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Lv 7

A repentant pedophile goes to heaven. Correct? The child he raped goes to hell for choosing to....?

...abort the product of this rape. Correct?

An answer to a question Pangel posed a few minutes ago states that this would be the case, because although the child is the product of rape, the mother still chose to "Murder her own child."

Those aren't my words, by the way.

The question didn't focus on pedophilia. I put that spin on it.

If you state that a pedophile's victim would have the right to abort, then why not an adult victim? Where's the difference, other than age?

NO ONE deserves to be raped, and no one should be forced to carry this pregnancy to term.


I didn't see that cbrown just posted a similar question. My apologies.

Update 2:

Green Eyes...when those who DO believe in heaven and hell try to set the moral standards for everyone, then it becomes the business of those who don't believe.

30 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think neither of them should go to hell, simply because I hate short-minded views on life.

    Nobody is born as a child-rapist. It's always caused by something that has happened to the person. Somewhere in his life.

    Education is the key here. Sure, they need to be punished, but no punishment is useful without an educational or therapeutic element in it.

    And after that, yes, they also need to be forgiven. No matter how hard that is for anybody to grasp. Rapists are, in the end, humans too, and also victims of society. Their victims need a lot of help, really. But in order to make a safer society, we should also offer the rapist a chance to become a better human being.

    I'm an atheist, as you know. In case there might be a god, I find "hell" the sickest concept ever invented. Simply because it has no educational purpose or the element of forgiveness in it. Which makes this particular god an amoral god.

    About abortion: it's very simple, really. Nobody has the right to tell a woman what she has to do with her own body for 9 months. That's slavery. I thought we were past that a long time already.

    Source(s): Oh! Markyyy doesn't want rapist to burn forever. Let's give him thumbs down, because thinking longer than 2 seconds is so much trouble. I wish society would grow up a little, really.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Abortion is a phony issue in the US. I don't mean it isn't a serious problem that we could argue about, but the whole way politicians talk about it is designed to get people angry at each other. They don't want to SOLVE the problem, they only want to EXPLOIT it, and to do that they want to keep it alive forever.

    When abortion first was designed as a political issue, in the 1980 presidential campaign of Ronald Reagan, Christians allowed abortions in three cases--rape, incest, and danger to the health (not necessarily the -life-) of the mother.

    The problem with this is that it brought up the instance you suggest here. Also the question arose: If there -are- cases where abortion is allowable, shouldn't it be decided by the woman, her doctor, her minister, her husband and family, instead of by the state?

    Because they were only trying to exploit the issue, many Christians and conservative politicians decided these exceptions were too easy. So they did away with the exceptions. Today they argue that abortion is an acceptable solution only if the mother's actual life is in danger.

    An embryo conceived by rape, they say, is still a human being, and deserving of all the rights and privileges appertaining thereto.

    By adopting this extreme stance, Fundamentalist leaders and conservative politicians have guaranteed that the issue will not be solved any time soon, it will remain exploitable for years and years.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    According to the Bible, and from a Christian standpoint/view, this is a correct answer for this philosophy: A non-believer (One who does not believe in the christian God) can be one of the best people on the planet. But because of the sin nature every human has, that is, because of the fall (Genesis), that person already has earned a ticket to hell, in slang terms. From a christian standpoint, instead of every person being basically good, a person is considered to fallen unless saved by God. Evil is defined as not of God. According to this philosophy, that atheist still has commited one sin too many. This leads him into an eternity away from his creator, which his creator hates more than anything. However, that atheist ultimately rejected what is considered to be his saving grace. This will cleanse him of all wrong doing. But he refused and that, on this part is why any person who rejects God goes to hell. Note: According to the Bible, the reason God rejects these people from heaven is because nothing that is blemished can be in his presence. He does'nt hate them, only their sin, which ultimately creates an eternal barrier. Now a christian pedophile. This can carry several meanings. I will write as though to infer you mean a christian who does wicked things. A christian is ultimately saved from any wicked done in their life. This is because Jesus is the mediator between God and all people. He will either say I know you, or I never knew you*. However, a christian who has done many evil things is a big question mark. As a christian, a new believer can start to change and conform to the biblical teachings and practises. As he matures in the faith, it is widely seen this leads to less wrong doing and more transparency. In today's world, this is sadly not very often. Most United Stated christians are in name only and not in action and deed. Sorry for the bunny trail. Back on topic, A christian who does not conform to the teachings of the Bible and from personal revelation from God inspired by the Bible is often questioned as to whether that person really was evert truly a christian. No real christian would ever do anything to hurt the name of God because christians are in a sense examples of God's healing, loving, forgiving, (etc) hand. If that person does not reflect those things, I would encourage you to step back and look at the whole picture of that persons life and judge accordingly, based on actions not words. The real true answer is not what the person has done, however, it is what that person has chosen for eternity. Everyone messes up but its what they do about it that determines the outcome for eternity. Hope that helps. *(Example not fact).

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I'm noticing that a lot of non-christians have a tough time with the concept of repentence. It isn't a child's "I'm sorry" and all is forgiven -- it is a sincere grief for the sins in your life and a determination to end them. Since pedophiles and sexual predators don't seem to respond to any kind of treatment (or at least very few of them do) then I must doubt that most of them are actually capable of true repentance and commitment to Christ. As for abortion, as a Christian I am deeply opposed to it as a form of birth control. I have known several women who had abortions and they suffered emotionally from it. Also, it remains a dangerous procedure, albiet, safer in a hospital under trained professionals. I don't believe having an abortion gets you sent to Hell, that's based on your decision for or against Jesus. I do know a lot of women who have had abortions who seem to be in hell on earth. I don't like women being scarred physically OR emotionally so someone else can make a buck. (Or are these clinic non-profit?)

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I've wondered the same, a few times. Really, why force a woman to live every day of her life caring for the reminder of her worst moments? I realize that having a child is an amazing thing, but sometimes I think that it's best for everyone involved that the child be aborted, in cases like that which you presented.

  • 1 decade ago

    Wow, everyone seems to have a really warped view of God.

    God alone knows if the pedophile actually repented or not and repentance doesn't mean he doesn't have to suffer for it, only that it won't be forever.

    Even the medical community allows abortion in the case of rape, incest, or the parent's life being in danger (giving birth too young is a very serious health risk.) Do you really think God is dumber than the doctors.

  • L.C.
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    The confusion isn't with this despicable crime, it is with forgiveness. One moment people can't imagine a God that would send someone to hell for eternity, and in the same thought they can't imagine a repentant pedophile in Heaven. Victim or perpetrator is of little consequence eternally, because both have sinned and need a savior. And both can be saved through the grace of God.

    All and any sin can be forgiven, the grace of God is powerful enough to cover any action. The blood of Jesus is very powerful.

  • I have always been against abortion, except in those cases where conception accurded during a rape. it is not a sin to abort a fetus that is a product of a rape. and do you think we want a bunch of rapest children running around? and the whole heaven thing for a pedophile, lucky is it is not up to us to judge, that my friends is for God to decide.

  • 1 decade ago

    One of the reasons I'm not Catholic anymore is what your question is asking the stupidity of some sick son of a ***** saying sorry and he goes to heaven but a child or adult is scared for life and they would go to hell.

    (I'm not a advocate of abortion but the world isn't black and white there is constant shades of grey so it is impossible to always stand firm on one belief and this is one of those situations)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This Heaven place is starting to sound crappier every day.

    I think all the nice people are in Hell.

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