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Why do Arminians and anti-Calvinists fail to cite scripture when they attempt to defend their flawed theology?
Based on my experience, when Calvinists (Reformed Christians) defend their doctrinal beliefs, they usually read from large passages in the Bible (John 6, John 17, Romans 5, Romans 9, Romans 10, Ephesians 1, etc.) and let the words of scripture speak for themselves.
In contrast, Arminians and other Anti-Calvinists usually quote a "nugget" from scripture (totally removed from its context) and then talk for 30 minutes attempting to explain why Jesus really didn't mean that Christians were chosen when he said they were chosen and why Paul didn't really mean that Christians are predestined when he said they're predestined.
I would be embarrassed (and scared) to speak against the scriptures simply because they don't say what I would like them to say. Christians are supposed to align their theological beliefs around scripture; not to bend the Bible around their own preconceived ideas.
If scripture does not support our theological position, shouldn't that tell us something?
9 Answers
- BrotherMichaelLv 61 decade agoFavorite Answer
Well done. Much of Arminian thought relies on an allegorical approach to Scripture, emotionalism, and the "it says that, but it doesn't really mean that" type of exegesis. You will find the three legged stool of Arminian theology is:
John 3:16
2 Peter 3:9
1 Tim.2:4
Once you understand the proper context of these verses and the proper Greek rendering, they are easily dismissed as proofs for "free will" salvation.
- carson123Lv 61 decade ago
...I am more of Presbyterian, although we attend an Independent Baptist Church. We are happy there and most are not Calvinists as we are. Our friends and us love Jesus Christ and are committed to Jesus Christ alone - we just have a different belief of how we came to faith in Him.
...I rarely bring this up, and will not argue with anyone, but here are my thoughts.
...I personally believe reformed theology is more correct; it seems to fit together better than the Arminian view. I find many more verses to support Calvinism than I do the Arminian viewpoint. I have also heard both sides explained, and the Reformed makes more sense to me. There are a few verses I cannot explain, but another has answered about these verses and about reading them in their context. Admittedly, Arminians could probably run circles around me, too.
...In the end, God will have His way, He will have His elect, and I believe there are a few things not revealed to use that will explain it all when we see Him ("then I shall know fully, as I also have been fully known").
- Darryl B JPASLv 41 decade ago
Perhaps because the God preached by Calvinists is so clearly evil an capricious since it makes the majority of souls for the express purpose of sending them to Hell since that is what it predestines them for and there is nothing they can do about it.
Obviously not the God which is love that Jesus taught and therefore clearly not Biblical. No quotes required.
- ?Lv 51 decade ago
Q:"Why do Arminians and anti-Calvinists fail to cite scripture when they attempt to defend their flawed theology?"
A: They have a flawed theology.
Source(s): Ref: Question stated above had answer in it "....their flawed theology?" - Eric HLv 71 decade ago
You have totally missed the point.
The Bible only supports pro-Christian points of view ( and even then only marginally)
People that support the Biblical point of view use Bible passages to define their viewpoint.
If your viewpoint is outside of the Bible, why in the world would you use Biblical terms to illustrate it? You'd be handicapping yourself unnecessarily.
- PhoebeLv 51 decade ago
Because Scripture does not support it ... unless it's stripped of its context & severely twisted.