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bobby v

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  • Florida gun registration?

    If I purchase a handgun from a retail store in Florida is that gun registered in my name? Or am I require to do something after I get the gun to register it? Does it have to be registered? I want a gun I can keep when the government decides to confiscate all firearms.

    2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Florida gun registration?

    If I purchase a handgun from a retail store in Florida is that gun registered in my name? Or am I require to do something after I get the gun to register it? Does it have to be registered? I want a gun I can keep when the government decides to confiscate all firearms.

    2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Privacy laws in my "office" in Fl?

    Okay for starters I share an office space with 5 other people as it's a 24 hour operation. 2 days a week I work 8 hrs in there straight by myself. The other 3 another person works with me in which I'm allowed to leave the area at times. I've heard my work plans to place a hidden camera inside an alarm clock in this area. Do I have any right to privacy in this office area even though it's a shared space? Do they have to at least tell us they have cctv in the area? Is there anything in Fl law that would help me in this situation?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Full Metal Jacket ammo?!?

    Which is better for Personnel protection in my home. FMJ or these so called target rounds I've been getting? When I went to get some ammo yesterday FMJ was cheaper. Just curious what are the pros and cons to this type of ammo? Is it better/worse for my gun or what?

    5 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Speaker wire sparks?!?!?

    Okay when I touch both ends of the speaker wire{coming from the amp} that should connect to the speaker it sparks. Is this normal? Have I wired something wrong?

    1 AnswerCar Audio1 decade ago
  • Florida laws at workplace?

    Okay my boss says there are "rumors" being said about certain people at my work.He has decided to get at home drug test and take people{4-6 from my understanding} of his choosing into the bathroom to conduct their own test. Based on the results you may be terminated. Is that legal? Just choose whoever he wants only based on allegations? I've been here 6 yrs and never been tested. They don't do random or anything isn't this harassment or something? The test isn't official I don't see how he can fire someone based on that. he also says if you fail and dispute the results you will be taken for a real lab drug test, You MUST pay for from your last check if you fail. Is that legal? They require me all of a sudden to take the test based on rumors and then make me pay for it? What laws or statues{if any} protect me from being treated like this?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • 85 in a 45 punishment?

    Whats a common punishment in santa rosa county for doing 85 in a 45. Anything 30 over is mandatory court date. Just wandering what to expect. Do I need a lawyer?

    5 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Speaker wire sparks when they touch?

    I think I burned the speaker coil out of my speakers.In the process of troubleshooting I noticed when my speaker wire from my amp touches + and - it sparked.What if any options do I have for saving the speakers and or amp? Did I wire something wrong?

    1 AnswerCar Audio1 decade ago
  • 07 ford focus stereo install questions?

    Okay I bought an 07 ford focus yesterday.I'm preparing to install my own system.I have all the equipment I installed in my 02 Saturn SL1{My first install ever}.Just a few quick questions. First my positive post on my battery has a nut screwed onto the top of it. Meaning I don't need a battery terminal right? Just clip a ring on the end of the power cable and slide it over the bolt part right?Next the dash looks like it's all one piece. In my saturn the dash came in 3 pieces very easy to take apart.I can only find like 2 screws I'm concerned I might have some problems there. Also walmart doesn't stock a wiring harness. Should I just check some audio stores or shop online to see if there even is a wiring harness for my car?And lastly for anyone who's installed in an 07 focus are there any other concerns or comments I should be aware of before I take on this task.Thnx in advance.

    3 AnswersCar Audio1 decade ago
  • External harddrive not recognized?

    Okay I have a western digital hard drive 250 gb.It worked fine for a couple months. Now it comes up is device manager but not on my computer.So I go to computer management. The drive is there but when I right click all I see is help no Format. It shows the disk is not initialized. So I try to initialize{and I tried both options,MBR and GPT} and is says the drive cannot find the sector requested.Any advice? I've tried data recovery software but none find the drive.

    2 AnswersAdd-ons1 decade ago
  • External harddrive not recognized?

    Okay I have a western digital hard drive 250 gb.It worked fine for a couple months. Now it comes up is device manager but not on my computer.So I go to computer management. The drive is there but when I right click all I see is help no Format. It shows the disk is not initialized. So I try to initialize{and I tried both options,MBR and GPT} and is says the drive cannot find the sector requested.Any advice? I've tried data recovery software but none find the drive.

