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People on here seem to be unaware of the bill to reinstate the draft now pending. HR 393. Are you?

HR 393 Sponsored by Charles Ranga D. NY. Co-sponsored by Yvett Clark D. NY and James McDermot D. WA

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Observers largely believe that Rangel, knowing beforehand that the bill would never be passed by the House, introduced it only to make a point. Rangel himself argued that the point of his bill was to express his opposition to the war in Iraq. In an editorial in The New York Times, Rangel said “if those calling for war knew that their children were likely to be required to serve—and to be placed in harm’s way—there would be more caution and a greater willingness to work with the international community in dealing with Iraq.”

    ETA: Rangel. Spelled with an "R." Not a "W."

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I was drafted in 68 and served with the 101st Airborne Division infantry (combat infantrymans badge, Bronze star, air medal etc.) I do not want my grandsons drafted and sent off to die in some BS war. Folks it could happen again and you must let your politicans know you will vote them out if a bill like this is passed.

  • 1 decade ago

    As you noticed, all three of the sponsors are Democrats.

    This is a political ploy of Wrangel's (it's spelled with a W). He and other Dems know that the "anti-war" movement of Vietnam wasn't about the war, it was that lots of American boys were scared of being drafted... so the Dems keep trying to gin up fear amongst younger voters that there will be a draft, in order to get the kids interested in supporting Dems.

    Wrangel introduces it every session of Congress and it never even gets brough up for a vote. It's just a ploy... just like the trolls who keep asking "How can dodge the coming draft" questions here on Yahoo Answers.

    Nobody is going to re-enstate the draft, because the ARMY does NOT want a draft. Yes that is true...the ARMY does NOT want a draft.

    According to Gen. William S. Wallace, commanding general of Training and Doctrine Command, only 27 percent of youth between the ages of 17 and 24 are eligible for recruiting. The remaining 73 percent, he said, “are morally, intellectually or physically” unfit for service. “It’s the lowest it’s been in more than 10 years.”

    Yes, almost 3 out of 4 kids in the eligible demographic are to fat, to out of shape, to stupid, to lazy, to uneducated, or have drug, legal, or medical problems serious enough the Army DOES NOT WANT them. If you go to the recruiter there is a 3/4 chance you will be told "Thank you very much, but the Army just doesn't think of you THAT fact we are stronger WITHOUT you than with you. Perhaps we can still be friends... Have you tried playing Call of Duty 4?"

    That's why we don't have a draft, and won't have a draft.

    The people that were drafted wouldn't be worth the effort. The Army would have to spend 6 to 9 months just training them up to make passable soliders out of them. Since you only draft someone for 2 years that means you might get ONE deployment out of them before you had to send them home for outprocessing, and about 1/3 of that they would spend being "the Foolish New Guy". FNG's require constant on the job training because they don't know what they are doing, and are therefore a danger to themselves and everyone around them.

    A draft would just mean that the Army had to spend a ton of money on training draftees, and only gets maybe one tour out of them... it's just not worth it. (Not only that there is the whole V.A. benefits issue on the back end.) The Army can, and does, do better using the money to pay bonuses to the REAL soldiers who are allready in... guys who and are motivated and want to be there, and recruiting the 27% of the kids who DO have what it takes.

    Add to that all the protests (which is what Wrangel wants) and whining and discipline problems you get with a draft, (and draftees... lets face it someone who is FORCED to join anything isn't going to really put their heart and soul into the job) and it just isn't worth it from the Army's point of view. I'm not kidding... this was looked at early in the Iraq War, and the Army revolted against it.

    Hate to be rude, but what it boils down to is the Army has a message for you .

    "Defending freedom is a job best left to the real men; so would you please just sit down with your X-Box and stay on the porch and keep out of the Big Dogs way?

    Thank you very much. Best wishes- U.S. Army."

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    If the draft grew to become ever reintroduced, i could connect the protest. My brother grew to become drafted for the period of the Vietnam conflict. he's a shy, quiet, very emotional man or woman, no longer able to abdomen blood no longer to tutor kill somebody for his u . s . a .. He did no longer belong there, 1000's of others did no longer belong there and their presence in all probability located enlisted troops in greater beneficial possibility. and that i will tell you yet yet another element. I extremely have 3 toddlers eligible for the draft. i'm no longer able to voluntarily grant my infant to the government for a conflict they do no longer elect to be in. i will cover them, bypass to a distinctive u . s . a ., i will pass to penal complicated first formerly the government ever forced one in each and every of my toddlers to pass to conflict.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I heard about it. I know that it has some merit too. I am not sure that I am for it though, but if it went through, I wouldn't object too much either.

    Maybe this would be a great activity for high schoolers to get into. They certainly need the discipline that the armed forces offer.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Lots of bills are introduced. BTW, did you notice when this piece of garbage was introduced and what has happened to it?

    It was introduced on Jan 10, 2007. Last action was Feb 26, 2007 in the House Armed Services: Referred to the Subcommittee on Military Personnel.

    Please quit the alarmist attitude! This will never become law!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    With the Democrats screaming about the budget why in hell would they want to reinstate the draft. That would be an extremely costly measure that is not needed.

  • Edward
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    McCain seems to like that bill...See for yourself below what happened when a young man asked McCain that "too old" question. McCain said he's going to draft him. Hope the poor kid survives Iran.

  • 1 decade ago

    Even if such a bill were to go through congress, we'd have a mass uprising of people who refused to go. It's an illegal war for a few reasons. Even if you believe in the validity of the motivations, you have to recognize the fact that Bush bypassed a formal declaration of war. That in itself is illegal. It's a war in every sense of the word, but it went through the congress as "military action".

  • 1 decade ago

    No worries. McCain has said that there is no REASON for a draft, and he has explained why.

    He is adamantly against it. It won't happen.

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