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is prenancy really a beautiful thing?

hi everyone, i'm new on this website i just happened to search for "baby" on google and this link came up...its great to be on a page where people are going thru the same experience as i am. well i'm 18yrs old and 22 weeks into my pregnancy is when i found out at i was pregnant.. that amount of time passed bcus my periods are usually irregular so for the 1st 3 mths i ignored that vital sign, then in the 4th month my belly started to look kinda larger than normal but i just thought i was eating too much junk foods an i noticed that if i sucked in my belly it would appear normal so once again i ruled out pregnancy. in the 5th mth is when i finally decided to take a test and that when i found out. my baby's daddy is my age, in school and is just acting normal, when i told him about it he thought i was just trying to get back together with him after all i broke up with him bcus of a rumor i heard (STUPID DECISION) anyways he isnt denying it but he hasnt accepted it yet, he does even call me to see if im ok...Furthermore my father and mother dont speak to each other, an he thinks she is a bad influence since she had me at 19 yrs old, he isnt talking to me now as he knows i'm pregnant, i mother is but she is a single parent of 4 kids (myself included) so i dont want to place the strain of caring for a child on her....where i am going to get money from to care for another human being????

people say pregnancy is a beautiful thing, is it really? since i've found out about my baby:

1. people at school started avoiding me an whispering behind my back. this caused me a A+ student to drop out

2. members of my family talk behind my back. some dont talk to me at all like my dad, some are constantly lookin at my stomach girlfriend's mother told her she doesnt want me to come over to their house anymore bcus i am a bad example ex doesnt even want to accept this baby

5.i cant even take a walk out the road without neighbours staring or whispering therefore i stay inside 24/7 weekend job $$$ has to go towards buying baby stuff

7. i cant go to parties with my friends, while my ex parties his life away....

it is so unfair, i hardly smile anymore accepts for when he kicks me an i've got no one to talk to unless i'm talking to my baby...

30 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Pregnancy is a VERY beautiful thing in the right environment! I had 5 children all of them born into a loving home.

    You are living in a nightmare situation and you expect the world to "make it right"?

    The father of this child seems like a real winner and rather than blame yourself for not taking precautions when have sex with this moron, you now think that because your mother was pregnant at 19 that she is some how genetically responsible for your stupidity!

    1/. Give you head a good shake.

    2/. Start thinking about the baby and not yourself.

    3/. Have a paternity test performed and make sure the father pays for his 30 seconds of “fun in the sun”!

    4/. Yo uare 18 not 80! Party after the baby is born, get your figure back and make the "jerk" green with envy!

    5/. Who gives a damn what other people think at school? Keep studying and get an education so that you can take care of your son or daughter and teach them the right way to live in society.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, I know what you're going through. I am 19 years old & am 23 weeks was very VERY unexpected. I decided to keep my baby, and the father doesn't think it's his, so won't be involved until after the baby is born and there is a DNA test.

    I have lost pretty much all of my friends, except for 2 or 3 close ones. For a lot of people pregnancy IS a beautiful thing, but for teenagers it can be a bit different. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that I'm not excited for having a baby, because I am. But, we have more to worry about than the typical family.

    I had to drop out of my second semester of college, just to I could get a full-time job. I noticed that you said you dropped out of high school? Well DO NOT do that! You'll never get a half-decent job without your diploma! Talk to your principal and see if they will let you back in! If not, get your GED.

    There is a lot of assistance you can get from the state if you are pregnant, and once the baby is born, you can recieve child support from the father. Call your local human services department, and ask them what assistance is out there for's different in every state.

    I feel your pain about the partying. For the past 4 months, I have sat at home on the weekends while my friends have been out having fun. But when you look back you think what a waste it really is.

    People will talk about you. They have nothing better to do than talk about other people. Try and don't let it get to easy as that may sound, it's hard. I struggle a lot with it.

    I have been told by a friend who is our age, and just had a baby that, "once you look into her face, everything changes. You don't care about what you missed out on, or that people talked about you. Now you have unconditional love. That baby needs you and you will always have someone in your life that is yours."

    Source(s): 19 years old, 23 weeks pregnant.
  • 1 decade ago

    Life is long, sweetheart. Right now you might feel like everything that is going on is an overwhelming mess that is never going to end. One of the things that you can count on in life is that everything, EVERYTHING ends. If you're having trouble coming to terms with your current situation, think of yourself as a 50 year old woman, after all these problems have been resolved and you've worked through everything.. That 50 year old woman won't be caring about who was mad at her, which friends she had in highschool, which neighbors were acting like jerks... all she's going to care about is whether she made the right decisions for HER. You've been dealt a hand that could have happened to ANY of your neighbours, any of your classmates.. ANYONE. It just happened to you. Everything happens for a reason, just sometimes it takes a while to see that reason. Wait to see the reason. This same thing happened to a really great friend of mine. She had a falilng out with her dad, her family was under a lot of strain, the baby's father decided to be uninvolved with the pregnancy... she was feeling helpless and hopeless. We are now 24 years old, 6 years after she gave birth. Her life now is awesome. Her family is completely back to normal and very happy, her and her father have a wonderful relationship again, she has an AMAZING kid, she has a supportive, committed and loving new boyfriend, she has great new friends and some old friends who were supportive during her pregnancy, and she has life experience and confidence that only comes from navigating through a desperate situation, and coming out of it with everything that matters to her in tact.

    Babies are a miracle, you are a miracle, and your life is a miracle. Nothing matters more than life. You will be a wonderful and strong person in the future, so look forward to it! The future is bright. Look ahead and do what's best for you..

    There are so many young women like you who are in your same situation. There are support groups if you have trouble coping, and need to talk to someone in a similar situation.. You should go back to school though, that will help keep you focused, will give you a distraction when you need it, and it is the best thing for your future. You can do it! Be a survivor, and never give up!

  • 1 decade ago

    It's time for everyone concerned, to stop pointing fingers & accept the fact that you're pregnant & that's that. I know it's hard to ignore the ignorance of people, but you have to, so you can truly enjoy your pregnancy. People are going to whisper & gossip, but let them, they have no life & have never stopped to think how they'd feel, if they were in your shoes. I'm sorry you felt it necessary to drop out of school, because it probably gave the gossips/finger pointers, a great sense of satisfaction. It doesn't really matter what people say or think where you're concerned, does it? Are they feeding you & paying your bills, if you have any? Are they buying all the baby layette, etc.? What gives anyone the right to judge you? You aren't the first person to become an umarried mom & you won't be the last. I'm really sorry that your family, of all people, are not there to support you during these difficult days for you. One would certainly expect family to be there for you, unconditionally. I hope in time, they give you the love & support you need. Don't allow yourself to be a prisoner in your own home. You need to get out & get some fresh air, get some daily exercise, see people, & put that smile back on your face. If nothing more, go to the mall & sit in the Food Court & enjoy lunch & do some people watching. It'll get your mind off things. You have a beautiful life inside of you. Just focus on all the love you have to give this little angel. I'm sorry that your ex can't even be man enough to be there for you, support you, & help you out financially. He may think he's living the happy life, but he will be paying "child support" until the baby turns eighteen, so he will have to face his responsibilities real soon & make sure he does. You should speak to someone at the Medicaid office, to see if you qualify for it. There is a WIC program that is a blessing to people like you. You can go to the stores that honor WIC & buy formula, baby food, etc. You can also buy food for yourself. Please check into it. Whenever you start to feel sad, think of your baby, & that should make you feel happy inside. Take care of you & make sure that you don't miss any of your doctor's appointment, as it's very important that you go to each one. Happy days are ahead, so hold your head up high & you'll be fine. :)

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would suggest looking into a young mother's group, just about every community has something for people in your situation.

    But, adoption is always an option as well, if you decide you do not want to keep this baby, it won't be easy, but sometimes it is the best decision for everyone involved.

    I agree that is IS unfair that people treat young and/or unmarried pregnant women negatively, but that is not your baby's fault. You are not the first women to be in this situation, just because your ex-boyfriend and friends are total idiots, not to mention jerks to not support you does not mean you are destined to go through this alone for the rest of your life.

    YOU chose to drop out of school. Someone else's behaviour made that decision easier for you, but it was ultimetely YOUR decision. And if you dropped out of school (which is never a good idea) then you should be able to turn your "weekend" job into a full time one, right? And YOU are choosing to stay inside 24/7, who gives a crap what your neighbors think?! Yes you are young, but you ARE a women, and if they have a problem, well then that's THEIR problem, STOP making it yours! Please, get some support from a young mother's group so you stop feeling so stressed about everyone who wouldn't know a single thing about being in your shoes, and how they feel about your baby. I personally would give them all the finger.

    Do what is in your heart. If you want this baby then you will do what you have to do to make it work, you have come up with a pretty good list of why having a baby/being pregnant sucks, why not try to come up with a list of some positive things?

    If you can't then maybe you need to consider your options.

    I know it sucks, and I know it is unfair, but you are here now and need to act the adult, take responsibility for your actions (it does take 2 to have sex) and make some decisions instead of playing the victim. Because you are right, it is not going to work, it will be impossibly hard etc, IF you continue the way you are going now, instead of making some changes and getting your life in order.

    Please understand, I am NOT judging you, just hoping to drop a little reality into the situation. I feel for you and wish you ALL the best, but nothing good is going to come of this if you don't stop feeling sorry for yourself and get moving and take control of your life.