    2 AnswersAdd-ons1 decade ago
  • Why Conform!?!?!?!?!?!?

    I have been raised to be my own Man.My father before me worked countless years to struggle for me to be a free man. To be who I wanted to be.So Why should I be a slave to the the MAN? Why should I be who people say I should be?Please tell me my job depends on it.That which is ill-important.You as a working man will pay for me to have food stamps if I don't work, I beg of you tell why should I work?I have no reason other than to conform to which that you shall choose for me.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Why conform?????!?!?!?

    I have been raised to be my own Man.My father before me worked countless years to struggle for me to be a free man. To be who I wanted to be.So Why should I be a slave to the the MAN? Why should I be who people say I should be?Please tell me my job depends on it.That which is ill-important.You as a working man will pay for me to have food stamps if I don't work, I beg of you tell why should I work?I have no reason other than to conform to which that you shall choose for me.

  • Uniforms? Is it legal to makes us all buy the same pants?

    The company I work for wants us all to buy the same pant's? Is it legal for them to say that to work for us you have to buy Dickies brands pants to work here?

    7 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • pay for uniforms or not?

    I have worked for a place since 2003.Over the years we have worked for 4 different company's. The new company require's we pay for pant's.I've had problem paying for them as they've been pants that are pleated{SP}which I WILL not wear outside work.Can I force my company to pay for my pant's?I'm afraid if I do they will fire me. What options do I have?

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Ativa wireless router manual install?

    Okay I'm looking to get a wireless router. I have my eye on an ativa wireless g. I'm reluctant to get it because it says vista users have to manual install.I'm not comp-illiterate, but I've never tried to install anything network wise.How hard would this be?

    2 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • Unlivable conditions?

    Okay I need help determining if this considered unlivable in Florida.I told the landlord 1 1/2 months ago the heat doesn't work{not yet unlivable I know}.He brings 3 space heaters ask can we wait til 1st of month{Sep} so he can collect others rent to have $$$.Sure.Last week the plumbing started backing up.With snakes and draino he managed to get the back bathroom working right.We can't even wash dishes in the kitchen.That's it.The shower back there is horriblely nasty and we won't use it.So we basically have a toilet.Now if it's freezing outside we run one space heater in the bedroom with the door closed.Which means should you need to go to the bathroom you have to walk through this freezing trailer to get there.There's not hot water in the sink to our working bathroom.{Which is against Florida law I know, It's the unlivable part I'm unsure of}.Front doors not weather tight.Let's air in.My wife has pneumonia BTW presumably from tracking thru the cold house back to the warm bedroom.I'm really wanting to terminate the lease because the landlord basicly refuses to fix anything beyond something he himself{A man with no kind of experience beyond running this trailer park, and whatever cheap stuff he can get} can do.So what if any conditions here make this place considered unlivable?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Car Audio speakers hum?

    Okay nothing in my trunk is bolted down.I was riding today and when i made a corner I'm guessing my faredcap{Sp?} touched my sub amp{which is metal}.The subs started pounding out bass even when I turned the sound all the way down.I turned the radio off and now when it's back on the bass isn't pounding but it goes from hearing vibration to feeling vibration back to hearing vibration.If I turn the radio off it stops so I know it's the speakers{or atleast the system itself}They don't sound blown and if you turn it up like I like it you can't hear.But with the wife the music can't be loud and this sound annoys me bad enough I just turn it off.Everything looks okay and sounds just as good loud.Also the wife said it smelled like birthday candles after you blow them out right after it happened.I didn't notice anything burned or melted wires.Any advice or suggestions?

    4 AnswersCar Audio1 decade ago
  • What's a bigger slap in the face to Cox?

    Okay My Cox high speed has been "temporarily" turned off til I call customer service{I assume based on DMCA}.So should I call and get them to turn it back on and use it a few more days then cancel when I get a new ISP? Or just call and tell them to shove it and spend a few days without internet at home til the new ISP comes

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Will my Video card play far cry 2?

    Okay I have a recently purchased laptop.It plays elder scrolls oblivion {and GTA:SA}which I'm lead to believe most laptops wouldn't handle that.So Will my ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3470 Handle this game?Just noticed but does the HD stand for High Def?

    4 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago