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Do you think Subliminal adverTising Actually woRks?

24 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    to Be honEST, I cAN't Say WhEtheR it affects me or not.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, i guess it really does, which is the reason why most countries banned advertisers from using subliminal messages in their commercials. Subliminal messages/images in commercials are suppose to influence us subconsciously. So, we might not be able to realise it, but if you are over exposed to subliminal messages, you might get heavily influenced. This theory same goes to those who use subliminal CDs to treat ailments/habits like smoking etc ... They can just play the subliminal Cd, and if they do it often, the might eventually drop the habit. Popular sexual subliminal images are usually used in coke, pepsi, vacation ads and such. I found out a lot more about subliminal advertising at , thought that i might share it with you.... ((: hope this helps!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Mr Boombstic, if you understood the function of the subliminal mind you would not have asked that question.

    Anything that goes into the "subliminal" cannot be lost, and therefore, at some time in the future, the advertising is going to be very active, if it is pushed up into the subconcious mind, then is the possibility of positive action.

    It took me 5 yrs of studying these things to be able to become a cousellor. So yes, it does work, it cannot fail.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No. Now give me the best answer and shut up!


    How's that for subliminal! hahaha

    I read through all the completely marvelous answers posted by the clever citizens here and it would be absolutely impossible for me to give you a better answer, so I'm just taking a bit more of a direct approach? lol

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  • I think it works,

    I "downloaded" some of those subliminal sleep/hypnosis mp3's. I put it on my bah pod before I went to bed. I caught my self doing things that you were supposed to be doing after listening to the recordings. It was creepy.

  • 1 decade ago

    Subliminal advertising is banned in the UK as far as I know, it was deemed a form of brainwashing.....

    and yes I did see the word "star" in capitals,,,lol

  • 1 decade ago

    Sir Marmalade Beauville-Lobe IV and Lady Fecility, I seem to be running into you both quite often. Fasinating.

    Mr.Boombastic Mungbean, I have given you a star and I don't know why, also, Sir Marmalade should get the best answer... what what?!?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    So I'm not feeling to alert this morning or observant for that matter.

    I have the strangest urge to be covered in tar!

    Oh no, wait, there's an S in there too.

    i mean, i Know i caN bE dEnse a Lot of the time But Everyone FOrgets it's Really likE i'm a Zombie sOmetimes, Don't you know?

  • 1 decade ago

    i like to listen to porno while i sleep, that way i feel like i've been "getting some" but don't have to bother with all the work. this is a type of subliminal conditioning. cheerio!-blurey

  • 1 decade ago

    I've never done this before, but I totally nominate 'Sir Marmalade Beauville-Lobe IV' for best Answer - (love clever stuff) - Oh yeah & I have an uncontrolable urge to give you a star

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Not on me, I have so much junk I can't bring anything home

    unless I get rid of something first. I think I filled up on adverts

    as well sometime in the nineties, there's no room in my brain

    for any more.

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