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I am bored with yahoo answer. Does anyone know someone who can answer me spiritually about reality in Life?

I am inclined on the spiritual side of life. I want someone who can tell me and answer my question regarding Reality of Life, like a Master or a Guro in the likes of Krishnamurti, D.T. Suzuki on the Budhism side. Please help.

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    We all create our own reality.

    life is a whole lot of lessons being thrown at you at once.

    are you learning anything?

  • Prema
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Your true nature is the reality. It is immutable, self effulgent, non-personal, all inclusive awareness, the substratum of consciousness. Because you are, because you exist, the world has appeared. Freedom exists here and now in the present moment. The identification with ephemeral ego created self identities and the minds tendency to drift toward a projected future and memories of the past limit what is real and present in the moment, or eternal now.

  • 5 years ago

    I truthfully have discovered that many of the lawsuits approximately Jesus, Christianity, and the philosophical aspects of technology are in keeping with undesirable archives. basically a couple of minutes in the past somebody published here Athiest: dont u no music theery is basically a theery? Now, being noticeably knowledgeable i could comprehend that that be conscious is a homonym, yet this guy or woman thought they have been being clever, that they had no thought that they have got been speaking of two quite a few issues. unhappy perhaps, yet in addition very enlightening.

  • 1 decade ago

    Once iniquity was found in the Devil, God took advantage of situation and apparently decided to demonstrate to the universe the affects of sin (going against Gods laws). He created a perfect world with beings in His own image. He did not let the Devil in on His plan, as it wouldn’t have worked if Lucifer knew he was being played. The demonstration is simple, let sin run its course. When God decides its finished (demonstration) He will be justified in destroying sin and the sinners once and for all. You may feel like a player in a game you didn’t sign up for. I did to at first, then I remembered the promise of Eternal Life. This is why its all happening, this is why its fair……this is the meaning of life.... this is the reality in life.

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  • 1 decade ago

    People who can answer you spiritually about the reality of life are a dime a dozen.

    No short cut. You must research for yourself.

  • The best person to be your spiritual guru is you. Seek inspiration from various sources but beware of any source that professes to be the one source of truth.

    Source(s): mahayana buddhist
  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I would try a Non Denominational preacher. Visit a church a couple times and ask if you can set up a time to talk with the pastor.

  • I do have the answer that you seek. However, it is through none of the paths you are seeking. The truth you seek is found in a person. His name is Jesus. He is the very God who knows you and everything about you...the God who made you...but most of all, He is the One who gave His life for you so that through His death and resurrection, you may live with God forever.

    Sound too good to be true? It isn't. God knew man could never be good enough to earn his own salvation. The reason being that in order to be in God's presence and live with Him in the perfection of heaven, you yourself must be perfect...without sin.

    He tells us in His word that in this was His love demonstrated toward mankind, in that while we were still in our sins, Chirst died for us. Salvation became a free gift that no man can earn, because we all have fallen short of His standard...which is perfection.

    So what does this all mean? Jesus, who was the very person of God, came from heaven to the very earth that He made, in order to fulfill the standard of righteousness that was required of man to acheive righteousness. He was tempted at every point, but was without sin. Therefore He met the standard to be our perfect sacrifice before God. He was the "lamb without blemish" was required in Old Testament Law, when, until Jesus died, they did have to sacrifice a literal lamb to atone for their sins.

    God's way was to give us His only son, Jesus, and His word says that we can now be saved and receive the gift of eternal life through believing in Jesus' death and resurrection! He was slain to take away the sins of the world, but our sins are only forgiven when we receive that gift of God.

    Would you like to receive this free gift? All it requires of you is faith. That's it!

    God isn't calling you to a 'religion' or to be religious, or even to change yourself at all. You can't...but He can. If you dare to believe, then pray to Him in your own words and just ask for Jesus to be your Lord. He is already the saviour, but you have to receive Him as saviour for yourself. When you do, you will feel the Holy Spirit come into you. You will sense the change. It will be the beginning of your new life.

    And, if you want to talk, feel free to message me.

    Source(s): the Bible, the living word of a living God
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Boredom is a virtue. Do not complain of boredom.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Nothing is real to you or true to you until it has been tested by you. -- I just made that up, especially for you. - Uncle Wayne.

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