues instead of "change". People should research more before they call people something. Obama had a Muslim father and was raised as an atheist. But he became a Christian.

    However he is not qualified to be president. He's very inexperienced and only has nice speeches which I don't like because they're about "change" and "hope" and saying "yes we can" not about fighting terrorism, fixing the economy, andother important issues.

  • a m
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    you are correct in the fact that he was born in Hawaii, but what you fail to mention is that he left Hawaii and moved to Indonesia, and went to school there...a public school where all the children are Muslim and pray their 5 times a day, which would also mean that Obama would have been expected to hit the floor as well and pray towards Mecca. It is expected of those children. The only way not to pray in a Muslim public school is to go to a Private school, and he did not do that until later by going to a Catholic school. Now he claims to be a christian, and if you research his church, you will find that they are very racist, and yes it is a black church. I am already well informed on Obama, and Hillary.....Obama does not have enough experience, and I refuse to vote for a man with such a name that screams Muslim, Why would anyone do that to the families of 9-11. Any one who would do that, should be kicked in the rump.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    There have been rampant rumors unlock by way of the media. Mostly Fox News, pointing out that Obama used to be raised Muslim and went to a Muslim college. While all of them corrected themselfs, the general public brain used to be pemanently affected.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's not his name it's the fact that his dad and step dad were both Muslim and he was raised muslim for at least 7 years if not more. His dad admired Hussein SO much that he named his kid after him come on this is true.

    You can not help what your parents are nor can you change what they teach you as a child. He was raised Muslim in his youth and I believe some of that is still with him just as the teaching I was taught by my parents are still with me.

    Now you have Larry Sinclair coming out with SEX and Drugs.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It is one thing to proclaim to be Christian which is what Obama says he is..I have no problem with this claim of his. But he has yet to EVER say anything about his Muslim father , step father or grandparents or brothers and sisters. Don't you wonder why he is hiding this part of his life from you? If you don't wonder then you should because he is lying to you in order to gain the Presidential seat...I think if he would just talk about his Muslim roots a lot of the scams would go away.

    Hillary camp didn't start this goes back to even when he was running for Senator. He was elected Senator of IL because his opponent was weak and lacked funding.

  • 1 decade ago

    Why did CNN today say that Hussein was born and raised in Hawaii?? Was it to try and sway the vote of uninformed Hawaiians??

  • 1 decade ago

    According to the news reports I have heard,he is a Muslim.

    It does not make any difference about what state he was born in.

    Being born in the U.S. does not make him not a Muslim.

  • 1 decade ago

    Pure ignorance, with a jigger of hatred added for good measure.

    Obama has been active in Christian churches his whole adult life. But he is not a hater, and a huge number of American Christians define their religious purity by who they hate.

  • 1 decade ago

    His name doesnt make his religion. Im a muslim and i have a western name, Joey, and several of my cousins have middle eastern names BUT they're christians. People who dont want a black man in the white house spread these rumors so people wont elect a 'terrorist'. Do people actually think he would do something bad with america IF he was a muslims? people like that are just ignorant.

    If i was 18 i would definitely vote for obama though.

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