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I'm a nearly 4 year old grandmother. I have a son and a daughter and 5 grandchildren. One of my grandsons has ADHD, another has autism, and a third is developmentally delayed. They are all wonderful, though. I love to read, write and play various video games. I am agnostic.

  • Does anyone else find this supremely ironic?

    "This isn't about obstructionism," fired back Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla. "You limited our rights."

    From a man who votes against sex education and access to contraceptives, votes consistently to limit women's rights to make their own medical decisions and also votes to remove health and other benefits to pregnant women.

    Am I crazy or does it seem like this man only thinks (rich), straight, white males are actually entitled to "rights"?

    14 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Is there any evidence that Democrats actually practice voter fraud?

    I saw another poster claim Democrats use votes from dead people and illegals and another poster claimed that voter ID laws stop Democrats from their "rampant" voter fraud. Is there any evidence of this? All I can recall are instances of Republican voter fraud.

    11 AnswersElections7 years ago
  • How can I appeal a violation report for an answer here?

    My answer to a question was reported and I want to appeal but the link I was sent in my notification is apparently broken. How can I appeal?

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers7 years ago
  • Are there no more blue dungeons in Terarria?

    I've made a dozen new worlds and am only getting pink and green dungeons. Did they eliminate the blue ones? That would make me very sad.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games7 years ago
  • Why do you think Obama ran for a second term?

    He already knew that he was going to face unrelenting lies and hatred -- so why would he WILLINGLY campaign for a second term.

    I'm kind of torn between: He underestimated the hatred and stupidity of the GOP. and He really wanted to leave America a better place.

    What are your thoughts?

    (Warning, answers that are not referenced -- if a claim is made -- and answers that involve name-calling will not be considered for best answer.)

    8 AnswersElections7 years ago
  • Why is it that the vast majority of those who dislike Obama cannot construct a logical argument and resort to?

    name calling?

    I feel like reading these questions is like listening to an argument between a toddler and an adult.

    16 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Question about Mormon baptism for the dead?

    If this proxy ordinance is one that can be accepted or rejected then why do the Mormons CONFIRM the deceased as Mormons, record them in their records as Mormon and, quite frequently, Seal them to one or more spouses? My distant relative Lucille Ball was sealed to both Desi Arnez and Babe Ruth, for some reason...

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Do children often cry when they lose their first tooth?

    My 7 year old grandson just lost his first tooth. He's a sensitive soul and will cry up a storm for many reasons. Even so, it was quite a shock when he started sobbing when he lost his first tooth. He wanted it back in his mouth! My son and I eventually calmed him down by helping him to understand that this is a very good thing (inevitable, in fact) and that he will now be getting his big boy teeth. He was also ecstatic this morning when the note the tooth fairy (his mother) left him included a drawing of a tooth fairy (he's really into art). But I was wondering how common this is. Anyone else ever dealt with something like this?

    3 AnswersGrade-Schooler9 years ago
  • Should this be my new most favorite moronic line?

    "Of course, with other religions, they don't have the benefit of being true, but they do the best they can given there understanding."

    I mean, it has it all -- delusion, arrogance, intolerance, smugness, improper word use and condescension. What do you think?

    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Question about discharge from breasts.?

    I've had a clear liquid discharge from both breasts. I started noticing it over the summer when my daughter in law (I live with her and my son) was expecting her 3rd child. Well, Logan is 6 months old now and I still have it. I've seen my GP, who is a nurse practitioner. I don't have any lumps. I had a mammogram, it appears good. I know I'm susceptible to my daughter in law's hormones, but the baby is bottle fed. Is this hormonal, or should I be worried even though my GP isn't?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Has anyone heard of a word that sounds something like "pronundant"?

    My son-in-law swears that a word like that (which I haven't been able to find in any dictionary) refers to words which are not pronounced the way they are spelled. Is this a real word? Is their a similar word that means the same thing (as in, am I just spelling it wrong?)? Is there ANY word specifically for words which are not pronounced the way they are spelled?

    Thanks all you word experts out there!

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • A Question for people of the Jewish faith?

    I am reading a book called Between Time and Eternity about the evolution of the Jewish faith after the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD. One of the things the author says is that the role of Rabbinical Judaism is to interpret the holy scriptures in light of the world and against each other so that they all make sense. (At least I think that's what he said.) He said that a good scholar could not ignore passages that didn't line up with what is believed of God, the Torah, etc. I was simply curious (and I am not trying to be offensive or inflammatory) as to how Judaism today reconciles some of the more cruel judgments of the Old Testament God. Is it errors in the more common Christian English translations or errors in Christian interpretation or something like that? I'm afraid I can only understand things at the moment from a Christian perspective since that was the culture I was raised in and believed for many years. Now I'm just curious how other faiths feel, although I'm not looking for another religious system right now.

    Thank you in advance for indulging my curiosity!

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why are God's "wives" never mentioned in the LDS faith?

    I mean if women are just as important as men, shouldn't Godesses be important too? Are all the LDS women going to be non-entities when their husbands become Gods on other planets too?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Where are the women in the Book of Mormon?

