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Lv 6
? asked in PetsCats · 1 decade ago

Fish or meat?

Is there a dietary need for our cats (8/9mths) to have meat in their diet or is it ok for them to have only the fish flavoured cat food....they don't like the meaty meals.


We're referring to tinned cat food not fresh fish or meat.

Update 2:

Wouldn't feed raw fish to our cats - sorry for saying again but we're asking about tinned cat food. x

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I too had cats that preferred fish flavored meals. They rejected liver, veal and beef. They did not seem to have any ill effects healthwise. Perhaps some one will more knowledge than me will share better info.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I read in several places that giving cats fish too often (which would include canned cat food) can be bad for their health. I can't remember the reason but try googling it. There is a dietary need for cats to have meat - it's what they eat in the wild.

  • 1 decade ago

    Cat (Feline) Basic Nutritional Needs

    * Protein from a meat, fish, or poultry source

    * Taurine, an essential amino acid

    * Certain other vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and fatty acids

    * Water

    Cats do not need carbohydrates, and although corn, wheat, rice and/or soy are used as fillers for both canned and dry cat foods, there is some question as to whether cats can even efficiently digest these ingredients. Other ingredients, such as binders, flavorings, and coloring agents are added by cat food manufacturers to satisfy the aesthetic desires of the consumer. And though preservatives are necessary to keep foods fresh for our cats, the best choice for preservative is not always the most cost effective for the manufacturer.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, as long as they are getting enough protein and it is from a good source (no by-products)...

    On the other hand though, it is harmful to give cats fish regularly, because of the mercury content.

    Edit: Fish-flavored canned cat food will still contain small amounts of mercury.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    OMG! The ignorance out here is astounding. I don't say this to you - you are asking for info and that's great. But you have gotten some incredible moronic answers.

    Cats are obligate carnivores. THEY NEED MEAT. Think about what being a carnivore means. Lions, tigers, T-Rex - meat eaters one and all. Well, so are cats.

    Fish is not a good food for cats. It's not a natural part of their diet even though they've been portrayed that way for years.

    Too much fish in a cat's diet can lead to urinary issues, vitamin deficiencies, and not to mention the fact that they aren't getting meat-based proteins.

    I highly recommend you try even more varieties of canned foods that contain only meat. You're sure to find at least one they'll accept. If not, then (though it pains me to say it) add some dry food to their diet - one that doesn't contain any fish. Even though dry food barely has enough meat in it to legally list it as an ingredient, it would be better than nothing.

    "Why Fish is Dangerous for Cats

    By Jean Hofve, DVM

    A lot of cats love fish, but it's really not a good idea to feed your cat very much of it! Why not?

    The fish used in canned pet foods usually includes bones. This greatly increases the ash and magnesium content of the food, which can be an issue in cats with a history of urinary tract disorders. In practice I have seen quite a few cats develop urinary tract infections and blockages if they eat very much fish--even boneless fish.

    Many cats are sensitive or even allergic to fish; it is one of the top 3 most common food allergens.

    Fish-based foods have higher levels of histamine, a protein involved in allergic reactions.

    Fish tends to be "addictive" to cats. They love it, and will often stage a "hunger strike" by refusing their regular food in favor of fish. Tuna or other fish should be reserved as a very occasional and special treat. Feed fish no more than once a week, and even then in very small amounts only.

    There is a known link between the feeding of fish-type canned cat foods and the development of hyperthyroidism in older cats.

    Fish may not be safe to feed to cats. Predatory fish at the top of the food chain, such as tuna and salmon, may contain very elevated levels of heavy metals (including mercury) as well as PCBs, pesticides, and other toxins.

    The vast majority of salmon today comes from factory-farmed fish. These unfortunate animals are kept in overcrowded pens in polluted coastal waters. They're fed anti-fungals, antibiotics, and brightly-colored dyes to make their flesh "salmon colored"--it is naturally gray. Common water pollutants such as PCBs, pesticides, and other chemicals are present in farmed salmon at 10 times the amount found in wild fish. These contaminants will be present in any product made with farmed fish, including cat and dog food.

    Farmed salmon who escape their pens (and they do) outcompete and interbreed with wild salmon, as well as transmit diseases. A new (2006) study confirms that salmon farms are "massive breeding grounds" for sea lice. Under natural conditions, wild adult fish carrying these parasites are not in migration channels at the same time as the defenseless, inch-long baby salmon, so infestation of the young fish is not a problem. But today, in waters near some fish farms, up to 95% of baby salmon are fatally infested. It is feared that that farmed salmon from nearly 300 fish factories in North America may ultimately decimate the wild population in the Atlantic.

