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Anyone else feel like this?

I am a full time mother to 10 year old twins and after being in yahoo answers for awhile it starts to make me wonder how my children are still alive. When i was pregnant i ate what i wanted when i wanted it. Was never told to avoid or not eat anything. After my children were born, i was never told to steralize the bottles, nipples etc. I used tap water to make formula. I was a devout powder after every change mom. My children cried in their cribs. I listened to the dr and started cereal and solid food. I immunize my children when the dr tells me too. They watch tv (somedays for hours on end), they have video games and play on the computer. There are days they play outside for hours and take walks around the block and play at the playground. They have been spanked and sometimes a slap on the mouth. The soap is still on the shelf put ready at any time. Some days they eat cereal for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

I guess my question is, does any other mother kinda feel bad


After seeing and reading what everyone supposedly does, makes me wonder how my kids have survived. Let alone be happy, healthy, intelligent children.

Update 2:

im not saying a full on slap in the face. im talking 2 fingers to the mouth.

and trust me I really do not worry about what others think of me or what i do. i am complimented on how well my children behave in public. I stand firm and tall in my beliefs and my parenting. Just makes me wonder how others feel about it

Update 3:

great to see i am not the only one. guess most dont have the guts to admit what they actually do or dont do. everyone is so worried about what others think, what others say, or what others do. My main point is to worry about you and your family and i will worry about mine. ***the thought of the day*** (my mom taught me this with a BAR OF SOAP) "If you dont have anything NICE to say dont say it at all"

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    when my 2 1/2 year old screams on the top of his lungs. constantly, because he thinks its funny, or screams because i have taken something he needs to not be touching away, damn right i pop him in the mouth. or when he says cuss words, bam pop in the mouth. As long as your not beating the crap outta them, i see spankings and the occasional mouth pop fit. Thats how i was raised, and thats how my kids will be raised. Sometimes kids understand the word no, and still dont care to listen. sometimes ya just gotta do what it takes. I dont give my kids 24/7 attention. I only baby them when they are hurt. most kids now days are spoiled little brats and need a good a$$ whoopin.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    yeah, well the new "rules" on parenting today are a bit extreme and most of the time I don't follow all of them. I think people take the new rules and what the doctors tell them these days too far. I mean, if you feel in your heart, as a parent, the right thing to do...I think you're doing great if the choices you thought were best for your children are what you did. Now, my stance as a parent is a little different then yours, but no worse than anyone else. I think every parent has their own set of how they raise their chidlren and I'm sick of people being put down by other mothers, doctors and family just because they aren't "doing it the right way". What is the right way? Being a good parent and what you think is best!

  • Nic
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    OMG....a real mom! I'm so glad there's another one out there. No I don't feel bad about how I've raised my children and neither should you.

    And don't let the Samantha's out there get to you. Anyone who thinks they know enough about parenting that they can tell people what's right and wrong shouldn't feel that they need to hide their Q & A's. If you know so much why not let others benefit from your vast knowledge? We don't even know if this one has any kids!

    My kids got a smack occasionally too and are none the worse for it. Don't get me wrong, I'm not an abuser but some people think you should try and reason with a 2 year old about why they shouldn't stick their finger in a plug. I personally don't see anything wrong with slapping that childs he associates pain with sticking his finger in a plug....duh.

    Anyway, my point is...only you know how to raise your kids. We all need advise occasionally but you've got to keep negative BS out of your life for your own sanity and your kids.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree - and thanks for the laugh and reality check!! Sometimes I think that if ketchup wasn't made from tomatos my daughter wouldn't get vegetables that day!! I made formula from tap water (after just about being crucified for not being able to breast feed). She's been spanked - probably not as much as I should have.

    She's a wonderful, caring and compassionate 11 year old. She does well in school and is healthy. She eats well most days - but I'm not gonna stress about it if she eats a pop tart on the way out the door once in a while.

    Such is the life of motherhood!

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  • fYi
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    If your children are surviving and thriving then it's fine to parent them however you please as long as they are healthy and not abused..

    I did a lot of research and I'm more of a person who needs to know all the 'right' ways to do things by reading books, asking for advice from other parents and doctors

    but for some parents, they just wing it, and they have healthy and intelligent children...I wouldn't say you're a bad mom, and there's nothing you can do to take it back now, so just take all the advice you can and make sure you feel good about the way you raise your kids, which it sounds like you do, because what's right for one parent, may not be right for another.

  • Jess
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Well I'm barely going to be a first time mom this July, but I already feel so overwhelmed with everything I'm not supposed to do, especially with eating. I tell my mom I'm not supposed to have too much tuna or deli meat or fish, and she looks at me kinda weird and says "really, I didn't know that." which makes me think she probably ate all that plus more while she was pregnant with me and I don't have any problems. I was also brought up on spanking (only once by my mom, never by my dad, but plenty of times by my grandmother), and I didn't turn out to be a terrible person. I also used to spend my entire summer with my cousins, riding our bikes around the city and neighborhood. We tried to sell things door to door with no parent with us, we also bought candy and ate to our hearts desires.

    I sometimes think that now-at-days we know too much and we are scared of so much that it affects us having a good time. We tend to worry about everything!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    not a bit, i raise my kids sort of like you did, i dont go by what everyone says in here, my oldest is 9 and shes healthy as can be, i used powder, i started her on solids when she was able to eat them ,and i used tap water to mix her formula...all that stuff... yes we do tv, video games and all that as well, doesnt mean everyone has to, and it sure doesnt make them right just because thats how they choose to do it, when i read something on here that catches my interest, i research it, i love my search engines, i find out whats true and whats bull...youd be surprised at the amount of bull on here lol.

    my son is 4 months and hes healthy as he can be as well.

  • 1 decade ago

    no i don't feel bad. don't ever let anyone make you feel like you aren't a good mother. my son is 4 and watches TV. He would eat cereal for beakfast, lunch, and dinner too.

    i sometimes feel like people on here front about what they really do. nobody is perfect and if your children are healthy then f*** what everyone else thinks!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    I completely agree with you. I don't know how my kid survived my supposed horrid parenting either. Oh and the biggest parental sin I commit: I don't take his feelings into consideration when making rules. I figure if he does something and being disciplined embarrasses him he won't do it again.

  • 1 decade ago

    I treat my kids the same way! the Exact same way!!!! I use the tap I spank them I let them play games

    I don't feel bad

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