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Atheists: I have a question?

If you believe that God does not exist, then why does it bother you when people do. Is it really so horrible that a man would believe in God and it gets him through the day. Why is he considered a poor ignorant person when, in his mind, he has a more fulfilled life because of God. Is this a bad thing. Aren't we all searching for happiness. Why must that happiness be seperate from a belief in God.

Many atheists don't believe in God, and they are happy. Why can't Christians be looked at the same way?

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It doesn't bother me at all. It bothers me when people use a book as validation to be bigots and full of hate, and tell people that they're insufficient human beings simply because they don't disagree.

    I don't give a damn what people believe. I care a whole lot about how people treat each other.

  • 1 decade ago

    I strive to never judge people for their beliefs, but it's bound to happen so, atheists view Christians and those who believe in a higher being in a condescending manner because most atheists find what defines an individual as a good person based on their own terms, not based on what a book or ones church preaches. I have no problem with Christians, or those who find solace and comfort in their fate. If anything, it's the best lifestyle for some people. However, I don't need religion to feel like I know what's right for me, or to find direction or happiness in my life. From my experience, by the way, the most judgmental and rudest people have been Christians. I accept them regardless.

  • it bothers me because not all christians are nice and quiet. quite to the contrary. there is such a thing as extremists. every religion has them. now why does this bother me?

    i'm still in school and I just got tired one day of taking religion class and hearing some old woman insisting that everyone be christian and love it and do everything that they say. so i became an atheist and im much happier than i was always worrying about if i was doing the right thing or offending god. one day it just came to me i wdont need god. i dont want god. everything would be fine if this damn lady hadnt gone beserk and said that i would burn in hell for my heinous sins and a bunch of fanatical crap. it makes you feel trapped to have someone telling you that everything you do is a sin and you must obey this and that. but you can keep believing, im not one of those annoying atheists that go around saying"oh you're an idiot, god isnt real, blah blah blah blah blah" no way, i believe in having you're own opinion.

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe nothing at all, first of all. I know many facts, but I have no mistaken blind beliefs. I do not care what anyone believes or knows, as long as he does not pester me or my dear ones with it. Aha, there is Catch 23! Many religious people, especially Christians and Moslems try to force their beliefs upon everyone. On here, I see many outrageous lies told by Christians about atheists or other non-Christians, and I defend myself. I am an atheist, and you are saying things about all atheists that are not true of me. You mention only God, but I do not accept Allah, Ahuramazda, Brahma, Baal or any other imaginary gods. I would not allow any children I had to say "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance, and I do not like for "In God We Trust" to be on our money. These are two more examples of one tyrannical religion's forcing its beliefs upon everyone. Think about this!

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  • 1 decade ago

    *sighs* So tired of answering this question because Christians can't use their brains...

    No one gives a damn what religion you are, or what you believe. BUT, when you start interfering with other peoples lives because your religion tells you to, we have a problem. When Christians learn to butt the hell out, we'll shut up. Until then, Christians are going to keep hearing from us. Atheists are fighting for the right for everyone to believe as they believe so long as it doesn't interfere with anyone elses lives. Christians don't believe that everyone has the right to believe what they believe without interference, they believe that ONLY the Christians have the right to believe as they believe, and even then they don't think it should be without interference.

  • 1 decade ago

    Believe what you want....and it doesn't bother does bother me when you (or the government) try to shove religious views down my throat...I have the same right to voice my opinions as you do...I don't think I should be judged for what they are....

    "Many atheists don't believe in God" just to correct you NO atheist believe in God - that's the definition!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If believing in God makes you a good moral loving person with a positive influence on life than GREAT!!

    But if it turns you into an intolerant bigot than I will make fun of you. Ya dig it?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I personally don't have a problem with the belief, but when that belief stops or halts scientific progress and alters laws and affects speech, then that is where the problems arise

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If someone believed they had an invisible sprite on their shoulder telling them what to do, even if it made them happy and helped them get through the day, wouldn't you want them to realize they had no such sprite? That way, they could be happy and get through the day by realizing they were doing it on their own the whole time.

    Same situation here.

  • 1 decade ago

    It doesn't bother me when people believe in god.

    It does bother me when they try to force their beliefs on me or the government.

    BTW, all atheists don't believe in god. That's the definition.

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