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When you see a watch?

I assume this has been asked before but I want to see what kind of answers I get.

When you see a working watch how do you assume it come to be a working watch?

A. Do you assume the elements that make up the watch gradually formed in that shape over billions of years and through a massive number of unimaginable coincidences it became of functional time piece without any logical force of any kind?

B. Do you assume someone made it?

Why would the creation of our universe be any different?


For those who say this isn't a valid comparision, they are both examples of things with precise order and consitancy ( the universe is even more complex so in theory would take more intelgence to come to existance.)

Update 2:

To call me a nut job or an idiot just because I don't believe what you believe is very close-minded and bigoted. Some of you have made some very valid points even if I don't entirely agree with them. Those of you or who insult me or do the atheist equivalent of "because god says so" (You're not smart enough to understand) are just an embarrassment to others who share your point of view.

28 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    when you see a snowflake do you assume someone built it or that it arrived at its structure from chaos as a result of natural forces?

  • Why Hello Nicholaus Copernicus How Are You?

    A. No

    B. Yes


    Cuz I'm Not An Idiot. The Red Shift My Friend, The Red Shift.

    a watch is a watch, with skill it can be made by anyone, red shift shows that things are moving AWAY from us, meaning a force is behind it pushing it a logical explanation would be an explosion to create the kind of force powerful enough to move all these things away from us.

    prove me wrong without using jesus or god.

    Source(s): Yr 11 science and a GCSE philosophy and ethics book.
  • neil s
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    1) The reason you can distinguish between a watch and the things around it is precisely because you see the watch as designed and everything else as not designed.

    2) Do you have examples of things you think God did not create to compare the universe to? (A control group)

    Thus, the argument fro design is simply nonsense. It is actually a form of the fallacy post hoc ergo propter hoc.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because a watch isn't a very good analogy for a universe. This particular logical riddle was proven false some years back. And at least a dozen times just on here.

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  • 1 decade ago

    When you read Harry Potter?

    I assume you have not yet been asked that question.

    A. do you assume that one member of wizarding world visited the muggle J.K.Rowling and told her the true story and she only wrote it down?

    B. She made up everything thats written in the books?

    But now to your question:

    I think B.

    But who made the watchmaker?

    But who made the maker of the watchmaker?

    But who made the maker of the maker of the watchmaker?


    I will stop here I think you understand what i'm trying to say.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because watches aren't alive.

    If YOU see a piece of crab-grass that is EXACTLY the same shape as the crack in the road it is growing in, do you conclude it was "designed" to fit the crack?

    If you see a stack of bricks with a pebble on top, do you conclude the bricks (because they lack complexity) might have occured naturally, but that the pebble (which has curved surfaces in many planes requiring advanced calculus to accurately describe) must have been "designed"?!?

    Think! Silly goose!

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't know why you would imagine this watchmaker analogy would have been asked before. Today. I'm sure, though, there had to have been thousands of similar question pointed out to you when you entered this one.

    You only tell us there could be many gods responsible for the creation of the universe.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Argument by analogy is a logical fallacy.

    If everything was designed by an intelligent creator then we would have no basis for identifying things that clearly *are* designed (things made by human beings, like watches) since we would have no non-designed (i.e. natural) things to compare them with. Therefore the natural world (everything that has not been designed by humans) must be non-designed, and therefore there can't be a designer god.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I usually fall on my knees in wonder and weep copiously (or shout Hallelujah)...thinking how great god is to show me, through this infinitely complicated piece of man-made time-keeping the immensity of the Universe he has created from nothing. And then I sober up and say: Yo, Dude...where'd you get the knock-off Rolex!!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Self-replicating molecules do not go against probability or thermodynamics.

    Also there is an amazing amount of disorder in the universe. Read a current book on cosmology. So your "watch" is a royal mess.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    But the universe is not a watch. You have no evidence to say that just because a watch is made that the earth was too. It's just a weak argument. It doesn't make any sense.

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