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Potty training help!!! Daughter will not potty in the toilet at babysitters!?

My 2 1/2 year old has been completely potty trained for a month, but there is a problem! She WILL NOT go potty in the toilet at the sitters! Everywhere else, she wears big girl panties and goes potty, no matter who is around. She even wakes up in the middle of the night to go potty! I am at my wit's end. I don't understand it! When I ask her why she won't go at the sitter's, she says "Maybe tomorrow Mommy, don't worry 'bout it!" or she'll say "I'm playing, Mommy". The sitter says my daughter tells her she doesn't have to go when she asks, but comes to her when her Pull-Up is wet (I have to put her in Pull-ups there because she has had too many accidents on the carpet!!) The sitter is a home situation and the only other kids that are there on part-time basis are the sitter's granddaughters, ages 7,4, and 1 1/2. I have tried everything, letting her pick out her own new panties, lots of praise, and even bribery (Chuck E Cheese is the ultimate reward) but nothing! Help, please!

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The first two answers are not going to work because she already understands what it means to go to the "potty". You can't teach her something she already knows. She may be getting a charge out of all the attention. Or maybe all the attention is making her nervous. I would tell the baby sitter not to make a big fuss about it and neither should you. If everyone's not all worked up, she'll probably just start using the toilet on her own. I always learned to reinforce good behavior and IGNORE bad behavior. It worked for me. My son never had a bad habit.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Generally a child stops their potty routine when they're stressed, uncomfortable or just busy having fun!

    If the 1 1/2 year old is there, she might feel that she doesn't need to go cause they're not. Ask her to show the young one how to go potty so they can learn too

    You need to make sure that the babysitter is not punishing her for her accidents as this will make her less likely to go as she will be nervous.

    Keep an eye out for certain times she goes potty at home (eg. after drinks, or when she grabs between her legs) and ask the sitter to place her on the potty then.

    Source(s): 3 year old son and Qualified Child Care Supervisor
  • liz
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    maybe have a potty for her at the house that is portable and you can take it to her sitters. Thay way it is something familiar to her. Also even if the sitter asks her and she says that she doesnt need to go, tell her to take her and put her on the potty anyway. When my daughter was potty training I set my timer for 45 minutes and would just take her every 45 minutes until she got the hang of it.

    Source(s): mommy of two worked at a day care for three years
  • Get her one of those fancy singing potties and make a big deal out of it. With potty books and the whole nine yards. Then after she loves the heck out of it then only let her use it or sit on it unless she's at the sitters.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Have her teach a "wetting doll" to go to the bathroom at the sitters. When the doll goes in her pullups, have her "practice" with the doll, so the doll manages better. By taking her out of the role of the one doing it, it makes her see it as the best behavior. She can reward her doll for getting it right. It does help if the reward is salty snacks and drinks as she will have the urge more often and she can show the doll how it is done.

  • 1 decade ago

    buy her ,her own"potty"....and then take it over to teh sitters...that should help get ues to going potty there...

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