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Hi I don't come on Yahoo Answers much anymore but when I do it is mostly to practice my Spanish and Italian. Please feel free to correct me if I make any mistakes!

  • Random post button on tumblr not working?

    It seems to be including all of the posts in my queue (which is a lot because it is a new blog) so most of the times I click the random post button it comes up with "Not Found. The URL you requested could not be found." Any coding fixes for this?

    1 AnswerOther - Internet8 years ago
  • Dell Inspiron 1545 AC adaptor leaking?

    It occasionally leaks what looks like black ink from the cord. What causes this? Both my brother and I have this problem with our separate Inspiron laptops.

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks10 years ago
  • A couple of questions about the ukulele and guitar?

    I would like to learn either the ukulele or acoustic guitar... I know I would like to learn the guitar eventually, but I am wondering whether it would be easier to start with a soprano uke?

    I am a musical person so I am planning on teaching myself, but I haven't played strings before... so I was thinking learning the uke might be a good start so I could progress to the guitar later? Also they are cheaper which is a factor for me at the moment.

    So basically my questions are...

    - As I am new to strings and would be teaching myself, would it be advisable to learn the ukulele before progressing to acoustic guitar, or just jump straight to guitar?

    - And how easy is it to teach yourself either instrument?

    Advice on which beginner's guitar to get would also be great, ukulele-wise I was planning on getting this one but if the increase in quality is worth it then I may get this one

    4 AnswersPerforming Arts1 decade ago
  • ¿Qué es una estación de radio con las canciones más populares de España?

    Quiero escucharla en línea mejorar mi español. Preferiría una estación para jóvenes si es posible, como Radio 1 en Inglaterra.

    Gracias :)

    2 AnswersRadio1 decade ago
  • Having problems accessing games on facebook - please help!?

    Facebook itself is working fine but every time I try to go to Farmville or other games, it says:

    Problem loading page

    Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete.

    This problem can sometimes be caused by disabling or refusing to accept cookies.

    However I have checked that my cookies are enabled. I've had this problem for a few days now but after restarting or repeatedly refreshing I have eventually managed to get on... but now I just can't.

    Have also tried using IE but that didn't work either.

    Can anybody suggest what I can do to access it?

    Thanks :)

    3 AnswersFacebook1 decade ago
  • Does the 120gb iPod Classic have a 30 pin dock connector?

    Because I'm looking at a speaker with a crazy-low price but I'm not quite sure if my iPod is compatible or not.

    2 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • Advice on a new laptop? (details inside)?

    In September I'll be starting 6th form and I want a new laptop that I can carry round school and use both in class and during prep. I'd like a laptop that comes with Windows Vista - preferably Premium, but Basic would be ok. I want a reliable laptop that will last the two years of sixth form and hopefully for university as well. I would also use the laptop for stuff like iTunes and MSN.

    I don't really know what to look for though, so could you please give me some information about the kind of memory, processor etc. I'll need and maybe suggest a suitable laptop? I was looking at a Dell Studio 15 which I think came to around £450, but I was hoping to spend a little less than that - preferably under £400.

    If you need more information then I'll edit with details. Thanks for your help :)

    5 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Desperately need help uploading a video to youtube?

    I have been trying for about three hours to upload a video from Vegas Movie Studio 9.0 to youtube.... it just won't work - either it says the file cannot be converted, or the file is too small. I have tried everything I can possibly think of... tried a ton of different formats.... but it's just not working. I really need to upload this video tonight as there is a deadline so please help me!!!

    2 AnswersYouTube1 decade ago
  • New Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince trailer!!!! [spoilers very likely]?

    On you can see a new trailer - probably the international teaser trailer. However, it says coming "this year" at the end of the trailer so it was probably created a while ago and for whatever reason WB decided not to release it.... and now it has been leaked. Yay!!

    What do you think of it? Which parts do you like/not like? Are any of your favourite book scenes in it? Other comments? Share your thoughts here!

    Please star to spread the word!!

    9 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • To all Harry Potter fans... your opinions on this TERRIBLE news please:?

    The Half Blood Prince Movie has been pushed back to July 09

    I am so unbelievably mad at Warner Brothers right now. I actually cried when I found out. I am now trembling and I feel sick.....

    And before anybody suggests - there is no way that this can be a joke. Anybody who knows the guys at TLC knows they would not joke about something like this.

    The thing is - Warner Brothers must have known for ages that it wouldn't be finished on time. They could have warned us before now - before the teaser trailer came out - before all our excitement reached this level. I feel this is a BAD decision on their part, but this is purely my opinion.

    Now I would like to know yours. Fans and non-fans, please answer.

