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lolagrl asked in Pregnancy & ParentingParenting · 1 decade ago

Isn't it important to give children their own individuality?

My sister has twin 9 yr. old boys, and she doesn't let them do anything on their own. It's either both of them or none.If one wants to sign up to play Baseball, and the other doesn't, she won't sign either one of them up.I have tried talking to her about it, but she won't listen. I have 2 boys 13 mths. apart, who are now 7, and 8,so they are almost like twins also, but I don't do the same things she does.How can I help her change her ways?

4 Answers

  • Nic
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The most important thing here is MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS! You don't want to have a big row with your sister over this honey. They are her kids and she must raise them as she sees fit.

    Now that being said....if they're over to visit and complain about this you can talk to them in a open way and say, "would you boys like me to talk to your mom about this?" if they say yes then you can approach her and explain how the boys are feeling because now they've asked for help and made it your business.

    Family is forever and you don't want to ruin that over something that will work itself out eventually. I know you're trying to help and I agree with you that every child is an individual but I'm sure your sister is doing what she feels is right. The boys will stand up to her eventually on their own. Don't lose her over something that is ultimately not your concern.

  • 1 decade ago

    as a mother of twins i hear both sides of the story all the time. i have been told mine are too close, i have been told they are too different. it is a mother that needs to make the decisions i have boy/girl twins that are very very close (though at 10 they will not admit it but we see it). you dont mention if the CHILDREN are upset by it. help your sister by talking with her ,,,do NOT preach to her. ask her why she does things the way she does, she might have a good reason.

    almost like twins is not twins,,,it is a whole different ball game.

    Source(s): mother of 10 year old boy/girl twins
  • 1 decade ago

    You can point out that if she doesn't let them have their own interests that they will always be followers not leaders which

    could mean the difference of a career or just a job!!! Surely she would want them to provide for their families to the best of their abilities!!!!!!

  • Amanda
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    The only people that can do that are her boys. They have to let her know that they are individuals. I hope that she doesn't still dress them the same!

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