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I do not want my sister to be in my wedding?

but i have already asked her. is it ok to unask her?


the reason i would unask her is because she is the worst maid of honor ever! i am geting married 1000 miles away from where we live and she won't even pick up the phone. she didn't come with me to any of my dress fittings and i have to drag her to get her dress made! she is the laziest and most worhtless girl i have ever met!! and the only reason i asked her is because she is my sister.

17 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    lol, i had to double check: did i write that question 6 months ago? she's your sister; you can't kick her out. i thought of this, but it's just not okay. first of all, relatives will be like, "why isn't your sister in the wedding?" "are you fighting?" secondly, you will regret it in the future. thirdly, your mom will be upset, and you don't want an angry MOB (esp if she's paying).

    my sister hasn't done anything; she just thinks she's supposed to show up and look pretty. asking her to pick up the phone is putting her out.

    i'm getting married 5.31, and i've accepted she'll be in the wedding and i'll just cross my fingers she doesn't get too drunk at the reception.

  • 1 decade ago

    okay hun I understand where you are comming from my husband and I planned our wedding for 2 yrs and I had originally wanted my sisters in the wedding (I have 3) but when it came down to the final planning stage 2 of my sisters were pregnant lol not to mention niether of them really wanted to do anything and the other was in another state and I was ubable to talk to her , unasking her will hurt her feelings but it is your wedding ultimatly you have to do whats right for you , I would explain to her my concerns before making a choice to unask though . Maybe if you tell her how her actions make you feel than she would shape up , I didnt unask my sisters though I told them what I needed of them and they basically backed out on me which was okay because I had really hoped they would so I could have people willing to be involved in the wedding follow your heart

  • 1 decade ago

    My sister is the same way - incredibly lazy, which is why I didn't ask her in the first place. Before you even asked her you should have considered if she would actually do any of the matron of honor stuff. It sounds to me like if you have to drag her to get her dress made, she probably isn't really all that into it. Just ask if this is really something she wants to do, and let her know that you won't be hurt if she doesn't want to and she can still be in some other part of the wedding if she wants.

    Source(s): life
  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Both previous answers are good, and offer things to consider. I think unasking her will cause you, and your sister a great deal of pain. I don't know the situation, or your sister. If it's really important to you, tell her why, and work out a solution that works for both of you. Don't lose you relationship with your sister over it, choose your words carefully.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Honestly dont do it this will have big repercusions and who says you have to look at her or even have to talk much just stay civil and you have already asked if you didnt ask id say you could maybe worm your way out with a few carefully chosen words and family drives ya crazy doesnt mean they dont care for you.My final opinion is that you should not say anything and get on with the day your probally stressed enough over the cake photographer etc.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It is up to you, but you don't want to make a scene out of it. Maybe just have her as a bridesmaid, and find someone else to be the MOH. My sister is not in my wedding party at all. She's just not dependable. She understands that as well and is respectful of it. Not once has she thrown a fit about it or thought ill of me for it. Since you have already asked her, it's a bit tougher. It's your call.

  • SKCave
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    This is a tricky one. She is your sister, and you have already asked her. What on earth has she done to make you change your mind so drastically? Can you not talk to her and sort it out? If you "unask" her it is going to create so many problems.

    Hope this helps, and God bless you

  • 1 decade ago

    I will be a bridesmaid in my sisters wedding in June and I would be VERY hurt if she unasked me!!! What has she done that was so bad for you to change your mind??

  • 1 decade ago

    As a once fired bridesmaid, it is very hurtful. I was fired because I didn't have the money to order my dress 17 months in advance and I was very hurt to be asked and then told I would not be in the wedding. Think about if your sister was getting married and had asked you to be a bridesmaid and then told you that she didn't want you to would you feel?

  • 1 decade ago

    yes you can unask her, im not sure why you are afraid to unask her if she's your sister. with my sister if i had asked her, which i didnt, and she started pulling anything i'd be like your through and that would be it.

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