    "Organic" salmon is also farm-raised, and does not have to comply with USDA organic standards. In fact, there is no regulatory agency in the United States that sets organic standards for fish. The contaminant level of organic farmed salmon may be just as high as that of conventional farmed salmon.

    The meat is toxic and the industry is environmentally destructive--need we say more?

    In general, the small amounts of "fish meal" included as a flavoring and/or source of omega-3 fatty acids in cat foods are not a problem, but fish should not be a mainstay of any cat's diet. Fish should be limited to an occasional--and small--treat."

  • 1 decade ago

    My cat is a bit over a year now and I give him meat as a treat. I don't think theres a dietary need for meat at all, just that cats prefer it.

  • 1 decade ago

    feeding only a fish diet is fine. they don't have to have meat.

    nothing wrong with feeding raw food, it's very healthy. but if you feed raw fish make sure to freeze it over night to kill the possible tape worms first.

  • 1 decade ago

    its fine for cats to have fish flavoured cat food it doesnt make any difference if they dont have meat

    Source(s): cat owner for 8 years
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    fish flavored Bacon bits

  • Kat
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I would not feed fish flavored food only as it has been shown to cause major urinary tract problems for cats.

    Let me share with you what I have learned about feline nutrition to help you make an informed decision on what diet you should feed your cats.

    Many brands of manufactured cat foods claiming to be "healthy" really are not. In fact they are made of the lowest ingredients possible. I'm not saying that a cat can't live off them... just the same as you could live off hot dogs and Mac and cheese forever, but better choices can and should be made for your feline friends. I would not venture to say that any manufactured food is "best" for a cat but a grain free organic wet food would be a good start. Feeding canned is certainly better than feeding dry in all cases.

    Cats were never meant to eat dry food, also known as cereals or kibble. We, humans, make them eat it for convenience to us. It has nothing to do with them or their nutritional needs. It's completely species inappropriate.

    In the wild, cats derive their entire liquid intake from their prey. They do not have a thirst mechanism because they don't need it when eating a species appropriate diet. They get all they need from what they eat. So they do not drink water. Regular ol' house cats have descended from those same wild cats.

    So in a home environment, your kitty does not get the moisture it needs from dry food and it’s almost always in a constant state of dehydration. Water fountains are encouraged to TRY to get your cat to drink more and your kitty may even enjoy it, but it will never meet its water intake needs drinking from a bowl.

    Deadly feline illnesses such as diabetes, kidney failure, obesity, stones, urinary tract blockages and Urinary Tract Infections (FLUTD), with and without deadly crystals run rampant these days. Cats are not taking in enough water to stave them off. Proper water intake through a species appropriate diet alone can prevent most of these conditions.

    Overall, wet is a better all around better for any cats diet, be it canned or Raw and they should never be fed dry cereal kibble if we wish to most closely match their wild nutritional and dietary needs. Kibble meets our needs… not our cats.

    It is also bogus that kibble cleans teeth. DRY FOOD DOES NOT CLEAN TEETH. It's an old myth that has been scientifically disproved for years, but old-school vets drilled it into people's heads for so long (and sadly still do) that people still believe it. Cats can not “chew”. They do not have chewing teeth. They have meat ripping pointy carnivorous teeth. They do not have molars. They may “crunch” a piece of food once to crack and break it… but they are absolutely unable to chew a hard piece if food. Want your cat to have clean teeth? Give them an appropriately sized raw bone. :o)

    I personally feed a Raw Meat and Bones based diet to my cats and they are very healthy on it. I HIGHLY recommend it. Once I got the hang of it and felt comfortable with it it's a snap to prepare. It's something you might want to consider someday. They are obligate carnivores after all and must derive ALL their nutrients from meat based sources. They are unable to absorb them from any other source. Despite thousands of years of domestication they remain strictly carnivorous. True and honest meat eaters and that is what they need most. Protein from meat!

    If you are interested in feeding a raw diet some great places to start learning are , , and .

    If you would like to try raw with your cats and don’t want to get all technical about it but want to try a trusted, time tested and balanced raw diet you can order from . I purchased this myself when I first started and my cats loved it!

