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davster asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Clinton Supporters: How do you react to the two lies Hillary was caught in these past few days?

First she claimed she was "against NAFTA from the start" and her released papers show she was very active lobbying for NAFTA as First lady. Now it has come out that she was never under fire in Bosnia like she claimed. The last is a very serious lie since she told the story twice about how she braved landing under fire and in reality nothing of the sort happened. False heroics is very lame lying as, in my humble opinion, it takes away from those that face enemy fire in their country's service.

Anyway, how do you reconcile this behaviour?

Update 2:

Added detail for Sledge:

The first video link shows Hillary clearly stating she was opposed to NAFT rigjht from the start. The last video shows Hillary's words compared to the actual event as captured on news film. Here is her quote describingthe incident:

“I certainly do remember that trip to Bosnia,” she said, in remarks that aides described Monday as not being part of her prepared speech. “I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base.”

17 Answers

  • +)
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't really react to them. I have said from the beginning, all politicians lie, all politicians have skeletons in their closet. I just happen to like her stance on the issues more than Obama's. At the end of the day, I prefer a person who embelishes over a person who embelishes and has a close personal relationship with more than one person who seems to hate out country. They both are trying to sell themselves to the public right now. Which is a pity, becuase they both keep getting caught. To be honest with you I'm getting sick of the whole thing and will probably vote Nader or McCain. I think the Democratic party is showing itself in a very poor light. They all seem to lie, and their is absolutely no loyalty.

  • 1 decade ago

    First, she never claimed to be against NAFTA from the start. She did, however acknowledge that it was a good idea that didn't work. She also presented a detailed plan to rewrite NAFTA so that it is fair and equitable to American workers.

    She didn't tell the voters she would repeal NAFTA, and then tell Canada not to worry, she was just playing politics behind their backs.

    Secondly, They were told to prepare for sniper fire. They were told they were landing in a hot zone. They were issued the necessary equipment. Absolutely nothing she said was a lie. How convenient of Sinbad to leave out half the details. I wonder which candidate he's supporting.

    Lissa Muscatine: "I was on the plane with then First Lady Hillary Clinton for the trip from Germany into Bosnia in 1996. We were put on a C17-- a plane capable of steep ascents and descents -- precisely because we were flying into what was considered a combat zone. We were issued flak jackets for the final leg because of possible sniper fire near Tuzla. As an additional precaution, the First Lady and Chelsea were moved to the armored cockpit for the descent into Tuzla. We were told that a welcoming ceremony on the tarmac might be canceled because of sniper fire in the hills surrounding the air strip. From Tuzla, Hillary flew to two outposts in Bosnia with gunships escorting her helicopter."

  • 1 decade ago

    she didn't mean she was literally under fire in Bosnia it was just describing how in some places it was still violent and under fire ... about NAFTA deep down inside she was against but she lobbied for it because at the time it made sense to approve a free trade deal with Mexico and Canada and it all seemed like a good idea at the time but unfortunatly it's not getting the results that were expected

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Agreed. The men and women that serve this country are far better and more than I will ever be. Their family's deserve equal respect. I have never served and I know the sacrifice is beyond my comprehension. Since I have never been a Clinton supporter, I think it's both alarming and par for the course. She is and has always been a deceiver. She and Bill are the best thing ever for the Republican party, second only to Obama and Rev. Wright... And others. Between the two of them, they will disintegrate themselves but they are too blinded by the grand prize [White House] to see it.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Obama is GREAT!!!! (wow, look, three thumbs down already ;)

    above swapped in place of this: Bosnia was 8 years ago... I bet you have distorted memories of scary events! She probably was scared all the way in to the landing.... and she probably remembers that...

    Now NAFTA - that is just pure republican bs story...

    Now that is how a Hillary Fan does it :)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Haven't read anything that convinced me about NAFTA and her.

    The Bosnia claim I knew she lying or exaggerating before she admitted it.

    Hillary supporters aren't the ones in denial of the truth. Obama supporters are.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hillary supposedly landed under sniper fire

    Hillary: If youre going to lie, be good at it

    35 years of B.S=0 years of real exeperience

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Only two,her lies are becoming a chain reaction,How do I react I can't believe a thing she says.It is a disgrace to our country.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't see how she can think she can get away with it. In this world of instant Internet info, the truth was going to come out and it just makes her look foolish.

    Hillary is toast and I don't think she can recover! I don't think Obama can recover from the truth that has come out about him.

  • willd
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    What do I think?

    I think you're preaching to the choir.

    I'll do my own research and make my own conclusions. I ain't stupid enough to let you tell me what to think, and nor are Hillary's supporters.

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