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Isn't it unchristian to force Christian moral standards upon others?

In the Garden of Eden, God gave Adam and Eve Free Will. They had the right to disobey. God didn't built a huge wall around the Tree of Knowledge to prevent them from sinning. Think about it: if God gave Adam and Eve the right to sin, he gave them the right to kill themselves (since sin meant death in the long run) and to sentence to death billions of men and women even before they were even born since they would inherit sin from their first parents.

My point is that forbidding euthanasia and abortion for example by voting for a so-called Christian candidate just because most Christians see these deeds as sins IS really a sin since you deprive everyone of Free Will -- the God-given right to disobey and commit sins.

Thanks for your comments and arguments whether or not you agree with this point.


Many people didn't get my whole point: it is unchristian to forbid something BECAUSE it is regarded as a sin by Christians. BUT it is not unchristian to forbid something for non-religious reasons. Making murder illegal is a disincentive that allows people to live in a safer society than if it wasn't illegal. Do you finally get my point?

40 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Good point.

  • 1 decade ago

    A very nice argument, but you have to see it in their point of view as well. People are more appalled by murder, so to prevent it, they put rules for less killing. If you say that it's a sin, then the fate of people's lives are in the hands of the ones who choose to murder.

    think about it.

    Killing is a sin.

    And telling people not to kill is also a sin (so says you)

    how does the killing end? The holy spirit makes the killer change his ways stopping him from killing someone? Doesn't that deprive him of free will since it is all the holy spirits doing? If keeping someone from their will is a sin, is the holy spirit a sinner then?

    I think that as Adam and Eve ate the fruit and let sin into our lives, sin is a system of errors we cannot escape but can only hope for forgiveness. What the voters would be thinking if they read this would be

    "If it's a sin to stop him from killing, I'd much rather sin and save one of god's creatures at the same time as oppose to simply allowing people to pretend to be God and kill who they like"

    That is my say.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I do not let my five year old son beat the dog with a stick or a rake. He thinks it is acceptable, but only because his thinking about the rightness or wrongness of beating the dog has not matured in his mind.

    It would be wrong for me to allow my son to continue to beat the dog until such day that it dawns on him that this action might be wrong. Free will has limitations, and those limitations are imposed to keep immaturity from being destructive, rather than simply a state of one's existence.

    The selfish brutal mutilation and murder of unborn children is a sin. Women should have to witness a live D&C before every agreeing to have one done. I do not mean from outside the womb, but by a fiber-optic camera inserted into the uterus along with the cutting and dismembering tools. That way, a woman could see the tiny arms and legs being cut or torn from the babies body, watch the organs explode, see the tiny heart stop beating, watch as the skull is crushed and then sucked form the wombs and emptied into a plastic jar.

    Unfortunatly our society has condoned this sin as being the right of a limited group of people. It is actually incumbant on all morally developed people, including Christians, to denounce the death and dismemberment, or dismemberment and death, of the unborn. To do less is to accept a horrible holocaust and justify mass murder.

    Nowhere in the Bible, in the Old or New Testaments, does God call the sharing of wisdom sin. Nor does the prevention of sin become named as a sin.

    By the way, your point, about Free Will, would allow chaos in all societies, because according to your thesis, any one person shall be allowed to do whatever to another justified by that person's free will. Thus, a man could steal and murder, a woman could rape and plunder, anyone could commit an act on another with impunity and without fear of reprisal or judgment.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes I absolutely agree with you. It is unchristian for christians to force others to do what they think is correct. People who do this can call themselves christians but what is a christian? It is simply a person with a religious belief, not someone speaking words of wisdom, truth and integrity. People can speak words of truth and guide others and not be part of any religious sect, they may even be athiests. By telling people who are actually doing wrong that they should behave in a christian manner is wrong. Christianity is just a religious sect and doesn't hold all the answers because if it did then sinners would stop sinning and se themselves in the ligh of the truth once a christian person spoke. This does not happen in reality. Many people who are individuals and are not belonging to churches or a religious persuasion are more knowledgeable than christian followers. It is up to us a individuals to find out the truth fr ourselves rather than t follow the teachings of others like sheep. If you look at the way some parents treat their children when they misbehave it is not a surprise there are so many teenagers rebelling and doing wrong. If parents do not speak the truth and integrity to children how can they see their flaws in the light of the truth and then learn from their mistakes to become better human beings ? Parents often get angry with teenagers and children and when they are angry it will enrage their children rather than teach them. Its time that people learn to develop into more honest and truthful beings who are not afraid to speak out against evil. Its also time that people realize that religion is not something to fight over, they are simply belief systems all aimed at trying to explain the concept of God and spirituality however as I have already stated religions do not always tell the truth to people so it is our job to find out the truth ourselves and find inner peace and wisdom.

    Thanks for inspiring me with your brilliant question !

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  • 1 decade ago

    An interesting thought. Wrong of course, but very interesting.

    We as Christians have a duty to be active in all aspects of life. We should do our best to promote the Christian value as long as we are able. By doing this we keep the darkness away a little longer. When we fail and the evil forces take over we need to stand with our head held high knowing we did our part.