    How did you react when you found out? How do you feel about WB now? How are you going to cope for the extra months? How well/badly do you think WB have been in releasing this information to the world?

    And, perhaps the most worrying question of all:


    What about the Twilighters? :S

    PS: Please star this question so your contacts will notice it!

    39 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • The teaser trailer for Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince is OUT!! ((SPOILERS INSIDE))?

    Watch here


    What do you think of it?

    Which parts do you think have been done well (from what you have seen)?

    How do you feel about certain characters being in/not in it?

    What would you like to see in the next trailer?

    I am very interested to hear your views =)

    9 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Problems with Packard Bell laptop.......?

    All this week I have been on my laptop quite a lot and it has been working fine, but today it keeps freezing after 10ish minutes and then either I have to turn it off and then on again or it restarts itself. However, when it restarts itself I think it freezes too because before anything comes up, the screen goes blank so I have to turn it off and on again.

    At first the freezing seemed to start whenever I changed to the spanish keyboard (which was working perfectly all throughout this week) but then on the 4th? time it let me use the spanish keyboard for about 5 minutes, before it completely froze again. I left it to rest for about an hour and then I turned it on again but didn't use the spanish keyboard yet it still froze.

    Does this mean I have a virus or does my laptop need to be repaired? I started to scan for viruses but of course it restarted itself before any were found. The last virus scan was only 3 days ago and nothing was found, plus I have a firewall.

    What can I do?

    4 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Problem downloading/installing Adobe Flashplayer 9....?

    I don't know what version of flash I've got at the moment but I know it's not up to date so I downloaded adobe flashplayer 9, I didn't have any other windows open and it came up with the 'Installation Compelete' movie. But somehow it didn't actually install because I have a game that works perfectly with Adobe Flashplayer 9 on the school computers but I can't play it here. I looked in the program files on my computer but no version of the flashplayer was there. I tried downloading it several times and I restarted my computer and internet afterwrads to see if it would help but it didn't. The same thing happened with adobe shockwave player.

    Has this happened to anyone else or do you know how I could download flashplayer properly? I really don't understand why it hasn't installed properly when it said it did!

    4 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • I downloaded a game but it's not working.....?

    So everyone at my school is obsessed with Bubble Struggle so I downloaded the offline version from here so that I could save it. I can play the game fine, and then when I get Game Over it takes me to the scoreboard, tells me I've got the high score and then asks me to enter my name. So I do that ok, the box goes as normal, but then my name doesn't come up on the leaderboard. I have waited for about 10 minutes but nothing happened.

    I've tried downloading it several times, but it doesn't make any difference. I think I've been using an older version of Adobe Flash... not sure which one though. I then downloaded the new one (9). It has not made any difference.

    My laptop runs on Windows Vista Premium but I have also tried the game on the desktop which runs on Windows XP Home.

    Is there something I can do to fix this problem? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

    1 AnswerOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • The Amulet of Samarkand by Jonathan Stroud (The Bartimaeus trilogy)....?

    Is it worth a read? I like fantasy books like HP obviously, and this has been sitting on my bookshelf for years - I'm just wondering if it is any good or not.

    I would really appreciate your opinions on the book or the whole trilogy (no spoilers though please). Thanks a lot =)

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Questionnaire for vegetarians about ready meals - please answer!?

    I'm a vegetarian student and I need at least 15 vegetarians to complete my questionnaire on ready meals for my food tech coursework so please, as a fellow vegetaian, help me out here =)

    Please choose just one answer per question unless stated otherwise:

    1. What gender are you?

    - Male

    - Female

    2. Which age group do you belong to?

    - 16 and under

    - 17 to 29

    - 30 to 49

    - 50 to 69

    - 70 and over

    3. Which type of meal would you prefer?

    - Starter

    - Main course

    - Dessert

    - Side dish

    4. What type of vegetarian are you?

    - Demi-vegetarian

    - Lacto-ovo vegetarian

    - Lacto vegetarian

    - Ovo vegetarian

    - Vegan

    5. Where are you from?

    - UK

    - USA

    - Australia

    - America (not USA)

    - Europe (not UK)

    - Asia

    - Other, please state

    6. Do you have any other dietary requirements? (Choose as many as apply)

    - Coeliac disease

    - Diabetes

    - Latose intolerant

    - Nut allergy

    - Another serious allergy, please state

    15 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • A ready meal with few ingredients - can you give me some advantages and disadvantages.....?

    I need some advantages and disadvantages about having few ingredients in a food product, in particular a ready meal.

    Please don't give advantages and disadvantages of ready meals.

    Thanks for your help =)

    3 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • When was the last time you changed your name on YA?

    And how often do you change it? In fact, have you ever changed your name?

    26 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago