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Why has no one mentioned McCain's very un-family-values background?

His first wife was seriously injured in a car wreck so she was no longer attactive, so he started sleeping around when he got back from POW camp. Was sleeping with Cindy while still married to Carol. Why have his opponents been so reluctant to sling that mud? Of course, most of his foes in the nomination run had similar backrounds. So much for the holier-than-thou Republicans.

7 Answers

  • Joe R
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    same reason the don't push the FACT that obamamams step father is a radical islamist and he himself is a muslim, or the FACT that the hildabeast is a communist and her and her husband are murderers.

  • bwlobo
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I believe Dr. James Dobson mentioned his un-family values. Dobson said this may be the first election where he will leave the vote for a Presidential candidate empty.

    Dr. James Dobson was the founder of "Focus on the Family" where family values are his first and foremost priority.

  • 1 decade ago

    Where did you get this information, and it is indeed factual? Or is it a media slander?

    I for one know for a fact that McCain takes care of his people. My sister was on the verge of getting kicked out with her three children out of an apartment because her ex wasn't paying child support, and she was only making $8/hr at her job. She refused to take advantage of the WelFare System and kept trying to support her family. I came out to AZ to help her, and she wrote letter after letter, and the Child Support office wouldn't not help her, and the only one who came through for her and got her child support was McCain and his people! He saved my sister and her three kids from being out on the streets. Persistance pays off when you're in the right. And McCain saw that. And he and his people helped her. Of course so did I. But after her first back child support check, she started getting regular checks in the mail and that really helped her get back on her feet. So, I do not agree with your statement here because I don't think you got your info from a reliable source. Besides, we all have sinned in some way or another. You cannot find ANYONE in this world who does not have a Skeleton in their closet. Or have made a few mistakes here and there. What counts is how we learn from our mistakes. Not how many we make.

  • 1 decade ago

    Democats try to keep the debate on a higher level. It's hard for a Republican to understand.

    Don't worry this election will turn dirty. The Republicans won't have it any other way.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I've heard in the media that there is an agreement between the media and the parties on staying out of this dirty laundry.

  • 1 decade ago

    His marriage was 'over' before he left for Vietnam. The accident was misfortunate and had nothing to do with the ending of the marriage.

    I'm sure you folks will 'selectively' believe what you want and put a nasty spin on the story for your own agenda.

    Furthermore, aren't the libs. always crying to 'get the gov't out of the bedroom?'

    Please, practice what you preach, otherwise you make yourselves look like hypocrites.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    saving it for later...

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