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To the cop haters. Do you actually have a personal experience where a you feel an officer?

either treated you badly, arrested you for no reason or some other valid reason for not liking them, or are you just on the bandwagon? Please relay TRUE experiences that happened to you if so. Most all I hear are general statements like "man, they all suck" "all they do is eat donuts", etc. I want to know what they REALLY did to you that was so unacceptable.


Peter - Thanks for the generalizations. Dude, did I not say that's what I DIDN'T want? Geez!

Update 2:

Private1 - Dude, I'm weeder can't you read?!?!

Update 3:

RP -So you hold the entire police force throughout the country responsible for one incident 25 years ago? let it go man.

Update 4:

RP - no problem at all. I just wonder why everyone lumps all police i with the one or two that gave people issues. If an officer stopped on the way home and helped your wife change a tire would you suddenly love ALL officers because one was good? I just don't get it. I've had more run ins with the law than probably anyone in this section and I have NEVER been treated like everyone on here talks about. I just wonder why not is all.

Update 5:

And for the record I'm not a "cop lover" I'm just someone appreciates the fact that there are people out there who protect me and my family for basically peanuts. Obviously they do it because they care and not for the money. How many of you can say the same? It's also something I've always wanted to be but circumstances prevent that.

Update 6:

Bobby got it right when he said "I don't hate all cops just D*^&head ones like them". Nothing wrong with that as long you don't hold everyone responsible for the acts of a few.

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I've never been arrested in my life or stopped for ANYTHING...but I have witnessed many things ( too numerous to get into) As of late the jails in Hillsborough County Florida have showed people what the cops do. Dumping people out of wheel chairs, breaking their arms , etc. The next town over from me a female cop was outside having a cigarette and thought it would be funny to pepper spray a bunch of ducks who were minding their own business. Two women saw this happen and reported the so called cop. It was in all the papers.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes. 1983, City of Phoenix cops. I was 19 at the time. Me and a friend were driving in my car when I got pulled over by a female cop. She came up and said I was weaving and asked if had anything to drink. I said no, and I know I wasn't weaving. Instead of saying have a nice night and letting me go, she goes back to her car with my license. Pretty soon a guy shows up, a real tough guy cop, and he starts giving us the business for no reason whatsoever. Just a complete and total ******. Anyway, after a while the lady comes back with a ticket for weaving. I said "see you in court" and we left. A couple of months later I went to court... as soon as the judge told the city prosecutor to kick off the trial, he rose and said the city wanted to dismiss the charges because the officer "could not remember the evening in question". A total lie and she knew it. Anyway, I fought city hall and won. If there were justice in the world both of those cops should never have set foot on the force, especially the second one. The lady was just an idiot.

    EDIT: Dude, you asked for A PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. I gave you one. What's your problem again?

    Here's here's another one. I actually went to high school with this guy, he's as much of a numbskull as anyone I've ever met.

  • 1 decade ago

    Oh I had a negative experience alright. But there is no reason to post details here because nobody witnessed it and can judge it. I also do not need insults from the citizen-hater coppers.

    All I have to say is I filed my complaint and the copper who abused my rights received a consequence. He lived to regret it, trust me.

    Since then, I lobby and encourage people to do likewise. I am committed to NEVER FORGETTING what that rogue did to me, and always be ready to defend myself again.

    Bring them on, I'm ready!

    Police Take Exception To Citizens With Video Cameras

    "...when an officer arrests someone, or even gives a summons, he or she can order the person to stop whatever they're doing, including videotaping. However...if you are not being arrested or given a summons and are not interfering with an arrest, you have a constitutional right to videotape. ... police cannot strike you for merely videotaping.

    Knocking a video tape out of someone's hand, a video camera, would presumably be unreasonable use of force or unlawful excessive use of force and might also raise criminal liability for the officer"

  • 1 decade ago

    Hey brooklyn, if you can show me one story in the news about a black man who hadn't done anything wrong, wasn't resisting arrest or endagering the general public in any way and was killed by police and has 50 or more bullet holes in his body, then I will certainly agree with you that the police have a problem that needs to be fixed. Until then, put down your crack pipe and get a real job.

    As for the actual question, I've never had a bad encounter with the police.

