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Lv 5
Hayley asked in Food & DrinkVegetarian & Vegan · 1 decade ago

Questionnaire for vegetarians about ready meals - please answer!?

I'm a vegetarian student and I need at least 15 vegetarians to complete my questionnaire on ready meals for my food tech coursework so please, as a fellow vegetaian, help me out here =)

Please choose just one answer per question unless stated otherwise:

1. What gender are you?

- Male

- Female

2. Which age group do you belong to?

- 16 and under

- 17 to 29

- 30 to 49

- 50 to 69

- 70 and over

3. Which type of meal would you prefer?

- Starter

- Main course

- Dessert

- Side dish

4. What type of vegetarian are you?

- Demi-vegetarian

- Lacto-ovo vegetarian

- Lacto vegetarian

- Ovo vegetarian

- Vegan

5. Where are you from?

- UK


- Australia

- America (not USA)

- Europe (not UK)

- Asia

- Other, please state

6. Do you have any other dietary requirements? (Choose as many as apply)

- Coeliac disease

- Diabetes

- Latose intolerant

- Nut allergy

- Another serious allergy, please state


7. Which of these cuisines do you prefer?

- British

- American

- Italian

- Indian

- Chinese

8. Which staple food do you prefer?

- Rice

- Pasta

- Potatoes

- Vegetables

9. What portion size suits you best?

- Small

- Average

- Large

10. Which of these are important to you? (Tick as many as you agree with)

- Recyclable packaging

- Packaging made from recycled materials

- Locally produced products

11. How would you prefer your meal to be cooked?

- In the oven

- In the microwave

- With boiling water

- I would like a choice

12. How quickly would you like your meal ready?

- Within 10 minutes

- Within 20 minutes

- Within 30 minutes

- Any time is fine

13. Where would you notice an advert? (Tick all that apply)

- Gossip magazines

- Food magazines

- Newspapers

- Television

- On the radio

14. How much would you be willing to spend on one product?

- Under £1.50

- £1.50 to £1.99

- £2.00 to £2.99

- 3.00 to £3.99

- 4.00 to £4.99

- £5.00 and over

Update 2:

15. How important is the approval of the Vegetarian Society when choosing a product?

- Necessary

- Quite important

- Not very important

- Their approval doesn’t matter to me

Update 3:

Thanks for the answers everyone - it's really helped me!

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    1. What gender are you: Female

    2. Which age group do you belong to: 30 to 49

    3. Which type of meal would you prefer: Main course

    4. What type of vegetarian are you: Vegan

    5. Where are you from: USA

    6. Do you have any other dietary requirements: No

    7. Which of these cuisines do you prefer: Italian

    8. Which staple food do you prefer: Vegetables

    9. What portion size suits you best:Small

    10. Which of these are important to you: All.

    - Recyclable packaging

    - Packaging made from recycled materials

    - Locally produced products

    11. How would you prefer your meal to be cooked: In the oven

    12. How quickly would you like your meal ready: Within 20 minutes

    13. Where would you notice an advert --- Internet ---

    14. How much would you be willing to spend on one product: 3.00 to £3.99

    15. How important is the approval of the Vegetarian Society when choosing a product: Their approval doesn’t matter to me

  • 1 decade ago

    1. What gender are you?

    - Male

    - Female(x)

    2. Which age group do you belong to?

    - 16 and under(x)

    - 17 to 29

    - 30 to 49

    - 50 to 69

    - 70 and over

    3. Which type of meal would you prefer?

    - Starter

    - Main course(x)

    - Dessert

    - Side dish

    4. What type of vegetarian are you?

    - Demi-vegetarian

    - Lacto-ovo vegetarian

    - Lacto vegetarian

    - Ovo vegetarian

    - Vegan(x)

    5. Where are you from?

    - UK

    - USA(x)

    - Australia

    - America (not USA)

    - Europe (not UK)

    - Asia

    - Other, please state

    6. Do you have any other dietary requirements? (Choose as many as apply)

    - Coeliac disease

    - Diabetes

    - Latose intolerant

    - Nut allergy

    - Another serious allergy, please state(none)

    7. Which of these cuisines do you prefer?

    - British

    - American

    - Italian

    - Indian

    - Chinese(x)

    8. Which staple food do you prefer?

    - Rice

    - Pasta

    - Potatoes

    - Vegetables(x)

    9. What portion size suits you best?

    - Small

    - Average(x)

    - Large

    10. Which of these are important to you? (Tick as many as you agree with)

    - Recyclable packaging

    - Packaging made from recycled materials(x)

    - Locally produced products(x)

    11. How would you prefer your meal to be cooked?

    - In the oven

    - In the microwave

    - With boiling water

    - I would like a choice(x)

    12. How quickly would you like your meal ready?

    - Within 10 minutes

    - Within 20 minutes

    - Within 30 minutes

    - Any time is fine(x)

    13. Where would you notice an advert? (Tick all that apply)

    - Gossip magazines

    - Food magazines(x)

    - Newspapers

    - Television(x)

    - On the radio(x)

    14. How much would you be willing to spend on one product?

    - Under £1.50

    - £1.50 to £1.99

    - £2.00 to £2.99

    - 3.00 to £3.99

    - 4.00 to £4.99

    - £5.00 and over($10.00 American Dollars)