    If raw is not an option for you please be aware that there are three Categories of Pet Foods:

    -"Grocery store" foods – (Generic Brands and cheap name brands) Those foods found in grocery stores and mass-market retailers are made with lower-quality, less-digestible, inexpensive ingredients and are therefore a cheaper alternative. While easy on the pocketbook, "grocery store" foods normally do not provide your cat with the healthiest, most nutrient-dense ingredients.

    -Premium foods – (Iams/Eukanuba, Purina One, Hills Science Diet, Nutro and such) Foods often found in grocery stores, pet stores, and veterinarian offices that contain higher-grade ingredients, but still include many elements of "grocery store" food, such as artificial colors, artificial flavors, chemical preservatives, and "filler" ingredients such as corn and wheat products, by-products and even animal digest. Yuck! Premium foods are usually more expensive than "grocery store" foods because their ingredients are sometimes of a higher quality, and are therefore somewhat more beneficial and digestible. But don’t be fooled, some of those same so called Premium brands are sometimes worse than grocery store foods, but they charge prices like they are better. They aren’t!

    -Healthy foods – (Wellness, Merrick, Eagle Pack, Drs Foster & Smith) The newest addition to the pet food market - provide pets with the highest quality, healthiest, and most nutritious ingredients. They are typically available for purchase online or direct from the manufacturer. Some better retailers are starting to carry them now. Complete Petmart carries a few healthy brand foods. Foods in the Healthy class contain nutrient-rich ingredients. Formulated to provide optimum health benefits for pets, these foods often use real meat as the primary protein source, carbohydrate-rich whole grains like brown rice and barley and whole, fresh fruits and vegetables. They should not contain artificial preservatives, flavors, or colors. They will almost always be fortified with additional vitamins and minerals, and will use the best natural sources for fatty acids to help build healthy skin and a beautiful coat. Because healthy foods use high quality ingredients, you should expect to pay a little more than you would for other types of pet food. Remember, though, with healthy foods you can feed less since healthy foods are more nutrient-dense than other types of food so it often evens out or cost’s les than feeding foods filled with cheap non-nutritional by-products fillers.

    With all that information in mind, when you are choosing a new cat food, study the ingredients. All ingredients on pet food labels are listed by weight. Meaning whatever ingredients are listed first on the list, there is more in there. The first ingredients listed should be whole meat ingredients, protein sources, such as Chicken or Turkey. NOT just the word “meat”! Who the heck knows what that is? The word Chicken Meal is ok, but it should be a secondary ingredient, not first. Meal is the meat dehydrated and ground into a powder.

    The ingredients also should NOT include any by-products or animal digest whatsoever. Those are disgusting left over animal parts that are scraped off the filthy floors of meat and poultry plants. They should just go into the trash but they put them into pet food instead. EW!!!! Also make sure there are no artificial colors or flavors. And make sure there is no BHA and BHT used preservatives. These preservatives have been shown to cause cancer in both cats and dogs. Bad Bad stuff and it’s in almost every cat treat on the market. :(

    So, in summery of the ingredients… if you see the words by-products, Animal Digest, the word “meat” alone, Corn, Corn Gluten, Wheat Gluten, or BHA or BHT… stop reading, put down that product and move on to the next.

    Be aware that when switching to a Healthy, Holistic or Organic food, you will pay for what you get. Good foods are not cheap. They are pricey and will cost you more than cheaper products, just like steak costs more than hotdogs. But again, you will be feeding a better food and improving the over all health of your pet. This in turn leads to less vet visits for illness now and more importantly later in life in their geriatric years. You will also feed less of this food on a per animal basis because a smaller amount of food contains what your cat needs. Overall healthy wet foods are well worth it, if only for the piece of mind that the ingredients are better for your cat than cheap crap.

    You can start your research for a healthy cat food here if you are not ready to try feeding a Raw diet:

    If you want to buy in a store, Complete Petmart is a good store and carries quite a few natural, organic, and holistic blends. Also check with your local feed/grain stores.

    I highly recommend you take the time to research for yourself, but the information I have given should get you off to a good start. Good luck choosing a new healthy food!

    ********IMPORTANT*******Don’t forget to switch your Pets food slowly over a period of 10 to 14 days, if you can. Mixing 25% new to 75% old. Then 50/50… then 75% new to 25% old. And finally switch over to 100% new. Take it slow as not to upset their digestive system.

    Side note… Please don’t feed Iams / Eukanuba. It’s ALL fillers, byproducts, animal digest and CRAP. Read the ingredients! There is nothing good for your cat in that food. Not to mention they conduct the most appalling animal testing you have ever seen. to see the terror they create.

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