  • 1 decade ago

    Here's one for ya. My husband and I went out with some new friends and decided to go over to their house after the bar closed. While we were at the bar the local cops showed up to ID everyone in the bar and take a look at the cars in the parking lot. Well after we left the bar, we followed our friends to their house and were pulled over on the way. The cop assumed that because we came from the bar that we would be drunk. We wern't, we actually didn't drink that night. So he pulled us over for no reason. Our friend pulled over too and got out of the car to wait for us and told his girlfriend to go on home. We watched that cop run over to our friend and ask for his ID. As soon as the cop got his ID he slammed our friend to the ground. We watched in horror as he smashed his face on the concrete. Then he proceeded to put 2 sets of handcuffs on him. Next he dragged him to his patrol car and put him inside. What the cop didn't know is that our friend was a cop too. He didn't even check. The thing that pissed us off the most is that the cop got away with it. But when we went to court for the ticket he gave us, we won. He had said that we didn't stop at a stop sign that we did in fact stop at and put our truck into 4 wheel drive. If there ever was a cop that needed a beating, it's him.

    I now study criminal justice and plan on working in corrections so that I know that at least someone out there is a good person enforcing the law. We don't need jerks out there abusing the law like I saw that night.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well the time I got arrested I had to ask twice to have my cuffs loosened.After they finally loosened them I was put in a transport car where new cuffs were put on.Once again to tight.I spent the whole ride to jail with the cop looking at me funny because I kept shifting in the back seat to relieve pressure off one hand or the other depending on which one was going numb.At the time the second set was applied I requested it to be loosened because it was to tight and that never happened.I don't hate all cops just D*^&head ones like them.Also during the swapping of the cuffs I was surrounded on all four side by 3 cops and a copcar while one cops patting his chest with his little baton thing he's like "Don't try anything"WTF?It's 3 cops all bigger than me plus they already know who I am WTF was I gonna Bruce Lee my way out and flee to mexico over a misdemeanor charge?

    BTW:I believe in Anarchy if police would stay out of everyones business I'd be perfectly fine with that.Let people handle things themselves and the world would be a better place.

    Source(s): "I hate to advocate drugs,alcohol,violence, or insanity but they've always worked for me"Hunter S. Thompson
  • 1 decade ago

    Asking this question is the same as asking a racist bigot if they have ever had a "personal experience" where they feel an African-American did something wrong. Even if there was no experience they'll either invent one or rationalize one.

    As for the answer referencing, that website shows that only 0.3% cops in my state have had any allegation (alone charged or found guilty) of any misconduct or crime.

    Source(s): Me; Cop
  • 1 decade ago

    In Georgia, I was selling books in a small town (from Texas) after acquiring my legal solicitors' permit. I was pulled over by a cop who asked what I was doing there from Texas. I replied "Selling books!" and promptly showed him my permit. He responded that he, "Didn't like my kind," and needed to, "get out of town."

    Side note: I was a 20yo white male, in college, and from the south. (They normally hate "yankees" and minorities. I guess I needed more of a southern accent and more Nascar bumper stickers to fit in better.)

    He proceeded to give me a ticket for going 7 over the speed limit (62 in a 55... a bit ridiculous when routinely people travel down those roads at 75).

    After this I bought a radar detector (V1) and was pulled over several times for undefined reasons when I responded with my exact mph when shot with the radar.

    It's very insulting to have cops in general be so absurdly condescending, especially when they are trying to pick on minorities, teenagers, and other groups they deem unworthy of respect for the day. As "keepers of the peace" they need to focus on capturing real criminals, rather than inventing crimes committed by easy targets they don't happen to like.

    Source(s): I'm speaking very generally about specifically traffic cops (the only kind I've ever dealt with). I'm sure they're not all bad, but face it, almost all of them just couldn't get real jobs... they are on power trips. They're basically the jocks from high school that floated around in the local community college for a couple years before they realized they were too old for high school girls and had to get a job that would allow them to move out of their parents' house.
  • 1 decade ago

    for all you police haters why are you the first to call one when you need them to help you but get caught speeding and get a ticket and you want to hate them for protecting the rest of us from you. i have the up most respect for all police officers. there is a few bad ones but very few. police officers are the most under payed and over worked of any job you can do. other then teachers but we are talking police officers right now. i say THANK YOU ALL FOR BEING WILLING TO PUT YOUR LIFE ON THE LINE FOR ME.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    First of all, who are you to make such demands. Most people

    who know what cops are all about are not going to waste time telling you their story! If you want to know about the dirty cops go to, that might satisfy your needs unless you feel it's all a fabrication you cop lover!

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