    15. How important is the approval of the Vegetarian Society when choosing a product?

    - Necessary

    - Quite important(x)

    - Not very important

    - Their approval doesn’t matter to me

  • 1 decade ago

    1. What gender are you?


    2. Which age group do you belong to?

    - 17 to 29

    3. Which type of meal would you prefer?

    - Main course

    4. What type of vegetarian are you?


    5. Where are you from?

    - USA

    6. Do you have any other dietary requirements? (Choose as many as apply)


    7. Which of these cuisines do you prefer?

    - Chinese

    8. Which staple food do you prefer?

    - Vegetables

    9. What portion size suits you best?

    - Average

    10. Which of these are important to you? (Tick as many as you agree with)

    - Recyclable packaging

    - Packaging made from recycled materials

    - Locally produced products

    11. How would you prefer your meal to be cooked?

    - In the oven

    12. How quickly would you like your meal ready?

    - Within 30 minutes

    13. Where would you notice an advert? (Tick all that apply)

    - Television

    14. How much would you be willing to spend on one product?

    - £2.00 to £2.99

    15. How important is the approval of the Vegetarian Society when choosing a product?

    - Quite important

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hi im becki. im in the category 16 and under. I would prefer a main course. Im a lacto-ovo vegetarian. I live in the UK. I have no other dietary requirements. I like British food. My staple food would be pasta. I like my portions to be small. I like my products to come in recyclable packaging and also packaging from recyclable materials. I like my food to be done in the oven. Any time is fine. I hear about food adverts in gossip magazines, on the radio and on the television. I would spend £2.00-£2.99 for one product. Approval from the Vegetarian Society is quite important to me. Hope this helps and good luck on your coursework!

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Maggie
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    1. Female

    2. 17 to 29 age range

    3. Main course

    4. Vegan

    5. USA

    6. None

    7. Chinese

    8. Rice (including rice noodles?)

    9. Average

    10. All of these

    11. I would like a choice

    12. Within 10 minutes, but I'm willing to wait for something good

    13. All of these, but I would more likely trust the news or TV, gossip mag ads seem a little untrustworthy

    14. Preferably no more than 3.00 to £3.99, but I'm willing to spend for something of very high quality

    15. Not very important, but maybe the Vegan seal would be an attraction

  • Rosa
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    1.Are you male or female? Male 2.What is your age? 11 3.What is your reason for being a vegetarian? I don't think animals should die for the sake of us having food. 4.What type of vegetarian are you? A pescatarian. 5.Where do you get your extra protein from? These milkshake things that contain protein. 6.Do you prepare your own meals or buy ready meals from supermarkets? A bit of both really. 7.How much would you be prepared for a main course ready meal? Pretty well prepared 8.What size portions do you buy? Kid-size :) 9.What are your favourite vegetables? Carrots, broccoli, etc. 10.Do you find there is a sufficient amount of vegetarian meals on the market? No, i think there could do with being more but there is a fair amount, i guess. 11.What would you like to see more of sold in shops for vegetarians? Fake meat - tastes like meat but it isn't. 12.What herbs do you prefer your food to be flavoured with? None. 13.What pulses, nuts, seeds do you eat? Not a lot really. :( 14.What type of flavour do you prefer your food to have? spicy but not too spicy. 15.What out of potato, rice + potato would you prefer your meal to be based on? potato.

  • 1 decade ago

    1.) Female

    2.) 16 and under

    3.) main course

    4.) Vegan

    5.) USA

    6.) Nope.

    7.) Italian! :) (I've had a lot of frozen indian and mexican, but not italian or chinese yet)

    8.) vegetables and pasta

    9.) large..(haha, well i'm 15 so i'm on a major growth-spurt)

    10.)-Recyclable packaging and packaging made from recycled materials

    11.) I would like a choice

    12.) Any time is fine

    13.) If seventeen is a gossip magazine, then I guess that. TV works too. I don't read the newspaper though.

    14.) £2.00 to £2.99

    15.) quite important.

    Have fun with your survey! :)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    2-I'm 31 (so 30 t0 49 I guess...)

    3-Main course


    5-America (Argentina)


    7- Italian

    8- Pasta

    9- Average

    10- Recyclable- Package made from recycled materials.

    11- I would like a choice

    12- within 10 minutes

    13- television

    14- I don't know, it depends on what the product is...

    15- not very important

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1. Female

    2. 17 to 29

    3. Main course

    4. Vegan

    5. Australia

    6. No

    7. Indian (from the above, but my fave is Thia)

    8. Vegetables

    9. Average to Large (depends on how hungry I am)

    10. Locally produced products (but they're all really important)

    11. With boiling water or grilled

    12. Within 10 minutes

    13. Television & On the radio

    14. £3 to £3.99 (depending on what its is)

    15. Quite important (I generally read labels to make sure it meets my vegan diet)

    Hope this helped.

  • 1 decade ago


    2.17 to 29

    3. Dessert

    4. Lacto-ovo vegetarian

    5. UK

    6. none

    7. Italian

    8. Pasta

    9. Average

    10. Locally produced products

    11. I would like a choice

    12. within 20 minutes

    13. Newspapers, television

    14. 3.00 - 3.99

    15. Quite important

    Hope that helps =)

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