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Grand Pa asked in HealthOther - Health · 1 decade ago

why do people please their tongue by taking junk food even when they know it is not good for their health?

Most people go for short cuts for preparation of their meals, buy sub way stuff for self and children knowing fully well that it is not very healthy.

32 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    it tickles their taste buds thats it why they become foodaholics

  • 1 decade ago

    Sometimes junk food just tastes good. That candy bar is delicious, or you are short on time for some reason or another. People definately abuse themselves with the amount of junk food that they consume, but most everyone is guilty. Just take everything in moderation, I suppose, and try to eat healthy as often as you can. And, lately, even though it takes longer, I am using the oven/stove for things. I used to cook all I could in the microwave because it was faster, but that's not good I realize.

  • 1 decade ago


    Junk food makes you happy is always the message.

    I have always found that when I eat healthy food this happens and that quite the opposite is the result of junk food.

    So I'm changing my answer-convenience.

    In a convenience store (or deli) it's usually the only thing available. The food that is suppose to be good is poor quality, you may as well eat the junk than a tasteless apple. That's what goes through my mind anyhow.

    I always have something good to eat at the house!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Honestly people in general are lazy and wanna eat something good fast. I also hate spending tons of money, I know I have bought healthy food to make, but I never have time, and I never really want to make time because when I get that free time I rather be doing something else. As well food does taste better with for fatter products in it, it's a simple fact. Margarine was made obviously to reduce fat, but I know people who know the difference prefer butter any day.

    When I finally do get to make my healthy meal, it's really not all that great, and I end up wanting to buy pre made healthy food instead.... but with that it is waaayyy too expensive and so it's not something i get to do every day.

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  • 1 decade ago

    It is because of lack of self control, to whome they know that junk food are bad to health. Even some people don't have any kind of awareness about the bad effects of junk food.

    The other main reason is junk foods are prepared tastier. They are attractively packed to trigger the senses to eat them. And they are ready to eat.

    But I want to remind everybody -- what you eat today is what you are tomorrow. If you eat healthy food, you will be healthy. If you eat junk food, you will be another junk.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What's really hard is to find beverages that aren't laden

    with corn syrup. Pull a hundred random containers of

    soda or supposed "juice" off the shelves and you might

    get 5% of them without corn syrup.

    But if you choose the right Subway Sandwich they're

    actually healthier than most available fast food.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I used to, as a teen I used to go out with friends and it would just be easier eating at a take away rather than going home and meeting all up again. Im 18 now and stopped as I am more interested in my weight and health than having a quick snack.

  • 1 decade ago

    There are many reasons why people prefer the fast food. Some of them are

    1) No time for preparation of food at home

    Many of us know how it feels when you are so hungry that you can actually eat 2 days old food. When a person is not getting proper baked home made fresh food then, he/she prefer to eat those fast foods. In a city like Mumbai everybody is working 14 hrs a day and one can not expect from that person to cook food after returning from work.

    2) According to Your need.

    In most cases or I can say in every case people who goes for Fast Food will have a choice for eat and he/she will order that thing in which he /she can satisfy himself / herself.

    3) Good way to Give Party

    In our daily life we find it very difficult to give happiness to some other person. So if a person or a group of person wants to for hangout or for any celebration then the person who is sponsoring that celebration will not be in mood to invite all in the house and please them with home made food There for That Person will prefer to eat outside.

    4) Economical - We can actually satisfy our hunger without spending so much. We know that A VADA PAV will not cost us more then Rs.6. So in Rs.15 we can get good amount of calories to work and at the same time if one wants to eat home made food then he/ she will have to spent at least Rs.70 including preparation time.(Time Is also Money in today’s World)

    There for according to me people please their tongue by taking junk food even when they know it is not good for their health.

  • 1 decade ago

    subways pretty healthy. its the greasy burger joints and fried chicken that's bad. but we live a fast paced life and its hard to have time to cook. i work 10 hrs so if i were to cook my dinner i wouldn't eat till 7pm and i go to bed around 9 so that would be just as unhealthy as the fast food. as far as snacks fruits and healthy snacks go bad quickly u can buy more chips and cookies than fruit and veggies. and the limited shelf life of fresh snacks means more trips to the market and in a fast paced world no one has the time. if we worked less we would be healthier.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, it tastes good. Then it's all around us. At school, there is a whole cart of fried food and snack cakes there everyday. I don't eat lunch due to that. I get a pop-tart. At least it has vitamins and minerals! And then again, it's cheap. And easy access and easy to prepare.

  • 1 decade ago

    because it is very good, and it satisfies them, healthy food doesnt really taste that good now if they made the healthy food taste like the junk food then we would eat a crap load of that to..but im have been trying to lose i watch what i

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