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Should God be absolved of the death of the Girl, whos parents relied on him faithfully for healing?

I am reading a bunch of questions about the irresponsibility of the faithful parents, and their actions of faith instead of taking her to the doctor.

But does God bear responsibility, given his claims in the bible about faith and protection?

I believe that if God exists, he has some splainin' to do, I think people are ignoring the incredible amount of honest faith it takes to watch your daughter die, while you pray for God to heal her. If anyone could move a mountain, its parents like these. Yet God chose not to bless their faith as promised in the word.

Does God deserve to be questioned over this situation?

35 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    of course he should, when he was writing the bible he knew some people would misentterpret it like that, so he should have doen it a bit different!

    Christianity and ALL organised religions are dangerous anyway,

  • 5 years ago


  • 1 decade ago


    Yes, God does need to be questioned concerning this type of behavior. The difficulty here isn't with what happened, but why. Any Christian would question God if they faithfully sought his help but none was given. Yes Scripture does say that God rewards the faithful, but it doesn't say how that reward will happen. In fact God doesn't always correct every wrong in this life. One great example of a grave injustice was the crucifixion of Christ. If ever there was a person that deserved a rescue from God was Christ himself. He also prayed to God for deliverance from death, but that request was denied because it was God's will for his son to die for the redemption of mankind's sins. We don't know all the facts in this case, so how can we really understand why God does what he does. But you better believe that there are a few million Christians right now that are asking as many questions to your question. It's normal to ask fact it's the way we were designed. It's the same reason Adam and Eve went down the path they did. They questioned the data presented to them by satan, and reacted to it. It must have been part of the plan or else God would have taken satan by the neck and snapped it. At least that's what I would have done in my limited human mind.

  • 1 decade ago

    wow the irony; you doubt God's existence but want to blame Him for such a critical situation why not sue Him too? How about suing Him for all the evils of the world not that you are at it. Gee cheese maker you never stop amazing me---you rationality has nothing to do in this question but see the hurt you carry in your heart; spewing your God-hate is the premise of everything or most everything you post. It is not your call to ask this being that you do not believe but are the first to make such an assertion if someone has issue let believers ask and answer. All I see in this post is your hate towards God; if you can reflect on the "real reason" for your hate and how you allowed this to take hold of your hate you will realize how you have become an instrument of hate that merits compassion and only to feed your fellow God-haters.

    God have mercy on you cheese maker even if you no longer believe the time will come when you will be before God on your Day of Judgment.

    Source(s): me, your favorite Christian
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  • 1 decade ago

    The control and ignorance of religion certain does bear some brunt of this tragedy if indeed she was sicker than the parents let on. But if not, if what they said is true, then who is to say what anyone would have done. My kids have been really sick before with the flu and I waited for them to ride it out, at least for a day or so, before calling the doc to see if they should go in. But generally they are getting better within a couple days so there is no need. I can't afford to rush them to the doctor every time they come down with something and most of the time there isn't a need to do so.

    Maybe I'm not as familiar with the story as some people are but what I read from the parents was that she was only really sick for about a day.. and just under the weather for a week or two before that. She was tired more than usual or something.

    Honestly, if in that same situation, I can't say if I would have taken mine to the doctor already (within 1 day of her getting really sick).... and I'm a atheist. So you wouldn't find me praying for my kids to get better.

    As a parent, it's hard to know sometimes where that line is. Any time my kids are sick and in pain, it is painful for me too. So as much as I'd like to have a doctor on-call or handy for these times, most of the time I comfort them and let their immune system do the rest.

    It's just sad altogether really.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The parents should be charged for neglect. Even if God really existed, it holds no weight to the story at all. People hold an idea about what God is like. Then they give him praise or blame based upon this idea. It's their fault for making stuff up. People don't realize that an idea of a God doesn't not need to revolve around us. A diety, if he existed, might not command us, give us text, answers our prayers, or give a rats ***. It's the people's fault for staying blind for "the greater good".

    Very nice. I would hate my parents if they chose their made up friend over me. In the end, they are the ones who killed their child.

    This story and question fustrates me beyond belief.

  • It's really quite simple when you ponder the situation in a different light.

    Sure having faith in God that He will heal you is an important part of Christianity. However ignoring common sense is not. And here is a quick example to explain what the real issue is.

    Would even the most faithful in God point a loaded gun to their head and shoot point blank, praying that God would save them from the bullet? Hopefully not, but if they did they would obviously die; but because God isn't real or doesn't care or for a different reason?

    In the Bible it says, "Thou shalt not tempt the Lord," and doing such a daring move would only try to challenge who God is, or show the non-believer how righteous God is (the latter would interfere with free will of course).

    So just as no one would try to shoot themself and pray for safety, we also shouldn't avoid the obvious solution to our problems and expect God to use a miracle to save our hides. I think there are a lot of modern inventions around that God has to help His children, and using them is not showing a lack of faith at all; it's accepting God's gifts to us.

    It's like the one joke about a man trapped in a tree during a flood, who prays to God for help; 3 people come up to him in a boat, asking if he wanted a ride, and 3 times he denied. The water rose up, and he drowned. When he was in Heaven he came up to God and asked why He hadn't saved him. God replied, "What are you talking about, I sent you 3 boats."

    Sometimes God works in mysterious ways and performs miracles, but why do we expect God to always "show off" just for our sakes, so to say?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well it depends how you look at it and what you believe. Perhaps it was her time to go or God has some plan for her in heaven.

    I'm not sure we can judge the parents as from what I read she was only ill for two days so they had every reason for thinking she would get better, but according to drs she would have been showing symptom for about a month. I don't think we know enough details to judge.

    In answer to your question, I don't think God should be questioned over anything. If you prayed to win the lottery and didn't, shouldn't we also question God in that instance? Not everyones prayers can be answered.

  • 1 decade ago

    Reminds me of the jok about the man in the flood. He's hanging onto a tree and praying for God to save him when a guy in a canoe comes by and tries to help him.

    "Thanks," says the guy, "but my Lord will save me."

    So the canoeist paddles away and the guy continues to pray. Then a Coast Guard boat comes along and tries to help, but again the guy refuses: "Thank you, but I know my Lord will save me."

    The water continues to rise and now the guy is at the very top of the tree hanging on for dear life and praying when a helicopter drops a basket down and tells him to climb on. But the guy is strong ion his faith and waves them off, shouting over the rotors that the Lord would save him.

    And then he drowns, meets the Lord, and says tearfully "Lord, I was so faithful. I prayed and I was SO sure you would save me. Why did you let me die, Lord?"

    And the Lord just shakes His head and say "Well, my son, I *did* send you a conoeist, the Coast Guard, and a helicopter."

    Edit: as for her only being really sick for a day, can you imagine having a kid who was really sick - the kind of sick that ends in death - and thinking they'll get over it? She would have been pale, in and out of consciousness, probably crying. I don't care how poor you are. It's doctor time at that point.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, God doesn't bear responsibility. Even if he does exist, which I don't think he does, he supposedly put everyone on this earth to use their brains and abilities to live their life. There are doctors, people who are available to do his healing work for him, so take the kid to the doctors! God would be busy. He can't focus on every single pitiful prayer, especially when this was NOT a hopeless situation. She could have been helped, they just closed their eyes to it. There are people out there praying a lot harder who have no other options than a miracle. It's lazy to expect God to fix all your problems when you can fix them yourself, and stupid.

  • 1 decade ago

    God does not answer to anybody because he does not exist or a legal entity to answer any liability.

    The girl's parent should be held responsible for her death.

    Any body wishes to hold the god responsible for the death of the girl is out of his mind. But one thing for sure god is the prime root cause of her death. And the greatest evil of them all is the person who preaches god.

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