    Good luck. :)

  • 1 decade ago

    I may not be able to relate to being young and pregnant because I am 25 years old. But I can tell you that it's even scary for me and I maybe a little more "prepared" for this then you. However God will never give you more then you can handle just keep telling yourself that and everything will be okay I promise you. No matter if your where 30 years and old and married people will always find something negative to say, then the nay sayers would tell you your too old to have a baby. Just enjoy every moment of it and I know it maybe hard for you at first but I'm hear to tell you three of my closet friends had babies at your age if not a year younger and it made each and everyone of them a stronger woman. Just stay positive for your baby because in the end if the father wants to be in the babies life or not your always all the baby has in the end just always remember that. Just make sure you take your prenatal vitamins now that you know your pregnant and take care of yourself! So yes its a beautiful thing!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    sorry if this comes off as strong-- but if you're ready to have sex, you should be ready to accept anything that may result from sex, whether you've used protection or not. Its a hard, yet beautiful thing, of course!

    1. Screw the people at school. You will see them until graduation, then everyone will disappear. trust me, i graduated last year, i see NOBODY except maybe at a gas station or something for like 2 seconds. Those people dont matter whatsoever, you should get back into school or consider homeschooling.or getting your GED?

    2. If your family is going to be like that, that isnt right. Maybe theyre in denial, or theyre the kinda family that's still stuck in the 50s before teen pregnancy was a huge deal? Maybe they are just in shock, they will loosen up, hopefully.

    3. THAT is bs. you are 18 years old. do you and your friend still get along, she is supportive of you? If her mom won't let you go there, i know this is going behind their back, but ask her out for lunch or something one day, just see her away from the house, if your friend is willing to then it will work out fine.

    4. If you ex doesn't want to "accept" the baby, then F%$# HIM :-] slam child support on that mother fffffff*&cker. There's no way of getting out of that. He will HAVE to give you monthly checks to support the baby.

    5. Like #1. Who cares what people think. Things happen, and even though it's an option, the worst thing you can do is get an abortion. I don't knokw whether you belive in that or not, but i'm almost positive that they would have a problem with you getting one as well. So let them stare, in a few months you will have a beautiful baby, and the only one that will matter is that baby :-]

    6. Once again, yeah you will hav to work your butt of but you are getting the consequences of this. Also, think about the fact tha tyou can get the lil punk for child support. There's no doubt about it.

    7. You can go to parties. Just take precautions, dont drink do drugs, dont do any of that. If it's too much of a temptation, then don't go. Find people in your area that are also pregnant or a younger mom. Get in contact with them and go out and enjoy your life with them, it might be hard but it's going to have to be your lifestyle. Once you have a baby, the partying is pretty much over, or it should be at least :-P lol

    hoped i somehwat helped, this is really long, my bad, but good luck, and CONGRATS :-]

  • 1 decade ago

    I was 24 when I had my son, but my best friend in high school sounds a lot like you. She was 18, straight A student, dropped out spring of our senior year. Her parents didn't talk to her for a while. Try explaining to your dad that its kinda late to be mad and that he is on his way to losing the privilege of being a part of a very special part of your life. He can be disappointed but being mad will do him no good. All I know is that it wasn't easy for my friend. But she did what she had to. Easy and happy are two totally different things. She has 2 kids now, is a single mother and was able to put herself through school and has a great job.

    Pregnancy is what you make of it. You have the whole new life and love. You will be fine. As for other people, you have other things to worry about now. I used to always think I wanted people to talk about me - because then they weren't talking aabout someone who couldn't handle it. You sound like a strong young woman who will come out of this just fine (and probably find out who your real friends are in the process).

    And give your ex a chance to do the right thing (and unfortuneately this may take some time). He doesn't have the physical connection you do right now. Seeing may be believing for him. My husband went to a concert I was dying to go to ON MY DUE DATE!!! God love him... I almost killed him that night :) Guys dont mature like us... ever, I'm pretty sure.

    Anyway, do the best you can and things will work out for you.

  • P.Y.T.
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    well the experience of being pregnant isn't the best thing physically i had my first child ( a beautiful baby girl) almost 4 months ago, and i have to tell you it dosent get easier.people are treating you this way because now you are no longer a child you have become a adult almost instantly, and i think its safe to say you aren't ready. but you have no choice but to step up and be the best mother you know how, all i can tell you is try your very hardest not to worry about what others say, because they cant judge you and there is only one person in this world you have to aim to please....your baby!not everyone will accept you but that's just their loss, but soon enough people will come around, just make sure you are independent and NEVER depend on someone else to take care of your responsibilities. get ready girl the love of your life awaits you, congratulations!!!

    Source(s): proud mommy of 1!!!
  • 1 decade ago

    You need to just keep your head up and do what you can for your baby...don't listen to everyone else, show them that you can be stronger, show them that you are thrilled to be having your own is a beautiful thing because that baby is going to love you no matter what when everyone else is being selfish...take the daddy to court and get child support....also you're going to have to find a full time job...go on welfare...I'm not too sure about financial situations lol but good luck to you!

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