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Paid ministry?

Can someone explain to me how a minister can take a salary for the services he provides? where in the bible where ministers paid for their service? Won't there always be a conflict of interest down the road? for example if I knew that my salary was dependent on the number of butts I could put in the seats I would likely only preach the happy parts of the bible that make people feel good, not the stuff that really makes people better. It is inevitable. This is probably why there are so many churches. How can I trust someone who gets paid by how many people show up? Someone help me> Any biblical evidence of Prophets or Apostles recieving anything for their preachings would be helpful too! thanks



Update 2:

The apostles went back to

Update 3:

Luke 7:10 reads: "And they were sent, returning to the house, found the servant whole who had been sick"...what are you saying?

Update 4:

I'm just looking for a way that anyone can trust someone who has an inherent conflict of interest. He may want to tell you that you need to repent because you are a sinner, but if you stop coming he will be unemployed? I am just saying there is an unavoidable...conflict of interest when your livelihood depends on how people recieve the words you say.

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind. 1 Peter 5:2

    From this scripture it appears that God did not mean for men to make money from teaching or preaching the Gospel, or to get amazingly rich from doing so either. The tithes and offerings that a church receives should go towards the poor, the widows, the disabled, etc, and to help build the kingdom of God.

    Source(s): Latter-Day-Saint
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Believe me, if you knew how much I made as a church music director, you would hardly consider it being "paid." My "salary" barely covers the cost of gasoline these days.

    As a member of a congregation, I think it is only fair and just to provide a fair living wage to our pastor. I certainly don't begrudge him that. His salary is not based upon how many people attend the church. We don't even formally keep track of membership.

    You really are stereotyping -- most pastors receive middle class, humble wages. There are a few who make a lot of money, but isn't that between the pastor and his/her congregation?

    What is it to you, anyway? The only pastor's salary about which you need concern yourself would be your own pastor's.

  • 1 decade ago

    One of the many reasons I'm LDS. We don't have a paid ministry.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    In my church, we have no paid ministry. All of our leaders and bishops give their time freely and are not paid. They usually have a career or job in addition to serving in church positions.

    Christ's church had no paid ministry; so ours doesn't either.

    Source(s): Mormon.
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  • 1 decade ago

    If you expect God to put loaves and fishes on their tables, or clothing on their children's backs, or a roof over their heads, you REALLY need to get your act together.

    From your own Christian scriptures:

    "Stay in that house, eating and drinking what they give you; for the laborer is worthy of his wages. Do not keep moving from house to house." Luke 7:10

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What, they gotta eat don't they? Clothe and house their families. Get in the real world.

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