    Why are there only three women recorded in the Book of Mormon? In a record of a civilization spaning thousands of years, only THREE did anything worth remembering?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Question about Rheumatoid Arthritis and Heart Pains?

    My mother is 66 years old and has had pretty severe rheumatoid arthritis for the past 15 years. She was on methetrexate for at least 10 years but had to change to something else a few months ago. Apparently she has also been having heart pains (or pains in the region of her heart) for some time too -- but of course she was too stubborn to let anyone know. They did an EKG and whatever it said caused her primary caregiver to put her on nitroglycerin immediately. (She said it was helping too.) Now she needs to be on a heart monitor to help with diagnosis for some reason. My sister said that when she was experiencing pain just recently she pressed the area just under her ribcage, not near her heart. So we're wondering if there's any chance this isn't the heart but is something else connected to her arthritis. Anyone out there who can give me some ideas for when we go see the doctor tomorrow?

    1 AnswerHeart Diseases1 decade ago
  • I'd like your insight...?

    I'm just curious how each of you (who choose to answer) feel about the concept of giving up your life on this earth to earn rewards after you die.

    Personally, I think it's rather rude to take the gift of life and feelings (assuming a deity gave them to you) and then trying to put them on hold in the hopes of some eternal reward. It's kind of like committing emotional suicide for gain, in my mind. What do you think?

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Help with math problem -- NOT school related.?

    The example I provided was for each man to have 3 wives, each wife to birth 5 children.

    Each male could take a wife when they turned 26, 36 and again at 46 (going off memory).

    Each female was eligible for marriage sometime between the age of 16-18 YO.

    Using that example, the population growth produced a male to female ratio that left additional females.

    If you want the female to marry a year later, simply adjust the age of when the males take a wife to compensate for that.

    If you want the males to marry a couple years sooner, just adjust the age in which they take their 2nd & 3rd wives.

    The rate of population growth in this example would be sufficient for each man to have 3 wives. The timing of the age at which they take any of their wives is subject to the factor of that rate of growth and the age in which females may marry.

    As for the "pyramid scheme", the only similarity is a result of the population growth involved. Eliminate that growth and the solution is simply changing the ages in which men take their wives.

    I doubt that would happen, as the 4 adults involved in this situation discussed in the example are very likely to produce more than 4 children between them.

    The continuous use of the the 50/50 ratio, pyramid scheme, magical numbers... reflects on the credibility of all comments made by those that use these one-liners responses to refute the mathematics involved.

    Okay, this is supposed to be a magical math formula that allows for men to have three wives each even though the gender ratio is basically 50/50 from what I understand. I am not mathematically inclined, but I'm pretty sure that the numbers will fall down. In short, this appears to be a pyramid scheme to me. Can someone either back this up mathematically for me or refute it mathematically for me? Please?

    1 AnswerMathematics1 decade ago
  • Any Jewish historian/cultural experts?

    On a blog I visit someone posted this from a different website:

    "...John in the second chapter of his book speaks of a wedding at which not only Jesus was present, but also his mother, who would have had to have traveled all the way from Nazareth especially to be there. At this event Jesus was in charge of the wine, a duty usually set aside for the groom, and if this does not make it obvious enough that it was his own wedding he was present at, we have in the sacred record that he was referred to as the bridegroom on this occasion (John 2:1-10).

    "The association Jesus had with certain women would have been wholly inappropriate for a single man, but perfectly normal and accepted for a husband (Matt. 27:55, Mark 15:40-41, Luke 23:27-28). In the Greek language there is little distinction between the word woman and wife, and so therefore any (if not all) of those females who accompanied him quite possibly could have been married to him. Martha called him "Master", a title a wife would use to address her husband, and when Mary her sister was in mourning over the death of their brother, Lazarus, she sat in her home until Jesus called her out, just as was the custom that only a husband could call a woman out of her home at such a time (John 11:28). Not only did Christ fulfill the traditions and duties of a typical Jewish husband, but so did his wives, when they anointed him prior to his burial (Luke 24:1,10)"

    So I'm wondering, does this really, accurately explain things from Jesus' time? Was there a specific age by which men had to be married or else? Would Mary really not have gone to the wedding ceremony if it wasn't to marry off Jesus? Did women really call their husbands "Master"? Were husbands really the only ones who would call women out of their houses like Jesus did to Martha after Lazarus died?

    Thanks for indulging my curiosity.

    Oh, the website the excerpt is taken from is:

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Follow Up on Medical Personnel Question?

    This is specifically directed at Diane A -- you told me to e-mail you, but you don't allow e-mails. Would you be kind enough to e-mail me so I can pick your brains about fevers and viruses and ER protocols? Thank you!

    Anyone else who is willing to let me pick their medical brains are welcome to e-mail me to. I'm doing research for a novel I'm trying to write.

    4 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • How can I find out why my question was removed?

    I was just going through my questions and I noticed one that was labeled as removed. I didn't get an email violation notice, so I am wondering what happened and why. How do I ask someone at YA about it?

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago