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Favorite Answers21%
  • I need to know how to save information from my laptop so I can transfer it to my desktop without using a USB.?

    The USB ports are not working and the information that we need is needed right now. We cannot wait to have the computer fixed. Is it possible to transfer programs and file information via DVD? Real help is appreciated.

    Thank you in advance

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • help finding information on a stalker?

    A very good friend of mine is being harassed by a woman who is sending her letters, emails, and messages via MySpace. My friend lost her husband over in Iraq over a year and a half ago. My friend is now in a relationship and this person is telling her what a horrible person she is for being in a new relationship. First of all it's none of this persons business and how dare she attack another person who has had to endure the worst of being an Army wife. What I need to know is if I can find out her name using the email address she used to send the emails from. It is a gmail address. I also need to know if there is a way to get into a private myspace acct. This woman has to be stopped and the police cannot do anything about it until we figure out who she is. Any help is appreciated.

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • we are locked out of our laptop personal account, we have vista. what do we do to get in?

    We own a toshiba. I really don't think that part matters being that it's a vista issue. We got water on the laptop and now that it's dry and turning on again, it won't accept our password to get into the personal accounts. We need advice from someone that knows what to do. We really cannot afford to take it in and don't have the time either. Please, please help.

    7 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • My cat is in heat, what can I do to help her feel better other than put her out?

    I cannot afford to have her fixed yet. I have to wait a couple more weeks. She has been in heat for a month now and I'm going nuts. I feel for her because she actually seems to be absolutely miserable. I was wondering if there was someone who knows if there is something I can do to help ease her misery while we wait (baby motrin, tylenol, god anything). I'm getting her fixed, to that there is no doubt. There are enough kittens in the world. UGH!

    And please don't tell me something stupid just to get points. I am looking for a real answer. Thank you.

    6 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • how should I handle a bad situation with my neighbor. She passed out on my couch and peed on it.?

    I didn't think anything of it when my neighbor asked if my husband and I wanted to have a couple of beers (and a couple of shots) with her. Her husband is deployed and she doesn't like to drink alone (I totally understand). So we got our drink on. She and I both passed out. My husband didn't drink and decided that he wanted to go early morning fishing and took her son with him. So before he left he told me to go to bed. After I left the couch, she laid down on the couch.

    Later on that morning I woke up realizing that my husband wasn't home (I forgot he went fishing) and I went into my living room. There I found no husband, no neighbor, her pajama pants and jacket on my floor next to my couch and a big wet spot on my couch. At first I freaked out, wondering where the hell my husband was. Then I saw his note reminding me where he was. On the same note was her sons note confirming it. When I went to check out her clothes, they smelled like urine, and my couch cushion was soaked. I later took her clothing over too her house but her daughters answered the door and they said she was still sleeping. So I handed them them soiled clothing, not saying anything to them (I know how kids are). But now I have spent the last 4 days shampooing my couch cushion and spraying it with febreze doing the best I can to get rid of the smell.

    OMG what can I do. I don't know how to confront her about this. I don't want to be cruel, I'm pretty damn sure she's embarrassed but I'm pissed off and my couch is pissed on.

    Any suggestions on how to remove the urine and or how to confront my neighbor about this would help me to get this over with.

    Thank you

    Army Wife

    10 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • How the heck are most of you coming up with the money to travel so much?

    I wish I could travel. But on my husbands Army income there is no way. How do you do it? Gosh I would love to see all these exotic places that cost a fortune to get there let alone being there. I gotta admit I'm jealous. My husband is in Iraq and that is the only place he has ever gone other than fishing around home. I only wish. I've got small children and I'm going to school. We can't even afford to go camping. Gee got any good advice? I would love to take my husband on a vacation once he gets home. He needs it and I do too.

    8 AnswersOther - Destinations1 decade ago
  • to clean it up from the yard and children?

    My children were playing in the backyard when I noticed the smell of gasoline. I imediatly went outside to find that the two older girls (3 and 4) were pouring gasoline out of the gas can to the lawn mower. They had gotten it on themselves and on my grass. I put the girls in the bath and now I'm worried that the dog steped in it too. What I need to know is 1- will the gas ignite under my dryer vent and 2- how do I clean it out of the grass for the dog 3- is my dog safe in the backyard while the gasoline is still fresh (he loves being outside). Only serious advise please.

    5 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • I need help making a citation in an essay I'm writing. I'm getting confused with how to cite in the work

    Almost everything in my essay (the arguement for capitalism) is inspired from a text book that I got in another class. But I'm not sure where to cite the book being that it is almost all from that book. My instructor said I needed to cite more but I don't know where. Do I just pick a spot and cite it??? OH and this is a college English course, Thanks!!!

    7 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • I'm trying to find a song. Stupid me I can't remember the name of the song or the band can you help me

    It is dark alternative rock and I think it was off one of the batman soundtracks. The first verse goes "I am the passenger. and I ride and I ride." But that is all I can ever remember. Help me please I'm desperate..........LOL

    3 AnswersLyrics1 decade ago
  • I need a new slip cover for a disney movie, how can I get one?

    I need a cover for Beauty and the beast (2007). I have the movie and the case but no slip cover or insert (thanks to my daughters). I am a nit pik about things like this. I want my collection to match. Does anyone have any ideas how to get the slip cover. Thanks

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • Is there any way to fix a microwave that doesn't heat anymore?

    I don't want to buy a new one. I love my microwave. It's really not that old and I can't understand why it stopped working. And no it's not under waranty. If you have any good ideas other than buying a new one please let me know.

    4 AnswersOther - Electronics1 decade ago
  • error 999. after I try to send an email?

    I'm not sure what to do about the error 999. I keep getting that is keeping me from sending any emails out. I can recieve but I cannot send. Does anyone out there have any idea what I can do about it. I understand that it's a catch all error code, but I want to know how to get rid of it. Please only respond if you have any helpful ideas. Thank you!!!!!

    Other - Yahoo Mail1 decade ago