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Why are these two countries freaking out?

Seriously, Venezuela and Ecuador are throwing fits because Colombia killed a rebel leader. Sure they can claim their sovereignty was violated but honestly anybody who has paid any attention to colombia can tell you that the rebels in that country are vermin of the lowest sort. It bothers me that venezuela is mobilizing troops to it's borders to "protect it's sovereignty". Who are they trying to kid? They're trying to protect TERRORISTS!!! so my question is this doesn't it seem politically foolish to take actions that clearly back murdering criminals? And why does the world let these two countries get away with these shenanagans? Shouldn't the UN step in and do something?

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Chavez is mad because the colombians found proof that he is backing the rebels. This is much like North Korea getting mad at the israelis for bombing syria (not that the North Koreans had scientists working at the site on nukes or anything...) Chavez is big talk, but he'll back down like he did when he threatened to stop sending oil to the US.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think this was a poke at Venezuela from the US using the Colombian military as a scapegoat. It's a probing action, we're determining how they'll respond, the abilities and manpower available to set up our "operations" in the area. if not, the US is gaining allot of free intel on the situations in that area.

  • 1 decade ago

    They're just throwing fits, not fists. Imagine if it were the US which had its sovereignty violated. There is nothing to step in for, this will all smooth over soon enough.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because Columbia's army is supported by the US, and what better way for Chavez to rattle his sabre by picking a fight with a US ally while we have way too much going on in the middle east to do anything about it.

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  • billy
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I say if they feel so Macho, let them slug it out and get it over with, they might know better than to be so quick to jump the gun the next time, something we need to learn too.

  • 1 decade ago

    What is this all about, we have not heard anything of this in Ireland at all. could it be it is Fox making a mountain out of a mole hill as usual.

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