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Define God?

I am writing a thesis on the existence of God (the Christian image...)

I am very interested to know what people can offer by means of a definition of God.

For example Saint Mary Anselm defined God as

"that than which nothing greater can be conceived"

If you have no belief in God, feel free to offer an account of what you think Christians mean by God.


No one?

Some attributes assigned to God are:

Omnipotence, Benevolent, Sustainer...

Update 2:

Tamara: I agree, however I have only 10,000 words that I am aloud to use... this is proving bearly enough for explanation of one God..

Maybe for my MA I shall write a paper incoroporating another god/gods

Update 3:

oh gosh i just realised i wrote

Saint Mary Anselm... terribly embarassed now I would change it but I can't

29 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The Bible teaches us that there is one God. The Word declares that He is the eternal, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, sovereign, and immutable triune God; and it declares the unity of the Godhead where three personalities, equal in every divine perfection and attribute, execute distinct, harmonious offices, in the great work of redemption.

    This does not mean that there are three "people" called God, but rather a way of saying God eternally exists in three personally distinct ways. Scriptures declare that there is only one God, Who is eternally (past, present, and future) manifested/revealed as Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

    Another way of understanding this definition of the nature of God, is to understand His attributes. By attributes I mean His omniscience (He knows all things), His omnipotence (He is all powerful), and His omnipresence’s (He is everywhere at the same time, and at all times). His omnipresence’s allows us to (in a very simplistic way) to see how He can be Father, Son, and Holy Spirit at the same time. Being omnipresent He is not only everywhere at the same time, He is everywhere at every time. God is here, now, at this present time. But He is also in the future. He is already there because He is not limited by time. He is also in the past. You see, time is linier. Time had a starting point (Gen. 1:1) and it will come to an end (Rev. 10:6). But God is eternal. He has no beginning, and He will have no end. Therefore time itself existents within God, God is not limited within time. Therefore the One God is the Father, Son, and Spirit eternally (in the past, in the present, and in the future). I know this is deep, but it does help understand how the One true and Living God is eternally manifested as Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

    To sum up. God is Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

    One in three, three in one.

    1 John 5:7

    For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.

    Hope this helps.

    Elder Greg


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    God is the only uncreated being who existed in eternity and has always existed and will never cease to exist. In Genesis His name is written as Elohiym which denotes plurality in the Godhead. The scriptures from Genesis to Revelation show this plurality as being God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Protestantism and others call this the Trinity. God has other names which give clues to who He is such as Jehovah-Jireh (God our provider), Jehovah-Shalom (God our peace) and etc. God is also known as Our Heavenly Father, the Great I AM, The Holy One of Israel and etc.

    He is Omniscient - all knowing. He is Omnipresent - everywhere present and Omnipotent - all powerful. He is Holy and perfect in all His ways so that he cannot sin or make any mistake of any kind. He is the Creator and sustainer of all things. He is the Judge of the Universe. He is loving and merciful, and yet is also wrath and punishment. He is beyond meager human comprehension yet easily understandable to children because He reveals Himself to those whose hearts are open to know and love and serve Him.

    He is the God of Sinai who fills the universe, and the God of the Christian whose heart He lives in. Everything ever written about Him by the greatest thinkers of every generation from the beginning of time until the world's end cannot describe one of his attributes in a way that transcends an iota of what He is really like.

    If I were to continue this thought to its conclusion it would never reach a conclusion because all that could ever be written about God would, at last, be inconclusive!

    A wonderful book on this subject that would be of great help to you would be A. W. Tozer's book "The knowledge of the Holy."

  • 1 decade ago

    To start with, a good, summary definition of God is “the Supreme Being; the Creator and Ruler of all that is; the Self-existent One who is perfect in power, goodness, and wisdom.”

    God is just (Acts 17:31), loving (Ephesians 2:4-5), truthful (John 14:6), and holy (1 John 1:5). God shows compassion (2 Corinthians 1:3), mercy (Romans 9:15), and grace (Romans 5:17). God judges sin (Psalm 5:5) but also offers forgiveness (Psalm 130:4).

  • 1 decade ago

    The Origin

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  • 1 decade ago

    Well our current definitions of God come not from our own experiences and encounters with Him/It, but someone elses. And that Someone Else tends to have written a book or went around and spoke about his experience using specific perceptions and wordings that come from ideologies already believed before his/her encounter.

    Taoists Muslims, Hindus roman catholics...all them cats have different perceptions of God that have changed over time. Anything we read today has probably been altered and modified, mistranslated and corrupted 100,000 times by now, as is evident by the numerous inconsistencies regarding the characteristics of god throughout different cultures and religions of the world. A christian will answer your question slightly different than a muslim will and a muslim will answer your question different than a Hindu, who will answer it different then a Taoist who (by the time it gets that far away from what your used to) won't even sound like he is even on the same subject as you. So it's difficult to just 'define god' cause there are so many definitions!!

    But...since you want to stay in line with one train of thought and stick with just the Christian perception of it, I'll just say uh....

    "The Creator"

    without going into too many details.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Creator

    God is Love


  • 1 decade ago

    I would say Omnipotent, the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End.....Creator, Giver of Life, Counselor, Doctor, Teacher, Ancient of Days, etc. etc.

  • 1 decade ago

    In the Christian sense?

    An impersonal anthropomorphic deity that is greater than the sums of our imagination - or else as much as you believe it to be. Everything and nothing ;).

    Probably the only rounded answer I can think of right now. Hope that helps.

    Edit: Perhaps this one may be more helpful?

    That which is all things.


  • 1 decade ago

    The only spirit to exist from eternity past through to eternity future, creator of time, space, and matter. The first cause of 'cause and effect'. Author of the laws of physics and morality.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    to share with anyone the self exprience is a complex thing, the like minded only along with their experience they can share. To describe God is a very difficult thing and at the same time that is so simple. God is the creater of the entire visible and invisible universe. He placed himself inside every thing, and every one and as well as out side of everyone, and everything. the omnipotent God is not depended on any thing to know the thuth in everything in his creation i.e., in creatures. our human are different from animals and beast only difference is the thinking in between. God is every where, inside humans and out side everywhere. we are never single, to spend or spending without watching by the God, while answering your your question i am not single inside me and out side everywhere he is there, by knowing that i am giving answer with my previous study.. 1. whether the Christianism or Hinduism what ever may be the religion, God is really existing one frankly and truely. 2. can you difine your mother fully, oh no. God is the mother, father, Gurudeva, friend, lover,devine happiness, and every thing to everyone, whatever may be his religion, and all religions are one and same, why because he is one and the only oneness is existing in this universal God sence.. I am from India being a Hindu i love god and my business. yaa .......... as hindu i am telling you that Lord Shiva and Paramahamsa Guru is one and the same, there is no difference in between them. Guru is Shiva and Shiva is Guru they are one, just like Jesus and his father God, christans may not agree with me , in my view the father and the son is one and the same. No difference in between them. For you i am explaining that , everyone is an individual to realise thyself. so be confident on god he will help us and keeps us happy, and gives a boon " behappy" . Please read The Autobiography of a Yogi, written by Paramahamsa Yogananda, at USA. for your thesis that is the one solution to find a entirely different world from this what we are living. any further discussion on this welcome. you may email me, or on my mobile. thanks

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