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What am I?

I've always considered myself an agnostic. Lately I've been informed that I don't even know what that means.

So, I'll ask you guys: What am I?

I believe that God is unknowable. If he exists, he has not interfered with humanity in any meaningful way.

I believe that there is no way to know God, or God's will.

I have no set ideas about an afterlife.

I believe that morality is born of conscience, and sin does not exist except in our judgment.

So, if I'm not an agnostic, can someone offer me a label that is more appropriate?


Tuyet, you make me laugh. I think I'm starting to like you.

Update 2:

My comment was that an agnostic couldn't be a religious fanatic. I still stand by that.

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You're an agnostic.

    Whoever told you that you weren't needs to reevaluate their definition.

  • 1 decade ago

    Had you said that before you probably wouldn't have been told that. It looks like you went away and found out what the word means.

    Your statement when you got told that was that an agnostic couldn't be religious. And that was pretty much your only statement. So at the time I told you that you didn't know what the word meant based on your own statement.

    Good to see you're doing some research.


    And to think I clicked on this intending to say "looks like some sort of bird". Interesting that you're now making my other point for me. That agnostics can make statements as extreme as any theist.

    "I believe that God is unknowable"

    So in a universe where anything is possible, how can this be the sole impossibility?


    "My comment was that an agnostic couldn't be a religious fanatic. I still stand by that."

    And yet in the previous post you said "it is a slim possibility". Which is it?

    And claiming to have ultimate knowledge is already sounding pretty fanatical to me.

    "I believe that God is unknowable. "

    "I believe that there is no way to know God, or God's will. "

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    whoever told you you weren't an agnostic was wrong, because i know a ton of agnostics (including myself) that agree with your statements on most of those, if not all

    agnostic is one of those terms that can has a very broad meaning, so they might not have known that, and they don't have the same meaning of it as you do

  • 1 decade ago

    The fact that the nation of Israel exist today, after millennia of the Jews wandering over the face of the Earth, is evidence that God does interfere (or should I say intervene) in human affairs.

    The Bible is full of promises that God makes of things that He will do if you fulfill the conditions for the promise to take effect. Find one you like!!!!!!!

    This verse from the Psalms is very much the bottom line on what God wants:


    Psalm 34:14 Depart from evil,and do good; seek peace, and pursue it.


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  • 1 decade ago

    Yeah, you could be called agnostic.

    Sounds like "weak atheism" too... which IMO is the only real atheism. People that declare they know no gods of any sort exist... are just as bad as theists.

  • 1 decade ago

    Actually agnostic is the perfect word for you.

  • 1 decade ago

    An individual! Refuse to be labelled!

  • 1 decade ago

    Theist. The religion of americas Founders. ^_^

  • Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    an agnostic that made up your own beliefs

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    sound like a spiritual agnostic to me...

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