    Do not get me wrong. I am not saying this includes stoning offenders or rounding up certain deviants and shipping them off. Heck I would not even wish to see homosexuality made illegal(it would never work anyways). Promoting it yes, but not the person.

    God made certain laws and enforces them. We make laws that reflect these same laws. Yet you are still free to choose and as with all choices you have to live with the decision.

  • 1 decade ago

    Its 't it Unchristianto for Christian Moral Standards Upon

    Others. YES INDEED IT IS. ( In my teachings and conclusions)

    Yes. In my faith of Greek Orthodoxy , you are not to Prostylyze

    ... 'the Christian Orthodox church does not proselytize' as if evangelizing and proselytism ... the modern era most branches of Judaism do not actively proselytize to non-Jews. ... -

    (Greek Orthodoxy does Not Believe in Original Sin ( Sin of Adam and Eve)

    You do not die for the sins of your fathers.

    We Believe.. The Soul that Sinneth Dies

    However , from the Bible Again, Euthanasia/ Abortion is wrong.

    Re Abortion

    God commanded our first parents to "Be fertile and multiply" (Genesis 1:28). Why? God Himself is fertile. Love always overflows into life. When the first mother brought forth the first child, she exclaimed, "I have brought forth a man with the help of the Lord" (Genesis 4:1). The help of the Lord is essential, for He has dominion over human life and is its origin. Parents cooperate with God in bringing forth life. Because this whole process is under God's dominion, it is sinful to interrupt it. The prophet Amos condemns the Ammonites "because they ripped open expectant mothers in Gilead" (Amos 1:13).

    Re Euthanasia.

    Thou shall not Kill./or Murder. ( Commandment)


    Since We are to Follow God's Commandments ( Greek Orthodoxy, ( The Noachide, The 10 Suggestions/The Mitsvos in Judaism. ( OR New Commandment of Jesus

    . Love ALL as I have love you .

    Euthanasia/Suicide Would Not be Permitted.

    I don't believe we have Free WIll .if We Follow and Accept

    God and Biblical Scriptures and Faith.


    Fedor Dostoevsky's Claim is right.I believe


    God does not exist, everything is permitted" is an accurate capsule description of the belief espoused by Ivan Karamazov ( Fedor Dostoeysky)

    (From Brothers Karamazov)

    Source(s): (From Brothers Karamazov) -
  • 1 decade ago

    "Forcing' people not to murder the helpless is the primary function of all government

    One can have the free will to hate and avoid others but nobody can act on the hate and kill the innocent or the like

    The "right' to abort one's baby or kill one's parents is not God-given at all but is defiance not only of revealed law but of Natural Law and basic humane and civil behaviour. Abortion, infanticide and' "infirmocide and gerontocide[killing off the unwanted or 'burdensome' old]" are simply barbaric and wickedly murderous (however convenient and/or profitable those acts are for the actors)

    Also, not all Christians take Gen 1&2 literally:i.for one, do not nor can I really understand why anyone would want to do so,IMHO.

    I also cannot understand why pro choise/pro-abortion' Christian" could sincerely believe in the Incarnation of God as an embryo,fetus and baby,etc

    All legislation is the legislation of morality

  • 1 decade ago

    Only God the Father has FREE will - others do justly or unjustly as the Father dictates.

    Yes it is sin to use bodily force or human legal systems to prevent suicide or euthanasia or murder. Jesus said, 'Don't resist an evil man'. So the government and police are guilty of trying to resist evil men.

  • 1 decade ago

    Free will, or the Doctrine of the Inviolability of the Will, does not refer to a right to act upon the movement of that will. It simply means that within the confines of the private person, one is not constrained to believe, desire, or think one thing or another. By extension, it means that the exterior movement of the body is often the result of that will. I can move my hand up and down, for instance.

    Now, that doesn't mean, of course, that the state does not have the prerogative and duty to stop wicked behavior. God gave the state its authority to rule to begin with. The state is, in fact, the extension of family. Taking your example of Adam and Eve, we see how Adam neglected the authority God had give him, and failed to defend his wife and the garden itself from the serpent.

    By extension, the state is obligated to have the Church as its conscience, and thus to honor God publicly, and to defend society from evil. Euthanasia and abortion are only a few of the evils that the state is obligated to stop.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't vote for a candidate for what they do for everyone else, just for what they do for me. If he holds the same values as I, then hey that great! As for my beliefs impacting others, that's going to happen no matter what I vote. The way I see it is I won't tread on you if you don't tread on me. This means if your warped sense of values tries to creep into my home then we get to fight! I make the rules in my home not some person I have no control over. They tried to force the gay issue into the homes of me and my children and his classmates. We fought it all the way back till the Principle was fired, then the district officials were let go. Our senator put the kabosh on the whole thing saying he was against it before he was canned.

  • 1 decade ago

    Voting for a Christian candidate doesn't deprive anyone of free will. The U.S. Constitution was formed around Christian/Judeo values. It doesn't take away anyone's free will, but instead, guarantees it!

    There seems to be some confusion regarding free will and the law of the land. America affords more freedom than any other country in the entire world, yet folks still whine that they aren't allowed to do what they want to do. Perhaps the same folks need to examine both their motives and their heart.

    God bless!

    Source(s): ><>
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