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Mormons? Polytheism?

Is it true Mormons believe they will become gods of their own universe when they die? wouldn't that make Mormonism Polytheistic and breaking the first commandment?


so if Mormons believe in other gods, is it a pantheon of ancestors who were rewarded alternate universes to rule? (I moved to utah and I am trying to understand the people who scowl at me for drinking coffee and put me down for watching rated R movies)((I know they dont represent all mormons, just all mormons i've met))

Update 2:

i keep reading stuff here, can i get a mormon reaction to this article

and Kolob??? Missouri is Zion, and Indians were jewish? Are the golden plates in the temple at salt lake can any one see them?

Update 3:

and Is Jesus significant to the LDS faith since the trinity isnt recognized, or is he just the son of a random god and one of his goddess?

8 Answers

  • phrog
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    LDS are henotheistic (Belief in one god without denying the existence of others). The Bible talks about God with a capitol G and gods. We believe the bible as far as it has been translated correctly. KJV.

    The LDS do not teach that if we are good mormons we all get planets when we die. This is a corruption of the concept of eternal progression - which we do believe.

    edit: first off - if you really want to understand your LDS acquaintances - it's probably not a great idea to use Ed Decker as your source of info. He is well-known for his anti-mormon attitudes and attacks. Try or or even sites provide truthful answers to questions and not just inflammatory twistings of belief systems.

    LDS don't drink coffee because of the word of wisdom, and we are councelled not to watch r-rated movies, and we are human.....meaning some of us, even though tolerance is a big thing in this religion, are amazingly intolerant at times. Don't take it personal, it's probably not meant that way. Lived in Utah for 40 years or so, and I can truly say this - don't assume malice - ever.

    Kolob is a star talked about in the LDS scriptures, as being near where God resides. And the Book of Mormon talks about three groups who came to the Americas. google it on jeff lindsay's cracked planet if you're interested. The golden plates were taken back by Moroni at the end of translation into the BoM.

    And Jesus is very significant. He is the head of our church, Our Saviour and Lord. We do not believe in trinity, which is never mentioned in the bible. We believe in godhead, which is......three seperate personages with one intent and purpose and mind. Hope that helps.

  • rac
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The page from Decker is full of lies, half-truths and inaccuracies. He takes some basic ideas and distorts them into what they are not. Do not believe his presentation.

    Now for the rest of your questions.

    First, we believe that if we are faithful in obeying God's commandments, we can become joint heirs with Christ in the Father's Kingdom and inherit all that the Father has. That includes having an eternal spouse and being blessed with eternal children that can progress into mortality just as we are doing now. We are not polytheistic because God the Father is the only God with which need be concerned. He is our one God. He provided Jesus as our one Savior and Redeemer. We pray to the Father in the name of the Son and receive answers via the influence of the Holy Ghost.

    Second, the American Indians are descendants, at least in part, of an Israelite immigration that took place between 600 and 589 B.C. The Book of Mormon is the religious record of that people, actually descendants of Joseph, that was sold into Egypt. The record ends in 421 A.D. It is believed that Joseph Smith was in some way a descendant of that same Joseph as recorded in 2 Nephi 3:15, not of Jesus who was of the tribe of Judah.

    Third, the golden plates are not available. They were given back to Moroni after the translation was completed.

    Fourth, it was revealed to Joseph that the City of Zion would be at Independence, MO. Adam lived near Adam-Ondi-Ahman, which is near Gallatin, MO.

    I suggest that you study the contents of and and then ask me or any of the other fine respondents on here particular questions that your study might raise.

    Source(s): LDS
  • 1 decade ago

    Speaking as a polytheist, polytheism does not break the 1st commandment.

    A literal translation might read "I am the god that took you out of slavery, and in exchange, you must make me first of all your gods."

    You see this literality in the idea of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

    I mean, come on, there are real problems with the CLDS worth criticism....why make up a fake issue based on a silly way of reading the Bible? Even the KJV is "no other gods before me." Not "no other gods exist."

    Source(s): Not a mormon, either.
  • 1 decade ago

    Phrog has it right. Nowhere in the LDS doctrine do we believe we will ever be equal to God. We will always have 1 God. Period. That is what the first commandment is...that we only have one God. No matter what happens to us in LDS Doctrine we still only will have one God, one creator.

    Jesus is a keystone of the world. He is the messiah and our Savior. That is what is taught in the LDS church. He overcame sin and death for us. He is very important to the church of JESUS CHRIST of latter-day saints or the mormons as most call us.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Nope. We believe God is our God, and always will be. That doesn't mean that there aren't other gods out there. God is the God of us. We have the option to become LIKE Him.

    Also, if you look at the wording, it says gods with a little "G". This means that we will be higher then the angels, but still under God.

  • 1 decade ago

    No that is not true. We have only one God that is our Father in Heaven. What can be aspired to is what he is. 1st commandment "Thou shall have no other Gods before me". There is none. But like every father he wishes us to be like him in all respects. That doesnt mean all will. or make you greater than him. Who said we dont recognize the trinity? We believe in God the Father, his son and our Savior Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost. A Trinity.

  • 1 decade ago

    bzzzz. sorry, wrong answer. thank you for playing. don't let the door hit you on your way out.

    Mormons are HENOTHESTIC. (meaning to believe in the existence of one god without denying the existence of others.)

    plus the God and gods thing like some people above mentioned.

    and we don't exactly become gods. we become LIKE God.

  • 1 decade ago

    What's wrong with having gods after God?

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